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Michael Vick Quote

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I dont understand what people want from vick...you say he hasn't done enuff what the hell more can he do?...what do people want from him...he lost everything....i mean damn what else is there????

Cry me a river. Everything that he has endured he created.


Nice find Ye...


I also see that our friend Mr. Adams linked this article sooner than Ye...props Mr. Adams!

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his debt to society is paid. and then some. he's broke and alone.. for what? doing something that he grew up with, was tolerated all around and taken for granted? I'd take him over anyone we have now. thats for sure. these are football players, not rhodes scholars. lets go win some games.


morality is a small price to pay to win some games... :(

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Well at least Vick doesn't lack confidence. In receiving his bravery award he was quoted as saying:


"I've overcome a lot, more than probably one single individual can handle or bear," Vick said. "You ask certain people to walk through my shoes, they probably couldn't do. Probably 95 percent of the people in this world because nobody had to endure what I've been through...."




I'm sorry, but that's not remorse.


He's playing the freakin VICTIM....


The thing I don't understand...is how can you be a victim...of your own actions?


Anyone who thinks this guy has the material to be a franchise QB, I've got a socialist candidate for President you can vote for that will bring 'change' to the United States of America.

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I think his statements pretty much confirm what seemed to be true already - Michael Vick is an idiot.


Oh, but he has been through sooo much hardship... more than 95% of the world's population. What a douche.


Red (jokingly mimicking the idiots calling for him to be our QB): "But, he served his time. He was just a victim of his upbringing. He did not know he was doing wrong. Once, when he was 6 months old, a big pit bull snarled at him. Ever since then, he has sworn his revenge. It's really not his fault. He served his time, and I see absolutely no conflict of interest or issues surrounding leadership having a convicted criminal as the face of the franchise. None, whatsoever."

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I think Mike Vick mad a very dumb comment and if he had to say if all over again he would have used different words. I think he does not understand the power that his words have and people don't want to hear anything but remorse from him. Everyone has to understand that Mike Vick has received death threats, his children have been put in a terrible situation. This is all his own doing, but he is still a human being and this man has kids and a family. For those who say he is still making millions, that is true, but he is many more millions in debt. His contract for 5 plus million for next year is not going to happen. There is no team in their right mind who will give him that much money for the small production he has had this year. He is walking around like OJ did before he was eventually put in a cage, I think Vick has learned his lesson but he is still the same guy. You can't totally change who you are in such a short time, but you can start yourself on the right path and learn not to go back on the wrong path again. I don't agree what he did but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, he needs to just keep his mouth shut and become the robot everyone wants him to be. Some will never forgive him and that's their choice, but if people want him to become a person who he is not, you'll be disappointed. He is who he is and like any other criminal, his job is to learn from his behaviors, pay his debt to society and refrain from the lifestyle he was living so he can be a productive person in our society. This is all he has to do, and does not owe anything else to anybody.

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I think Mike Vick mad a very dumb comment and if he had to say if all over again he would have used different words. I think he does not understand the power that his words have and people don't want to hear anything but remorse from him. Everyone has to understand that Mike Vick has received death threats, his children have been put in a terrible situation. This is all his own doing, but he is still a human being and this man has kids and a family. For those who say he is still making millions, that is true, but he is many more millions in debt. His contract for 5 plus million for next year is not going to happen. There is no team in their right mind who will give him that much money for the small production he has had this year. He is walking around like OJ did before he was eventually put in a cage, I think Vick has learned his lesson but he is still the same guy. You can't totally change who you are in such a short time, but you can start yourself on the right path and learn not to go back on the wrong path again. I don't agree what he did but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, he needs to just keep his mouth shut and become the robot everyone wants him to be. Some will never forgive him and that's their choice, but if people want him to become a person who he is not, you'll be disappointed. He is who he is and like any other criminal, his job is to learn from his behaviors, pay his debt to society and refrain from the lifestyle he was living so he can be a productive person in our society. This is all he has to do, and does not owe anything else to anybody.


And that is why we should never have him, and he is not capable of leading a team. He is not a franchise QB.


He is a gimmick.


We need a GM more than a Michael Vick.

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Worse criminals?


There are all shades of "domestic violence". Two elderly folks overheard by a neighbor who then calls the police - no physical harm, but in today's intolerant society, the policeman has to haul one off to jail. Pick your shade of grey...


Vick. Man has dominion over the animals. They are at our mercy, even things as dangerous as a Pit Bull or a Rottweiler (bred by man for their traits, sadly). So you treat them well.


But to use them - domestic animals - for sport, for gain via violence, training them to do such things...yet evidently tolerated, explained away by several.


