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Cornell Green

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Mcfadden highlight This is the best showing I could find of our new acquisition. Watch # 74 at RT of coarse. This doesnt show bad blocks, but it does show him making some very good plays.


I saw a couple good plays but he doesn't look like anything special. I thought he was man handled on a couple plays.

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I saw a couple good plays but he doesn't look like anything special. I thought he was man handled on a couple plays.


Which ones? Its hard to pick him out but when I did he looked good on every play. Some of them he makes some really great blocks.

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oh man watch at like 1:05 in the video....he's running and twirling and doesn't do anything but prevent himself from getting downfield and sealing off the safety so RUN DMC can score. Damnit. Guys im starting to get realy depressed about the Bills. I was almost always a fired-up optimist and wanted to give Nix and Gailey some time to make things happen. I liked the newly assembled coaching staff and training staff. I couldn't understand why people were flipping out when 4 hours into FA Bills hadn't signed a second tier FA (Posey, Dockery, Walker). But im getting bummed out now. Im starting to lose some interest. Bills are not all-consuming in my life anymore the past 2 months, like how it used to be. Im !@#$ing bummed out and bored. Blast me if you must, but I no longer have much faith and care in this squad. The glass is no longer half-fulf too me, its half-empty, stale, warm and full of ciggarrette butts.

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oh man watch at like 1:05 in the video....he's running and twirling and doesn't do anything but prevent himself from getting downfield and sealing off the safety so RUN DMC can score. Damnit. Guys im starting to get realy depressed about the Bills. I was almost always a fired-up optimist and wanted to give Nix and Gailey some time to make things happen. I liked the newly assembled coaching staff and training staff. I couldn't understand why people were flipping out when 4 hours into FA Bills hadn't signed a second tier FA (Posey, Dockery, Walker). But im getting bummed out now. Im starting to lose some interest. Bills are not all-consuming in my life anymore the past 2 months, like how it used to be. Im !@#$ing bummed out and bored. Blast me if you must, but I no longer have much faith and care in this squad. The glass is no longer half-fulf too me, its half-empty, stale, warm and full of ciggarrette butts.

I say if its a 20 yard run let the man twirl

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oh man watch at like 1:05 in the video....he's running and twirling and doesn't do anything but prevent himself from getting downfield and sealing off the safety so RUN DMC can score. Damnit. Guys im starting to get realy depressed about the Bills. I was almost always a fired-up optimist and wanted to give Nix and Gailey some time to make things happen. I liked the newly assembled coaching staff and training staff. I couldn't understand why people were flipping out when 4 hours into FA Bills hadn't signed a second tier FA (Posey, Dockery, Walker). But im getting bummed out now. Im starting to lose some interest. Bills are not all-consuming in my life anymore the past 2 months, like how it used to be. Im !@#$ing bummed out and bored. Blast me if you must, but I no longer have much faith and care in this squad. The glass is no longer half-fulf too me, its half-empty, stale, warm and full of ciggarrette butts.

So you want the front office to excite you in free agency like you've been in the past, your being bummed because they are not following what has happened in 10 years of mediocracy. You want to be optimistic and then bummed by week six. I would very much rather be bored now and excited during the later part of the season. You want to sign average players and win 7 games or win 4 games and get better draft picks, let them develop and mabe in 3 years we can win 10+ games a year for 5+ consecutive seasons. We have attempted at rebuilding by free agency, even with the lOndon Fletchers, the Takeo Spikes, Sam Adams, and Drew Bledsoe the best we did was 9-7. You build good teams through the draft, you plug a hole here and there with free agency, we have to build a ship before we can have a hole in it.

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oh man watch at like 1:05 in the video....he's running and twirling and doesn't do anything but prevent himself from getting downfield and sealing off the safety so RUN DMC can score. Damnit. Guys im starting to get realy depressed about the Bills. I was almost always a fired-up optimist and wanted to give Nix and Gailey some time to make things happen. I liked the newly assembled coaching staff and training staff. I couldn't understand why people were flipping out when 4 hours into FA Bills hadn't signed a second tier FA (Posey, Dockery, Walker). But im getting bummed out now. Im starting to lose some interest. Bills are not all-consuming in my life anymore the past 2 months, like how it used to be. Im !@#$ing bummed out and bored. Blast me if you must, but I no longer have much faith and care in this squad. The glass is no longer half-fulf too me, its half-empty, stale, warm and full of ciggarrette butts.

I like the fact that he stays with the play and never stops running. He may turn out to be a good acquisistion.

