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It's not about heart, it's about swagger and confidence.


Right now, LE CH has it.

You gotta have some heart. I understand that. But they didn't beat a PIttsburgh team that was heartless. LOL. To me, that's about dumbest thing I've ever heard. Especially a team lead by Crosby, who works hard every night, who just won the Stanley Cup and is coming off of another Stanley Cup appearance. I think both teams had heart and genuinely cared about winning.

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You gotta have some heart. I understand that. But they didn't beat a PIttsburgh team that was heartless. LOL. To me, that's about dumbest thing I've ever heard. Especially a team lead by Crosby, who works hard every night, who just won the Stanley Cup and is coming off of another Stanley Cup appearance. I think both teams had heart and genuinely cared about winning.


I like Crosby but I think he's a sore loser. Maybe he takes it too personally which is why he has achieved so many achievements at a young age but clearly he has trouble dealing with his frustration.


An example, 30 seconds into yesterdays game, boarding penalty? Totally unecessary. If he wasn't frustrated and more composed (given that he's the leader of this team), that penalty would not have been taken.


But he's young so he'll learn I guess.

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I like Crosby but I think he's a sore loser. Maybe he takes it too personally which is why he has achieved so many achievements at a young age but clearly he has trouble dealing with his frustration.


An example, 30 seconds into yesterdays game, boarding penalty? Totally unecessary. If he wasn't frustrated and more composed (given that he's the leader of this team), that penalty would not have been taken.


But he's young so he'll learn I guess.


I didn't think that hit was a horrible play. He's the captain, it's game 7, he probably decided before the faceoff that he was going to lump somebody on the 1st shift to send a message to his team. He's used to getting every call so I'm sure he was surprised it was a penalty (I know I was surprised they called it.) But I look at that particular situation as Crosby being too amped up, rather than frustrated or lacking composure. And while the penalty resulted in a PP goal, Fleury definitely could've bailed him out. It was a fluttering puck- I know it got tipped- but it went right through him.


F Crosby anyways though. Have a nice summer 87.

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I like Crosby but I think he's a sore loser. Maybe he takes it too personally which is why he has achieved so many achievements at a young age but clearly he has trouble dealing with his frustration.


An example, 30 seconds into yesterdays game, boarding penalty? Totally unecessary. If he wasn't frustrated and more composed (given that he's the leader of this team), that penalty would not have been taken.


But he's young so he'll learn I guess.


1) Sore loser? What are you basing this on? Crosby was gracious in his comments after the game (i.e., "It just came down to execution and came down to one game," Penguins center Sidney Crosby said. "That's basically it. They played better.")


2) How is the boarding penalty an example of being frustrated or a sore loser, esp. since it happened before there was even anything to be frustrated over? As an initial matter, it was a horrible call; the Hab player turned into Crosby and didn't even bother standing up to it. But regardless, at worst, it was a bad penalty; all hockey players commit those.


Say what you will about Crosby, but he's not a sore loser. He played hard, got beat by the better team, and said nice things in defeat. What more do you want from him?

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1) Sore loser? What are you basing this on? Crosby was gracious in his comments after the game (i.e., "It just came down to execution and came down to one game," Penguins center Sidney Crosby said. "That's basically it. They played better.")


2) How is the boarding penalty an example of being frustrated or a sore loser, esp. since it happened before there was even anything to be frustrated over? As an initial matter, it was a horrible call; the Hab player turned into Crosby and didn't even bother standing up to it. But regardless, at worst, it was a bad penalty; all hockey players commit those.


Say what you will about Crosby, but he's not a sore loser. He played hard, got beat by the better team, and said nice things in defeat. What more do you want from him?


He whined and complained the entire series. Did you ever see Gretzky/Lemieux pull that kind of stuff? Constantly yapping at the ref?

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1) Sore loser? What are you basing this on? Crosby was gracious in his comments after the game (i.e., "It just came down to execution and came down to one game," Penguins center Sidney Crosby said. "That's basically it. They played better.")


2) How is the boarding penalty an example of being frustrated or a sore loser, esp. since it happened before there was even anything to be frustrated over? As an initial matter, it was a horrible call; the Hab player turned into Crosby and didn't even bother standing up to it. But regardless, at worst, it was a bad penalty; all hockey players commit those.

Say what you will about Crosby, but he's not a sore loser. He played hard, got beat by the better team, and said nice things in defeat. What more do you want from him?



And all refs make bad calls, and all teams are victimized by them.