Your two dogs, if Vick and his crowd got hold of them, well, they would have been useful training flesh while his moneymakers chuckled at the terror in their last moments, and roared when they were ripped to shreds.


Vick lied, avoided, and only admitted when he was cornered.


And it's fine with you if he's hired... :(


I wouldn't care to have the likes of a Vick anywhere around me. He hasn't a stitch of common humanity about him.


Which NFL players were you refering to with your ridiculous example of domestic violence? I did not say I condone Vick's crime, I indicated there are worse things happening by players in the league. Even a couple of cases where players may have committed murder. So your ranting is off the mark. And yes, I consider beating up your wife worse than doing something to a dog, as bad as that is.


My point was that decisions about whether a player is allowed to play on the local football team should not be based on our dislike for him and/or what he has done in his private life. We live in a free country, governed by the rule of law. If he has paid for his crime according to the law, I cannot see keeping him from continuing his career (even though it pisses me off that he makes so much money to do it.)

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Which NFL players were you refering to with your ridiculous example of domestic violence? I did not say I condone Vick's crime, I indicated there are worse things happening by players in the league. Even a couple of cases where players may have committed murder. So your ranting is off the mark. And yes, I consider beating up your wife worse than doing something to a dog, as bad as that is.


My point was that decisions about whether a player is allowed to play on the local football team should not be based on our dislike for him and/or what he has done in his private life. We live in a free country, governed by the rule of law. If he has paid for his crime according to the law, I cannot see keeping him from continuing his career (even though it pisses me off that he makes so much money to do it.)


But based on his previous actions, he is not fit to be in a position to lead a group of men into anything.


A convicted felon, for all of the best rehab around and becomes a preacher or cures cancer, still can't become President of the United States.


There are repurcussions to your actions. Serving time is oftentimes not the sole punishment for a criminal. Having to carry that record with you when you apply for a job, certainly is a weight I would never want to be burdened with.


The fact is, that if it was any normal member of society and not a million dollar commodity that we are talking about, the sentence would have been much more severe, and finding future gainful employment would be near impossible.


You certainly would not be able to stride back into your old employers office, and be welcomed back, given awards for having had "put up with so much", blah, blah, blah. If you were even fortunate enough to make it up to the front door, you'd most likely be escorted off of the premises by security and the police would be summoned.


This is all about money. Prior to this case, Vick was the posterboy of the NFL. He was on the cover of Madden. He was the big deal, the reason to watch, etc, etc, etc. The league put all of it's eggs into the Vick basket as the face of the league, and that is how he repaid them. They made him richer than his wildest dreams, and he still could not control himself.


Yet, he is given another chance.




It's certainly not because he convinced the league that he's a changed man- he has to have Dungy 'guide' him, for Pete's sake! He certainly did not plea and admit to making a mistake, because he sees himself as a 'victim'. A victim of what, I ask? Stupidity is not a defense.


No, he is given another chance because his talent is rare. The NFL, as a business, is in need of those rare talents to continue its existence. That is not to say that the NFL is implicit in Vick's decisions on how he runs his life, but the NFL certainly is not vigilant enough in punishing the moronic and felonious behavior that happens every year. Half the Bengals roster, Lynch, Hargrove, the accusations surrounding McIntyre (since deemed false), Burress, 'Tank', 'Pacman', Nate Newton, Irvin, and on, and on, and on are all fairly recent indications that these players are sorely lacking in character, to say the least.


But they can continue their careers because there are so few who can perform the tasks necessary to keep selling tickets.

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Well at least Vick doesn't lack confidence. In receiving his bravery award he was quoted as saying:


"I've overcome a lot, more than probably one single individual can handle or bear," Vick said. "You ask certain people to walk through my shoes, they probably couldn't do. Probably 95 percent of the people in this world because nobody had to endure what I've been through...."




Not many people could go through life as a herpes ravaged animal torturer.....so I guess he's kinda right.

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I think Mike Vick mad a very dumb comment and if he had to say if all over again he would have used different words.
He made similar comments a few months ago...so that's quite a stretch to think that...I find the prospect of the Loch Ness monster not only being real but becoming the next great world leader more realistic.
I think he does not understand the power that his words have
Of course not...he's an idiot
and people don't want to hear anything but remorse from him.
Show remorse...and stop painting himself as a victim
Everyone has to understand that Mike Vick has received death threats,
justifiably so, too...although putting him to death is too good for him
his children have been put in a terrible situation.
They were put in a terrible situation just having him as a father...he should seriously have them taken away from him...parents are supposed to teach you right from wrong and guide you through your early years...if your father doesn't know wrong from right, he shouldn't be a father.
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He made similar comments a few months ago...so that's quite a stretch to think that...I find the prospect of the Loch Ness monster not only being real but becoming the next great world leader more realistic.Of course not...he's an idiotShow remorse...and stop painting himself as a victimjustifiably so, too...although putting him to death is too good for himThey were put in a terrible situation just having him as a father...he should seriously have them taken away from him...parents are supposed to teach you right from wrong and guide you through your early years...if your father doesn't know wrong from right, he shouldn't be a father.


