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All I want for Christmas is ... Ron Wolf!

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Let the record show that I was not born evil… I was driven to it by a team that has spent the past 10 years blindly ignorant of some very basic football truths: Stop the run, start a competent offensive line, rush the passer, and field a viable NFL quarterback. Toss it all together in a skillet with a dash of cayenne pepper, and you are ready to chow down on the kind of failure that burns twice.
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Damn; what an awesome write-up by Bakay!!


I couldn't agree more with everything that he wrote and it was well done from start to finish.


Kudos to Nick for carrying the Bills Nation Flag and hitting the nail on the head for all to read.

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True dat


It's all about the talent, baby. How about we take some of the $50 million it apparently will take to hire Shanahan and use it to build a time machine to go back and not fire Bill Polian? The man only went on to turn the expansion Carolina Panthers into a playoff team in about five minutes, then went on to build the Indianapolis Colts into a perennial playoff team and a Super Bowl champ. Alas, that ship has sailed. As soon as the Bills gig opened, the Colts signed Polian and his GM-in-waiting son to an extension.


Can't argue with this name, I've been advocating it all along...


Personally, when we strike out swinging at all the fancy names, I'd like to see them bring a guy like Russ Grimm to town. He got snubbed by the Steelers when they hired Mike Tomlin, joined fellow snub-ee Ken Whisenhunt in Arizona and helped turn the culture around but pronto. Steeler football is something I suspect would go over very well in Buffalo. Hell, at this point I'd settle for Steeler-adjacent.
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This is a dead-on article for all of the bone-heads that seem to be wondering if Modrak is the problem.


Only fault with this article is that he forgot to mention John Guy needing to also be kicked to the curb- preferably with a steel toe boot.

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Only fault with this article is that he forgot to mention John Guy needing to also be kicked to the curb- preferably with a steel toe boot.

It would have been twice as long if he went into the abject failures of Mr. Guy. He had a couple of no-brainers (Takeo, Sam Adams) but otherwise... ;)

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Marshawn Lynch -- who perennially loses 2-4 games via suspension for a variety of moronic off-the-field misadventures, then twists the knife by being average when he's available. At this point, Lynch's greatest value might be making sure Fred Jackson gets enough Gatorade between carries.



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It would have been twice as long if he went into the abject failures of Mr. Guy. He had a couple of no-brainers (Takeo, Sam Adams) but otherwise... ;)


Now, I am wondering if Guy had some influence on the London Fletcher, Pat Williams, and Antoine Winfield losses.


For instance, in all of his worthlessness, does the Director of Pro Personnel for a team also make the calls on their own roster?


If that is the case, then I think Guy should be tar-and-feathered out of town...

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He should be lumping John Guy in with Modrak. Guy has, arguably, been worse than Modrak.


I agree that they should both be gone, but I disagree as they both have been as bad. Saying Modrak has been better than Guy is like saying Diarhea is better than nausea. They both suck.

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Well done.


Loved this:

Witness beloved badass legend Darryl Talley twittering his frustrations with the current team -- not driving his SUV through a stadium guardrail and beating up the whole team. No, the only linebacker to sport a Spider-man sleeve is twittering! That's how bad things are.


Wonder if he's aware that TT was disrespected? ;)

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Love his style and his fandom!


If the draft is such a crapshoot, how come we seem to always come up snake eyes?


Because the draft is most certainly NOT a crap shoot. If you have any kind of eye for talent and do your due diligence you will hit 9/10 times. Yes there are things not everyone can account for but are you going to tell me that Polian has just been "lucky" all these years? That whole "draft is a crap shoot" idea is complete BS.

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Love his style and his fandom!


If the draft is such a crapshoot, how come we seem to always come up snake eyes?


If the draft is such a crapshoot, how come Bill Polian, Jerry Reese, Ozzie Newsome, Kevin Colbert, and their teams rarely have bust picks in the first and second rounds? No GM is perfect, but goodness gracious is there something to be said for people who can find talent in the draft.

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Ron is enjoying retirement right now. Lots of traveling, etc. I do not see him doing anything outside of a consulting gig. It would be great to have him, but I do not see him going anywhere.

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Ron is enjoying retirement right now. Lots of traveling, etc. I do not see him doing anything outside of a consulting gig. It would be great to have him, but I do not see him going anywhere.

And this is exactly what we need - someone better than Ralph & Russ to do the search for the right guy.

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