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I think the NHL should just give up in Atlanta. There can't be more than 4,000 people attending. What a shame. How depressing for the home team. If I were the Thrashers I would look forward to road games. A number of cities in Canada and even a couple in the US would show much better support.

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I think the NHL should just give up in Atlanta. There can't be more than 4,000 people attending. What a shame. How depressing for the home team. If I were the Thrashers I would look forward to road games. A number of cities in Canada and even a couple in the US would show much better support.




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I've been in Charlotte for 15 years. You wouldn't know that the NHL exists down here. The Carolina Hurricanes are a 2 1/2 hour drive away, yet there is never any mention of them on the news or any TV coverage of the games.


We have a brand new arena downtown (Bobcats) where the Canes could play a few game a season (ala Bills-TO) but no, the Rangers AA team plays here. I take the family at least once a season. It's pretty sweet paying $8.50 per beer while watching AA talent. :worthy:

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from what I hear...the raleigh area loves the 'Canes, doesn't sound like they need to go outside of the area, they do well enough there....


I've been in Charlotte for 15 years. You wouldn't know that the NHL exists down here. The Carolina Hurricanes are a 2 1/2 hour drive away, yet there is never any mention of them on the news or any TV coverage of the games.


We have a brand new arena downtown (Bobcats) where the Canes could play a few game a season (ala Bills-TO) but no, the Rangers AA team plays here. I take the family at least once a season. It's pretty sweet paying $8.50 per beer while watching AA talent. :worthy:

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from what I hear...the raleigh area loves the 'Canes, doesn't sound like they need to go outside of the area, they do well enough there....


I honestly couldn't tell you. I'm a pretty big sports fan, watch sports, listen to local sports radio, and as I said, you wouldn't know that the NHL existed here. It's all pro and college football and basketball. I have no idea what the attendance is in Raleigh, but I'm sure that it wouldn't kill them to regionalize by sending 4 out of 41 home games to Charlotte.

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Here is the quote of the night from Derek Roy, game winning goal scorer in OT.


Zing! Ouch!


The teams played before another sparse crowd at Philips Arena. The announced turnout of 11,313 was the ninth time in 22 home games that Atlanta has failed to draw 12,000 fans. The Thrashers rank 28th in the NHL in attendance; the New York Islanders and Phoenix Coyotes are the only teams lower.


"This is a good building to play in," Roy said. "It's kind of quiet."



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from what I hear...the raleigh area loves the 'Canes, doesn't sound like they need to go outside of the area, they do well enough there....


Meh...my brother used to live there. They've had below average attendance every year other than their Cup year and a pretty high % of transplants who root for the visiting Sabres or Penguins or whoever.


All hockey teams south of the Mason-Dixon line should be returned to Canada.

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That's very true. I live in Atlanta--I'm a Sabres fan. The games I've been to, I see more cheering for the Sabres than the Thrashers.


The Sabres-Thrashers games I've watched (including tonight), the crowd's louder for the Sabres than the Thrashers. I haven't watched any other Atlanta games, but I suspect that the Thrashers draw more away fans than Thrashers fans to their home games.

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That's unforgiveable for the NYI. They have a long and storied history and about a million fans living within 10 miles of the arena.

You can see average attendance here:



And you can see the lowest valued franchises (according to Forbes estimates) starting here:


then keep hitting the links next to "Previous" to work your way upwards.

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Was at the game last night with the Bills Backers ATL chapter. Great time as usual! We definitely out-numbered the Thrashers fans, but that is pretty typical for a mid-week game. What you need to realize is that Atlanta, unlike Buffalo, has other things that people are interested in besides Football and Hockey. Plus the weather here has really sucked lately. So a lot of people are staying in this week. Ive been to a lot of Thrashers games that had good crowds.


I will say this though, the Thrashers do have a pretty ok fan base here. And those fans are extremely loyal, and very into Hockey.


Personally, I love having the Thrashers here since it means that I can go see NHL hockey for $10/ticket. And while Sabres are my #1 team, I do route for the Thrashers to make the playoffs in hopes that I can then watch the Sabres beat them.


With regards to Carolina, cant agree more. A few years back when we were playing the Canes in the Eastern Conf Championship, a bunch of us went up for Game 7. We were able to walk up to the ticket booth and buy great seats an hour before game 7 started. Crazy.

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