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Dear Mr. Wilson, I Am Done With The Bills.


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no kidding...anyone who doesn't realize that the Bills leaving WNY would make our economy even worse than it is is beyond ignorant

I'm not saying I want the Bills to leave necessarily. But I'm not sure I understand your logic when you say that it is obvious that the Bills leaving would make the WNY economy worse.


Firstly, there is more to WNY than just the Buffalo area. Not sure how Rochester or other parts of WNY would be affected economically one way or the other if the Bills stay or go.


Second, I'm not sure how even the Buffalo area would be greatly impacted economically. It's not like the Bills are a huge tourist draw for people outside the area. And even if they were, we are talking 8 weekends a year total (plus playoffs if that ever happens again). Not exactly a huge impact.


Lastly, take into account all of the tax money that gets spent on the team.


You can argue quality of life would go down for the Buffalo area or even WNY. But that would be only for the true Bills fans. The casual fan or the football in general fan would not be impacted this way either. So even that argument is weak in my opinion.


I guess you can lump me in as 'beyond ignorant'. Please educate me.

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I think most of those who divorce the Bills actually are divorcing from Wilson, not Buffalo, and the moment he is gone will return to cheer for the team again - provided they stay in WNY. I don't think any of us cares what "Joe Superfan" thinks. You know who I'm talking about, the small percentage of mindless sheep who would obediently cheer for Wilson's team even if Ralph personally urinated on their mother's forehead.


I root for Ralph to fail. I root for Ralph to go away. I hate him. HE has trashed Buffalo, HE has publicly insulted the fans, robbed their wallets, consistently used the precious football team as leverage against the Buffalo community, as a weapon to launch attacks and insults at the residents.


It's almost incredible to behold. People claiming to be "Buffalo" loyalists blindly following a Detroit tycoon who craps on their city, puts out a terrible product, takes their money, and tells them they're lucky to have him. It's transparently a case of battered wife syndrome, where the Bills fan takes the beating, comes back begging for more, and pledges eternal loyalty to the abuser because it's better to take the battering than be alone.


Sorry, not for me. I will never again root for a team owned by Ralph Wilson. He is a cancer, and I just don't cheer for cancer.


I respect those who go to the games to tailgate and have an outing. I respect those who treat the Bills like they would treat the Erie County Fair...getting out of the house, catching up with a few friends, eating some good food, and then going home after a nice day with the family.


I do not respect the drones who "BILLIEVE" in Ralph's Bills unconditionally, and challenge the "loyalty" of others who don't mindlessly love, honor and obey Wilson's product out of fear. I pity them.


And the point that you continuously fail to understand is this: we don't care what you think either.


If you hate the team, then go away. The question that many have asked of you, and the OP, and PushthePile, and Coach Tuesday, and all the others of your apparent ilk, is "What is the point of whining and pissing about being 'done' with the team? If you're done, go away, and don't come back." And yet you continue to post here, on a BILLS FANS MESSAGE BOARD, in what many perceive as an attempt to recruit others to your defeatist POV.


You seem to find it appropriate to relate your feelings on the team to a personal relationship, so try this comparison on for size: in a relationship, if one person is as scorned as you make yourself out to be regarding the team, and subsequently wants to leave the other partner in the relationship, what kind of sense does it make talking about it? Until that person leaves, the two are still together. And once they do leave, would they continue to see that person every day? Talk to them on the phone? Keep in touch for old time's sake? No. The proof is, as they say, in the pudding. If you're done, then leave. All of you. Put up or shut up. Until you do, you all sound like whiny, crybaby, look-at-me-while-I-pout children. If you have kids, or have been around kids, then you know the type to which I refer. The kind that threatens to run away when they're punished by their parents. The kind that throws temper tantrums when denied dessert. Here's a news flash, guys: life isn't fair. If you don't like it, do something about it. Talk is very, very cheap. And when it comes to people like you, and the OP, and all the others, your actions speak so loudly that nobody can hear a word you're saying.


You claimed to be "done", but you post here quite often. You back up your apparent "done-ness" by claiming that you "barely watched 2 games all year". Well then, my friend, you are either ill-equipped to discuss the current state of the teeam--having not watched them all year--or are an out-and-out liar. The duality of people like yourself astounds me. Believe me when I tell you that conducting a personal bitchfest doesn't prove to anyone that you're "done". All it does is prove that you're still emotionally invested in the team, and that you care enough about the team to keep up to date on it by visiting--clinging to, in fact--a team-dedicated website. As I said, the practice is, in my opinion, quite childish.


