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Michael Vick Quote

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just shows how far society has gone downhill :rolleyes:

It still blows my mind that Goodell reinstated him. A Commissioner who was making his mark by being tougher on trouble makers completely reverses course and reinstates a convicted felon. I find it hard to take Goodell seriously anymore to be honest. They really need to take the league back from the lowlifes

It's all about ratings-Vick is a every Sunday"Costume malfunction" Fine just don't let the Bills sign that piece of crap. I would rather see 0-16.

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I dont understand what people want from vick...you say he hasn't done enuff what the hell more can he do?...what do people want from him...he lost everything....i mean damn what else is there????

He lost everything? After 2 years in prison he is back working at a job making over $1M a year! Must be tough.

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Well at least Vick doesn't lack confidence. In receiving his bravery award he was quoted as saying:


"I've overcome a lot, more than probably one single individual can handle or bear," Vick said. "You ask certain people to walk through my shoes, they probably couldn't do. Probably 95 percent of the people in this world because nobody had to endure what I've been through...."




It's an award not for just courage, but also sportsmanship. Dogfighting is a sport to some, but I would think that since it is not condoned by most people in this country that it is an insult to the award to choose Vick. I'm not saying he's the worst crimal there is. But he doesn't deserve a sportsmanship award.


Actually, as much as I like dogs (have two in the family), I think it is a worse crime to be guilty of domestic violence to your spouse. Several NFL players have been guilty of that, making them worse criminals in my opinion. If Vick is hired by the Bills, that's fine. The team has moved away from the "high character" policy since Levy was coach anyway.

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"I've overcome a lot, more than probably one single individual can handle or bear," Vick said. "You ask certain people to walk through my shoes, they probably couldn't do. Probably 95 percent of the people in this world because nobody had to endure what I've been through...."


Regarding his distorted view of what he has been through compared to "95% of the world," thousands of people die a slow death due to starvation every year, thousands more have chronic, painful and debilitating diseases. His life may have been more challenging than mine (I cannot judge that because I don't know his whole story.) But to think he is even close to the end of the spectrum of those who have suffered the most, shows how clueless he is.

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I sympathize with folks that because of their love for animals they struggle accepting Michael Vick, but he shouldn't have to spend every minute of every day telling folks he's sorry and asking for forgiveness.
no...but he should stop trying to portray himself as a victim...the more he does it, the more it looks like he never meant the 1st apology



Anything that he's lost has been a direct result of his own poor choices. I have absolutely no sympathy for him. Aside from the fact that I think they let him off easy considering his crimes, he's getting a chance now that most in his shoes never would. How many other convicted felons get a chance to legally earn millions of dollars immediately upon release from prison?


What do I want from Vick? I just wish he'd go crawl back under his rock, never to be heard from again.



He lost everything? After 2 years in prison he is back working at a job making over $1M a year! Must be tough.
18 months, actually..damn...go to jail for a year and a half and get a job making $1M the 1st year and $5 the next...somehow that doesn't seem like a deterrent
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It's an award not for just courage, but also sportsmanship. Dogfighting is a sport to some, but I would think that since it is not condoned by most people in this country that it is an insult to the award to choose Vick. I'm not saying he's the worst crimal there is. But he doesn't deserve a sportsmanship award.


Actually, as much as I like dogs (have two in the family), I think it is a worse crime to be guilty of domestic violence to your spouse. Several NFL players have been guilty of that, making them worse criminals in my opinion. If Vick is hired by the Bills, that's fine. The team has moved away from the "high character" policy since Levy was coach anyway.


Worse criminals?


There are all shades of "domestic violence". Two elderly folks overheard by a neighbor who then calls the police - no physical harm, but in today's intolerant society, the policeman has to haul one off to jail. Pick your shade of grey...


Vick. Man has dominion over the animals. They are at our mercy, even things as dangerous as a Pit Bull or a Rottweiler (bred by man for their traits, sadly). So you treat them well.


But to use them - domestic animals - for sport, for gain via violence, training them to do such things...yet evidently tolerated, explained away by several.


Your two dogs, if Vick and his crowd got hold of them, well, they would have been useful training flesh while his moneymakers chuckled at the terror in their last moments, and roared when they were ripped to shreds.


Vick lied, avoided, and only admitted when he was cornered.


And it's fine with you if he's hired... :rolleyes:


I wouldn't care to have the likes of a Vick anywhere around me. He hasn't a stitch of common humanity about him.

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Well at least Vick doesn't lack confidence. In receiving his bravery award he was quoted as saying:


"I've overcome a lot, more than probably one single individual can handle or bear," Vick said. "You ask certain people to walk through my shoes, they probably couldn't do. Probably 95 percent of the people in this world because nobody had to endure what I've been through...."




So he is impressed that he decided to strangle and murder dogs and then had to endure the punishment for that? What a retard. Vick must have the IQ of a 5 year old to make a comment like that. I'd love to see his Wonderlic scores

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So he is impressed that he decided to strangle and murder dogs and then had to endure the punishment for that? What a retard. Vick must have the IQ of a 5 year old to make a comment like that. I'd love to see his Wonderlic scores


If you've ever heard him speak, you wouldn't need to see the scores.

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You do have to be in Michael Vicks shoes to understand, he went from poster boy of the NFL to federal prison and served a sentence for the crimes he committed. Michael Vicks love for Football gave him inspiration to not just slip way into the night never to be heard from again. Instead Michael Vick earned his way back into the NFL and I'm sure it hasn't been easy.


It wasn't love for the game that brought Vick back, it was for the love of the dollar.


And he didn't EARN anything, Goodell gave him a pass despite Goodell's supposed tough stance on trouble makers. Now he gets to make more money in a year than you or I will make in 10. Yeah, that's so tough, my heart bleeds for him. (please note the sarcasm here)


Quite frankly, I think he should of never been reinstated. Vick was given a free ride, a college education, let him get out here in the REAL WORLD and have to earn his living like the rest of us, not put him back in a postion where he can repeat those mistakes.

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What a moran. Your right we wouldn't want to walk in your shoes because your shoes contain a human that committed inhuman immoral hideous acts and you got what you deserved so quit the woa is me crybaby act. I don't feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for the innocent animals you tortured.

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