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per rotoworld (via ESPN)


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......instead we picked Trentative Edwards. Unfortunately we've seen that scenario played out way too much these days my man. Whitner vs. Ngata, McKelvin vs. Clady, Lynch vs. Revis, Maybin vs. Cushing/Orakpo.........please get it right this year Nix!!!

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If Gailey can make Kordell a decent quarterback he's got a shot at getting production out of Vick. For a late round pick why not take a look see?


If it does happen the Bills ticket offices will again be high fiving eachother for another easy year of selling tickets with a mediocre team. :blink:



If Chan Gailey wants Vick, my guess is they won't have to give up any pick. Philly isn't going to pick up the multi-million dollar option on him, so he will be a free agent. If they trade for him, they would have to pick up that option I am assuming, so waiting and signing him as a free agent might even be a little cheaper.

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If we win they buy tickets. If Vick comes and wins the stadiums will continue to be packed. Buffalo fans will not refuse to buy tickets because Vick is here.


The issue is what will get us to the playoffs next year. First off. line and then defense bolstered at line and linebacker. A Vick for a late round draft choice sounds like a good gamble to me. I'd go for it.

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I don't think true Bills fans will abandon the team because of an unpopular decision... with that said I was hoping they would make an attempt for Troy Smith.

I liked the way he looked in Baltimore when he and Flacco were going battling to be the starter. Not really a Vick fan, never have been...but I'm not judge and jury either.

When they named Chan Gailey as head coach, I certrainly didn't agree with the choice but thats my team. Though he hasn't been in any trouble I still had to take few deep breaths. The Bills are always making unpopular decisions we just have to deal with.

I was in Baltimore when Art Schlister was drafted and arrested for gambling. Fans said that Irsay was a terrible owner and they wouldn't support a team with a criminal on it. Those were the same fans that were boo hooing when the Colts left town due to no support from fans...it appeared as those the fans weren't ready to give up football as they indicated.

They cried for 18 years until they got another shot. They see things differently now.

Vick has served his time..if the US legal system says he is OK to be back on the streets and if Roger Goodell says it OK for him to play, then its OK with me. If Chan and the Bills leadership go in that direction I will grin and bear it but I would rather see them pull the trigger on Troy Smith. I think they can accomplish the same things.


I am with you on Troy Smith. Think he is ready to be a starter and has some great upside. Don't think they are same thing though. Yes Troy can run, but thing he is a QB first then a runner, where Vick is opposite. With Troy teams wouldn't have to have a spy like would with Vick, but think Troy would allot them to have a Pro type offense that teams have to respect the pass, unlike they would with Vick.


As far as the True fan thing goes, think when it becomes a choice between compromising your own morals and watching a team for entertainment, its a no brain-er. I have followed the team almost religiously for almost 40 years, but would take my money and time else where if they bring Vick on board. Not saying am giving up watching football, just that will find another team to root for and follow eventually.

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This could be a total non-story. "Considering" Vick means just that. They are probably considering every possible NFL QB right now. But if Gailey is really thinking about Vick I hope he knows what he's doing. I was never impressed with Vick as a QB. I don't care how many sneaker deals and TV ads he had.



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based upon ticket sales during the Dicky J era, there is no need to help tickets. Does anyone really believe that ticket sales will go down this year??? there is no Jauron, that's all they had to do to "sell" the dream. Buffalo is not Jax - the fanbase is solid. and it's not Miami - there are no alternative entertainment to the Bills. Tickets will sell themselves.


Vick would only help sell the team to the national media. ESPN would love the move. I would hate it! I don't think Gailey needs Vick and Vick is not a long term solution.


I don't buy tickets b/c I live far away but I watch every game. The games are so less exciting now. Vick would render them almost unwatchable for me. I don't like the move for several reasons (observed by others) and would not renew tickets if I had tickets to renew.


thus, because there is no need to increase ticket sales, I would think that Vick would only hurt local ticket sales :blink:

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Chan was given the credit for Slash, not making Kordell a decent quarterback, that honor was given to Mularky


I dont want any part of Vick and I dont think the ticket sales would increase with him either

Kordell stunk. Couldn't hit a barn door from 10 yards away. Vick is immeasurably better than Kordell

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Do you really think fans are going to flock to the bills to buy season tickets if they sign a covicted felon ?


I bet the farm lots of people call up and cancle season tickets if you bring Vick to Buffalo.


I find it laughable that people are delusional enough to think Vick will increase seaosn ticket holdings. I bet the farm that bringing vick to Buffalo will be a PR nightmare



How was the PR nightmare he created in Philly? Oh ...right...there wasn't one.

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RUMOR !!......my freind just called me...VICK is in town right now taking a physical at some Doctor in Orchard Park.....says his name is Dr. Scialino or something like that.

Unless Vick has been released then it isn't true. Trading is allowed for a few weeks.

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People feel he has lost a step based on what he showed with the Eagles. I never watched him play, but a scout friend of mine said he didn't show that extra gear this year.


Then there is the whole running an illegal organization, illegal gambling, lying to his employers, etc... things he did to get him his time off. Can not say how that will affect the organization for sure, but know I will not follow the team anymore if they sign this guy to be the face of the team.


He didnt get a chance to really show that extra gear in Phili he played a very minimal role, so he got to showcase nothing.



Answer me this, If Mike Vick was the QB of this team and the Bills were in the superbowl, even the playoffs, would you watch? That goes for everyone that is saying they would be"done" if the Bills signed Vick.

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And I'm sure they will. I have to assume that Ol' Buddy has a plan and he won't pass up blatant opportunities to make the team better. He did work under some of the best football minds in San Diego. I don't think that Mike Vick is what they are looking for, but if he ends up being the best option, I can see a scenario where they bring him in. This is supposedly, one of Chans strong points, working with the pieces he has and crafting an offense that moves the ball AND scores points. DickJ just creamed in his pants. :blink:


The point I have made is that the Bills need to consider all options in upgrading their very mediocre roster. Is Vick the answer at the qb spot? I can't say. But the Bills would be foolish not to consider it if he can be had at a reasonable price. I remember when the Bills brought in Flutie from the CFL to compete for a postion. There were a lot of cynics (myself included) who didn't want to give that midget a chance. He turned out to be a winner. His style of game was unconvential,to put it mildly, but the end result is that he helped the sagging franchise win more games and energize the fan base. The scout who made the recommendation to acquire Flutie was A.J. Smith. He is the same person who Ralph Wilson fired and then went on to build a playoff roster in San Diego.

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