If you're "done", you need to move on. If not, you need to quit whining. All of you.


Now pardon the rest of us while we deal with the team's inadequacy like adults.

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And the point that you continuously fail to understand is this: we don't care what you think either.


If you hate the team, then go away. The question that many have asked of you, and the OP, and PushthePile, and Coach Tuesday, and all the others of your apparent ilk, is "What is the point of whining and pissing about being 'done' with the team? If you're done, go away, and don't come back." And yet you continue to post here, on a BILLS FANS MESSAGE BOARD, in what many perceive as an attempt to recruit others to your defeatist POV.


You seem to find it appropriate to relate your feelings on the team to a personal relationship, so try this comparison on for size: in a relationship, if one person is as scorned as you make yourself out to be regarding the team, and subsequently wants to leave the other partner in the relationship, what kind of sense does it make talking about it? Until that person leaves, the two are still together. And once they do leave, would they continue to see that person every day? Talk to them on the phone? Keep in touch for old time's sake? No. The proof is, as they say, in the pudding. If you're done, then leave. All of you. Put up or shut up. Until you do, you all sound like whiny, crybaby, look-at-me-while-I-pout children. If you have kids, or have been around kids, then you know the type to which I refer. The kind that threatens to run away when they're punished by their parents. The kind that throws temper tantrums when denied dessert. Here's a news flash, guys: life isn't fair. If you don't like it, do something about it. Talk is very, very cheap. And when it comes to people like you, and the OP, and all the others, your actions speak so loudly that nobody can hear a word you're saying.


You claimed to be "done", but you post here quite often. You back up your apparent "done-ness" by claiming that you "barely watched 2 games all year". Well then, my friend, you are either ill-equipped to discuss the current state of the teeam--having not watched them all year--or are an out-and-out liar. The duality of people like yourself astounds me. Believe me when I tell you that conducting a personal bitchfest doesn't prove to anyone that you're "done". All it does is prove that you're still emotionally invested in the team, and that you care enough about the team to keep up to date on it by visiting--clinging to, in fact--a team-dedicated website. As I said, the practice is, in my opinion, quite childish.


If you're "done", you need to move on. If not, you need to quit whining. All of you.


Now pardon the rest of us while we deal with the team's inadequacy like adults.


You just made a 500 word post about how you don't care what I think? I hope you realize how stupid that makes you look. Anyway, I'll keep mine shorter: I don't care about you, at all, even a little bit, and care even less if you approve of my not being a fan of Wilson's dreck.


The End.

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You just made a 500 word post about how you don't care what I think? I hope you realize how stupid that makes you look. Anyway, I'll keep mine shorter: I don't care about you, at all, even a little bit, and care even less if you approve of my not being a fan of Wilson's dreck.


The End.


Take a hint, sport.


I'm trying to help you. You and the others, that cling to a fan message board even though you're supposedly done. I thought maybe a dose of clarity might help you move on, but apparently it won't.


The point here is that if you really don't seek our approval, stop posting here and looking for it, since that's the only conceivable reason you have for being here. There can't possibly be another reason, since you (1) hate the team, and (2) continuously fail to provide an answer when asked why you continue to come here.


By the way, I'm fully aware that "keeping it short" is code for "avoiding addressing every topic that shreds my failed attempts at logic".


Later pal.

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Take a hint, sport. I'm trying to help you. You and the others, that cling to a fan message board even though you're supposedly done. I thought maybe a dose of clarity might help you move on, but apparently it won't.


How nice that this classic battered spouse is trying to help us ex-battered spouses get back together with our abusers. Idiot...

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Oh god, same old tired rebuttal. This is about the entire organization and what it has become. Loyalty is definitely an asset, but you can't be a blind follower either.


I agree with you in principle.


For all of these dingleberries giving you hell, maybe the "old-timers" they claim to be can remember times when the Bills sucked, and nobody went to the games.


Does that mean that they weren't "fans"? Less Buffalonian because they were not mindless drones who threw away hundreds of dollars on garbage?


For someone like an owner of an NFL franchise, the only thing that gets their attention is less butts in the seats. It is the only thing proven to create positive change. The recent fan protest in Cleveland, or the public outcry in Washington are perfect examples. They all threaten the bottom line, paint the owner in a negative light, and demand to be addressed.


