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What are your hobbies?

Jim in Anchorage

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Drink beer and kick ass


And right now I'm out of beer


Chuck Norris???


I play the guitar, snowboard, Roller Coaster Tycon ( oh Hells yea i still play that game from time to time) Love cooking/grilling/BBQ-ing.


Best thing i ever tried to bbq/grill was garbage can turkey!!!! Exceptional, try it. Meat just falls off the bone!!!

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Dont suppose any of those strategy games could be Avalon Hill Games


I bought a slew of their games when they got bought out. Still have them shrink-wrapped.


Wasted a lot of my youth playing Tactics 2. Never could get anyone to play Squad Leader with me, though.

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used to do all kinds of home improvement stuff, bonsai, gardening, even used to be good at golf...last few years it's been hauling my boy around the NE playing basketball, now that he'll be off to college in the fall I'll get a chance to get back to that stuff in about a month or so.

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used to do all kinds of home improvement stuff, bonsai, gardening, even used to be good at golf...last few years it's been hauling my boy around the NE playing basketball, now that he'll be off to college in the fall I'll get a chance to get back to that stuff in about a month or so.


Wow, Nervous Boy's already going to college. I can still remember when he was a wee little tyke whining about how his dad wouldn't buy him a PS/2.

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traveling, cooking (just made a croque madame and curried cauliflower for lunch- and making hot browns tomorrow with leftover mornay), playing any sport, reading(non fiction and classics mostly), pornography, music, hanging with friends and family, enjoying the simple life

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Play guitar, work on my lawn and house, listen to music, read (some fiction, mostly history and science stuff and other egghead **** like that), go hiking and walking.


Lately, I enjoy spending time with my son who just turned 15 months old...

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Woodworking, photography, sea kayaking, motorcycling, fly fishing, playing the ukulele, playing with the family, camping, hiking, geocaching, and traveling.


There's a guy who lives where we just moved who is into sea kayaking. He was loading his kayak onto his car one morning and it was beautiful. I asked what kind of wood it was and he said mahogany and he had just finished making it as was taking in out on the SF bay for it's maiden voyage. I really wish I had the skill and time to do that.

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Reading (history, classic horror fiction, mysteries), cooking (right now I'm on a charcuterie kick and I will get a smoker this summer), collecting and drinking wine, playing drums. Sailing was one in SoCal but have yet to get out there up here.

What do you have for a set?


And to answer the question: golf, tennis, playing drums, amassing music, reading (history, science, alternative history), cooking, and writing argumentative essays.

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What do you have for a set?


And to answer the question: golf, tennis, playing drums, amassing music, reading (history, science, alternative history), cooking, and writing argumentative essays.


Roland TD-6 V. I have not had an acoustic set in probably 30 years but I love this set and just have a blast with it.

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Roland TD-6 V. I have not had an acoustic set in probably 30 years but I love this set and just have a blast with it.

I've been thinking about getting an electric set that I can transport between here at college and my parent's house fairly easily. I've been missing my acoustic set because even if I could get it here easily, I'd have no room for it.

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Stalking, slapping midgets, feeding the dog, reporting illegals, giving - then taking - candy from babies, skinning squirrels, slashing tires, cooking cous cous, snuff films, stenciling, cutting myself, quiet evenings with back-to-back Hannity and Olberman while sipping homemade Calamine tea.

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