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oh man watch at like 1:05 in the video....he's running and twirling and doesn't do anything but prevent himself from getting downfield and sealing off the safety so RUN DMC can score. Damnit. Guys im starting to get realy depressed about the Bills. I was almost always a fired-up optimist and wanted to give Nix and Gailey some time to make things happen. I liked the newly assembled coaching staff and training staff. I couldn't understand why people were flipping out when 4 hours into FA Bills hadn't signed a second tier FA (Posey, Dockery, Walker). But im getting bummed out now. Im starting to lose some interest. Bills are not all-consuming in my life anymore the past 2 months, like how it used to be. Im !@#$ing bummed out and bored. Blast me if you must, but I no longer have much faith and care in this squad. The glass is no longer half-fulf too me, its half-empty, stale, warm and full of ciggarrette butts.

So after seeing one play you are giving up hope?

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Firstly it's not a representative sampling of his play. It was a highlight real for McFadden so Green's bound to look decent.


I noticed that even as a 33 year old, Green has excellent mobility and that he gets to the second level quite easily.


It doesn't look like he has above average functional strength. I would say average for a right tackle.


I was more impressed with his mobility than his strength.

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Yeah, but he played for a losing team, so how could he possibly be any good? :wallbash:

... well, according to the logic of some on this board.


Seriously, I like the acquisition. People need to realize that upgrading is a process. You don't/can't plug-in pro-bowlers across your entire roster, but you do the best you can. If you can find a guy who is serviceable, comes to play, brings a good work ethic at a position where you are thin, then you bring him in. The Bills did just that and I applaud them. It wasn't intended to be a splashy signing, but it's an effort to fortify a position we are thin at given Butler's retirement. There are limits to what can be accomplished in free agency and you work the best you can within those boundaries. Nix is doing fine so far, IMO.

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Firstly it's not a representative sampling of his play. It was a highlight real for McFadden so Green's bound to look decent.


I noticed that even as a 33 year old, Green has excellent mobility and that he gets to the second level quite easily.


It doesn't look like he has above average functional strength. I would say average for a right tackle.


I was more impressed with his mobility than his strength.


on the plus side, i agree with ya....


on the down side......read some Raider fan comments:


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on the plus side, i agree with ya....


on the down side......read some Raider fan comments:



Uh Oh...


I can't imagine a professional talent evaluator looking at what Green has put on film at Oakland and saying, "Let's give this guy $9 million."


Buffalo fans, you may have just learned all you need to know about your new GM...


Thank God Buffalo took this guy off of our hands. Otherwise, he may have been brought back on a cheap contract. Now that is not an option.


Bills jokes aside, its pretty positive the Raiders let him go. I think it shows the team is committed to find an upgrade at RT for next year.


lmaoo seriously...these optimistic bills fans on their boards are hilarious...they don't know what about to hit em.


Damn their GM is worse than ours. Amazing..Do they have game film in Buffalo, I think not.
I heard it took him 4 hours to sign the contract. he kept false starting with the pen.


This is the player we wined and dined with a steak dinner. The comments regarding him are WORSE than the comments back when we signed Langston Walker..

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Green graded out above average on running and passing plays. He was awful at taking penalties. Perhaps that had something to do with the Raiders coaches/atmosphere and him keeping his head in the game? The upside play is if he gets the penalties under control, he could be an above average RT. Not bad for a stopgap.

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Green graded out above average on running and passing plays. He was awful at taking penalties. Perhaps that had something to do with the Raiders coaches/atmosphere and him keeping his head in the game? The upside play is if he gets the penalties under control, he could be an above average RT. Not bad for a stopgap.

Yep, penalties are where he hurt the Raiders the most. And penalties are a discipline problem, not that the Raiders have any issue with that. :unsure:

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i personally like the 360 he did out in the open when he didnt come close to blocking anyone


he will probably be ok in the run game and struggle in the passing game...the Bills needed to sign a veteran tackle and they got one at a decent price...he isnt going to make the pro bowl but he should be servicable at least...he does look like he struggles against the bull rush though


from looking at those highlights you would think McFadden was putting up numbers like a young LT

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i personally like the 360 he did out in the open when he didnt come close to blocking anyone

I know you were being facetious, but for a guy who is 6'6" and 315 to do a 360 like that, it's pretty impressive. And it looked like the run was designed to go between the guard and tackle, hence the reason he looked to his left first and then saw McFadden cutting outside.


Coach him up, Bills!

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He is the offensive tackle version of Melvin Fowler. He is a stop gap guy that teams sign until they can get a good player. He is smart and hustles, that's why he is still in the league. He doesn't make bone headed mistakes like golden boy Incognito

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