Thank you, Philster.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Wow, funny how these threads never show up about people who torture and kill humans. :(

so true animals are >people to so many in society today...where was anyone when that man was having that seizure the other day and everyone just walked by, except for the one mentally challanged person who actually did help him and the news had to do a story abiout it which was nice. noone cares about other people anymore and that's what is sad

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He hasn't lost everyhting. Vick will live a more lavish life than you or I will ever know. Most people don't feel bad for him because he has gone through life having no regard for anything or anyone. Even now he makes himself out to be a martyr.

The guy is a piece of garbage who is allowed to do what he wants because we are the all forgiving society.

Right on! I say put him a cage with a pitbull and let's see his courage.

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- Do you feel its okay for a dog to be confined to a back yard for years or to be fed table scrapes.. If you treated a

human this way you would be imprisoned.

OK not sure what point you're trying to make, but NO, I do NOT feel that it is OK to do that, and I think that people who do SHOULD be imprisoned, and fined HEAVILY, with the funds going to spay/neuter programs and special funds set up for the lobbying of city, state, and federal lawmaking bodies to create srtronger, MUCH stronger, animal welfare laws.

- Do you feel its okay for a dog to be walked with a leash with a choker collar around its neck.
If you're referring to training collars, in the hands of TRAINED HUMANS, those who understand HOW to use said collars without harming the animal (ie only using short, quick pulls and releases on the collar), then sure. Trouble is, probably 95% of all people who are sold these collars use them WRONGLY and end up hurting the dog and they, too, should be punished with heavy fines.


- Have you taken in a dog from the streets because you care so much. The answer is probably hell no.
Um, hell YES. Not a single animal in my family has ever come from anywhere BUT a shelter. And many people I know could easily answer the exact same way. Who the hell are YOU hanging out with?


- Do you feel castration, oh excuse me spading or neutering of animals is okay to control animal population because if

I was given a choice to fight some one else or be castrated, I would fight...what would you choose?

Are you roaming the streets raping neighbors' daughters and creating dozens of offspring every year? If so, I hope you LOSE that fight. Tell me, do you donate any money to animal shelters so they can afford all the euthanasias that they have to perform because of people with your mentality owning animals and letting them procreate? Do you have a single clue how many unwanted pets are killed in shelters or killed by traffic or die of the elements in alleyways every day? Jesus. Do you see the LINK between not neutering them and this issue??????


- Do you care when humans are being treated unfairly in this country or other parts of the world and trust me there is a lot of torture going on. Children are being killed every day in S. America..wanna help them out?
I've donated a good deal of cash this year to one.org, and do what I can to spread the word about the atrocities in the Congo and Sudan. How about you?


- For you military buffs. Is killing an animal for sport less moral than killing or torturing a human for your country.
I'm not a military buff, so I'll leave this one alone.
- Is killing an animal worse than continual domestic abuse?
Worse how? Killing it painlessly? Torturing it? Ask better questions.
- Have any of you ever made a mistake.
I'm starting to think I'm making one right now.



People make mistakes, All of you have made mistakes...hypocritical members of society are so unforgiving until they get caught making a mistake. Then they want forgiveness. They are FOS. Hopefully people learn from their mistakes.

I have owned dogs and I love animals and what Vick did was wrong but it wasn't the worst crime or an unforgivable act and he has done his time.


OK, so your view is, the punishment for what he was caught doing fit the crime. I share a different view. I feel that the punishment was far too lenient. That is because I don't rate any one sentient being lower on the morality scale than any other sentient being. Sentient in that there is every indication, without actually knowing said creature's language, that they feel pain in much the same way we do. I can't even tell where these animals fall in your personal moral code, but from your comments, you hardly think about it. Too bad.


For those of you questioning intellegence...If you want to be impressed intellectually you should not watch football. Don't watch post game interviews or the pregame show for that matter... He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but are most of your good football players?

I don't want the Bills to exclude any option that may help this team because we have clearly gone down the wrong path this decade. When I sit down to watch football I really don't care if the players are !@#$s, or if they have lied to there wives, or are banging better looking chicks than me or if they wake in the moring singing "we are the world", I just want to see the Bills win fair and square.


OK, so you drop ALL moral code issues when it comes to the Bills. Like an ostrich with its head in the sand? That a good analogy? Your choice. But seriously, that's weak.

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