What is wrong with demanding a better product?

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I agree with you in principle.


For all of these dingleberries giving you hell, maybe the "old-timers" they claim to be can remember times when the Bills sucked, and nobody went to the games.


Does that mean that they weren't "fans"? Less Buffalonian because they were not mindless drones who threw away hundreds of dollars on garbage?


For someone like an owner of an NFL franchise, the only thing that gets their attention is less butts in the seats. It is the only thing proven to create positive change. The recent fan protest in Cleveland, or the public outcry in Washington are perfect examples. They all threaten the bottom line, paint the owner in a negative light, and demand to be addressed.


What is wrong with demanding a better product?



Exactly. All of us fans have to understand that this game is a business. It is nothing more than a business to the people who provide it to you. And If we don't become smart investors of the Bills, then we will get what we deserve....which is a sh*tty product every year. We all can and do love this team, but we need to be more responsible fans, not blind ones.

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Exactly. All of us fans have to understand that this game is a business. It is nothing more than a business to the people who provide it to you. And If we don't become smart investors of the Bills, then we will get what we deserve....which is a sh*tty product every year. We all can and do love this team, but we need to be more responsible fans, not blind ones.



So, just curious, what do you suggest? To show our displeasure which is what has been discussed means to stop going to games and padding Ralph's pockets. The problem there is when the ownership picture isn't clear, it makes it an easier argument to move the team.

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So, just curious, what do you suggest? To show our displeasure which is what has been discussed means to stop going to games and padding Ralph's pockets. The problem there is when the ownership picture isn't clear, it makes it an easier argument to move the team.



I've done this. My money is where my mouth is. Since they renewed Dick's contract, I have not bought nor allowed a family member to buy a piece of Bills gear nor have I attended any games. I will not until Ralph is gone or the team is gone.

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So, just curious, what do you suggest? To show our displeasure which is what has been discussed means to stop going to games and padding Ralph's pockets. The problem there is when the ownership picture isn't clear, it makes it an easier argument to move the team.



I think if things continue the way they are going, than the team will move anyway. The current foundation of this team is not sustainable in WNY. If we do not start to win, bring in quality players, etc. You can say hello to the Toronto Bills.


I would go for Billick.

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I was avoiding this thread cause i new what it was about, I opened it and immeditaely regret it. IF you giving up, give up. Dont waste our time here. This is a BUFFALO BILLS message board and if your not going to follow this said BUFFALO BILLS team then please do leave, but do it quietly.

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I was avoiding this thread cause i new what it was about, I opened it and immeditaely regret it. IF you giving up, give up. Dont waste our time here. This is a BUFFALO BILLS message board and if your not going to follow this said BUFFALO BILLS team then please do leave, but do it quietly.


Guess what: There are more of us than you think. Take off your blinders and realize that a utopian world of blind Ralph Wilson drones does not exist. You want this forum strictly for the use of "Kool-aid drinking Billievers"? That would sure make for a fun message board...I suggest you realize we want our team free from the clutches of the evil Detroit miser who extorts the fans without reward. We will be happy to root for the Bills, even if they suck, so long as the OWNER is doing all he can to make them winners, and unconditionally commit to Buffalo as the permanent home for his team..


He wants to put out a cheap, losing product that the ignorant masses will forever support unconditionally. You are only enabling this behavior with the "BILLIEVING" garbage. Stop thinking small, and buying into Wilson's game. Start rejecting the perpetual abuse, the endless preying on your fears, and start BILLIEVING that Ralph is LUCKY to have Buffalo to represent his team, NOT the other way around. If he doesn't appreciate Buffalo, and do everything in his power to please his customers, HE can go eff himself.

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Am I the only one that read:


Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide:


whaa.. whaaa.. whaaaa. oh poor poor pitiful me. whhaaaaa.






I have a suggestion, for the mods, can we just ban all posters that say they're done with the Bills and supporting this franchise, especially the ones that wish death on an individual or wish for the team to move? I mean if they're really done, they're no longer Bills fans so then they just become trolls.

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So, just curious, what do you suggest? To show our displeasure which is what has been discussed means to stop going to games and padding Ralph's pockets. The problem there is when the ownership picture isn't clear, it makes it an easier argument to move the team.


And thus you allow yourself to be held hostage.


Support mediocrity because you are afraid of losing it.


Don't the fans of Buffalo deserve more?

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