I have always been a Crosby defender (he is a terrific hockey player, the first guy I would take in an NHL re-draft), but, while I didn't see the whole game, I saw Sidney's comments afterwards...he did sound a tad like a sore loser... it doesn't take away from his greatness, but it does point out to me, once again, they shouldn't force athletes to talk to the media right after a game...if they say the right thing, it sounds good, but, if they don't (and who isn't pissed off after a big loss) it just makes them, and the sport look bad.

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He whined and complained the entire series. Did you ever see Gretzky/Lemieux pull that kind of stuff? Constantly yapping at the ref?


I guess we each viewed the series through our own lenses. You probably saw a couple of gripes with the refs, and call that "constantly yapping." I saw the Canadiens grab, hold, slash, trip, and play the type of game that made the NHL so unwatchable for many years, and couldn't believe that they were getting away with it.


Win or lose, Crosby's detractors don't like him. He was too sore a winner for the Red Wings last year, now he's too sore a loser for the Canadiens this year. He only said nice things about that team during the series; not sure why the winning fans would throw him under the bus.

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I like Crosby but I think he's a sore loser. Maybe he takes it too personally which is why he has achieved so many achievements at a young age but clearly he has trouble dealing with his frustration.


An example, 30 seconds into yesterdays game, boarding penalty? Totally unecessary. If he wasn't frustrated and more composed (given that he's the leader of this team), that penalty would not have been taken.


But he's young so he'll learn I guess.

I don't he's a sore loser because of the penalty. He was frustrated, which is a compliment to what the Habs were doing to him. He wouldn't intentionally take a boarding penalty in a scoreless game to get back at someone when the outcome was yet in doubt. He was just frustrated from being shut down all series, and he tried to make a point early that turned into a stupid penalty because his head wasn't right.


I love Crosby. The guy gives you the same effort every game of the season. And if he's off, you better believe the team playing him is doing something right, because it's tough to make him look average. The Habs did just that.

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I didn't think that hit was a horrible play. He's the captain, it's game 7, he probably decided before the faceoff that he was going to lump somebody on the 1st shift to send a message to his team. He's used to getting every call so I'm sure he was surprised it was a penalty (I know I was surprised they called it.) But I look at that particular situation as Crosby being too amped up, rather than frustrated or lacking composure. And while the penalty resulted in a PP goal, Fleury definitely could've bailed him out. It was a fluttering puck- I know it got tipped- but it went right through him.


F Crosby anyways though. Have a nice summer 87.

He has some knots on his head from this series from sticks that weren't called. The jealousy of Crosby amazes me. I'm sure 87's summer will be just fine. He will be polishing pictures of his Stanley Cup victory last year, and his Olympic Medal in which he scored the winning goal (although, that pretty much sucked, lol). But um, yeah, Crosby's summer will probably not suffer much.

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He whined and complained the entire series. Did you ever see Gretzky/Lemieux pull that kind of stuff? Constantly yapping at the ref?

YES. All of the time. Lemiuex got so pissed off one time of being "clutched and grabbed" as he put it, he actually shot a puck at the end of the period at Koharski's head. Captain's always talk. Lemieux was no different. The game gets slowed down to the point where the stars get interfered with, and I'm sure it gets old. But yes, I'm not going speak for Gretzky, but yes, Lemiuex ran his mouth.

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I guess we each viewed the series through our own lenses. You probably saw a couple of gripes with the refs, and call that "constantly yapping." I saw the Canadiens grab, hold, slash, trip, and play the type of game that made the NHL so unwatchable for many years, and couldn't believe that they were getting away with it.


Win or lose, Crosby's detractors don't like him. He was too sore a winner for the Red Wings last year, now he's too sore a loser for the Canadiens this year. He only said nice things about that team during the series; not sure why the winning fans would throw him under the bus.

Jealousy. Otherwise, nobody would care, and they would move on. No biggie. We'll be in contention for about 12 more years because that guy will be a Penguin for that long. Everyone hated Lemieux too, and he's one of the nicest human beings in sports. It's no biggie. You've gotta admit though, it has to be great to be a Montreal fan right about now, because they just took out Ovechkin and Crosby. LOL. That has to be fun. As a Pens fan, they've won three Cups in my lifetime, and I've seen countless awesome games and moments in memory. I'm not jealous of anyone, probably because of the Pens success. And I'm OK with the loss this time. But next year, it's time to kick ass again, and as long as 87 is there, kick ass we will. Let Montreal have their fun, they've really earned it.

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Congrats to Habs and their fans. They have heart and talent. What a ride. The Pens didn't lay down. Eighteen shots in the third? They just got beat in a classic series. Some will complain that Crosby doesn't play physical and when he does he gets criticized for a penalty. Maybe he does whine too much but he also gets mugged too much. When they had that lottery for Crosby a few years back, most everybody wanted Crosby on "their" team including me. I would still like to see Crosby on the Sabres. The guy has great skills and an immense will to win.


I can deal with the Habs winning it all. But no Bruins, Flyers or Hawks. If you ever get a chance to visit the Bell Center, you will see this incredible collection of statues of former stars outside the entrance. I would like the Sabres to add a few statues. After they win a few Stanley Cups. Please.


I will be back in Buffalo next week and I plan to drive up to TO. to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame for the first time.


That Original Six designation always bothered me. I believe Vancouver did win the first championship. There were other teams: Montreal Maroons, NY Americans and Toronto St Pats come to mind.


Montreal has a cool downtown. Trashing center-ville (downtown) sucks:



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Spun, you will be awestruck when you climb the steps into the trophy room at the HHOF. Trust me on this. From the hushed, respectful tone of people's voices to the stained-glass dome, it truly feels like a sacred space.


For those who worship the game, it is.

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Congrats to Habs and their fans. They have heart and talent. What a ride. The Pens didn't lay down. Eighteen shots in the third? They just got beat in a classic series. Some will complain that Crosby doesn't play physical and when he does he gets criticized for a penalty. Maybe he does whine too much but he also gets mugged too much. When they had that lottery for Crosby a few years back, most everybody wanted Crosby on "their" team including me. I would still like to see Crosby on the Sabres. The guy has great skills and an immense will to win.


I can deal with the Habs winning it all. But no Bruins, Flyers or Hawks. If you ever get a chance to visit the Bell Center, you will see this incredible collection of statues of former stars outside the entrance. I would like the Sabres to add a few statues. After they win a few Stanley Cups. Please.


I will be back in Buffalo next week and I plan to drive up to TO. to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame for the first time.


That Original Six designation always bothered me. I believe Vancouver did win the first championship. There were other teams: Montreal Maroons, NY Americans and Toronto St Pats come to mind.


Montreal has a cool downtown. Trashing center-ville (downtown) sucks:




It wasn't as bad as it's been publicized. I walk on St Catherine every morning to work and you'd never know there was anything that happened last night.


It's nice that people took pictures so the cops can easily identify them and they'll get what they deserve.

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This is beginning to get borderline stupid. That #1 pick of Fluery won the Stanley Cup LAST YEAR. And again, Detroit and Pittsbugh were in the cup the last two years. Probably with the most talent, arguably, in each conference. I guess no one had heart those last two years right?


Also, again, where was Montreal's heart all year? If it wasn't for the Rangers, they wouldn't even be in the playoffs. Any explanations for that?

Never said that.


They had heart the last two years... Just not this year... The Habs had more.




Again, the only thing that is borderline stupid is the regular season in hockey... It means nothing and is too long with needless injuries that usually alter the final outcomes. Either put all the teams in a post-season tourney or take the top two and play right for the Cup! Just like baseball should go back too.

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Jealousy. Otherwise, nobody would care, and they would move on. No biggie. We'll be in contention for about 12 more years because that guy will be a Penguin for that long. Everyone hated Lemieux too, and he's one of the nicest human beings in sports. It's no biggie. You've gotta admit though, it has to be great to be a Montreal fan right about now, because they just took out Ovechkin and Crosby. LOL. That has to be fun. As a Pens fan, they've won three Cups in my lifetime, and I've seen countless awesome games and moments in memory. I'm not jealous of anyone, probably because of the Pens success. And I'm OK with the loss this time. But next year, it's time to kick ass again, and as long as 87 is there, kick ass we will. Let Montreal have their fun, they've really earned it.


I totally agree. The boys need the rest too; Gonchar looked like he could barely stand.


Let's hope that they can get a little stronger on defense next year, and have fewer injury issues to key depth guys (e.g., Talbot, Kennedy).

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Just like the Yankees get... History and mystique has a lot to do with that... Just like it works in the opposite direction for BFLO teams and the Chicago Cubs... :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Don't forget any sports team from the city of Cleveland. I don't any city has suffered more humiliating defeats and shocking losses like Buffalo's Lake Erie cousin.

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