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Firing Jaruon was stupid


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Yeah, this thread makes sense...


Bills: Hey Mike Shanahan, wanna come to Buffalo at 1:00pm on Wednesday for an interview?


Shanahan: But..... Well, you already have a head coach.


Bills: That's ok... we're firing him. Trust us; oh, and don't tell anyone, k?


OR MAYBE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON. MAYBE AS SOON AS JAURON WAS FIRED, WHEELS STARTED TURNING. You admit in your own post, "Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.".



So in other words, you're title should read "If the Bills had no plan and just fired Jauron in a knee jerk reaction, THAT would be stupid. But with no evidence at all of that (in fact, constant rumors of the exact opposite happening are true) I think its safe to say that firing the worst coach in our last 20 years was not "stupid".

Jauron has ruined the talent on this team with his conservitism..The best thing they could do was fire him before he ruined the players that havent been affected by his "coaching",like Byrd.Dicks conservatism is reflected in Trent who i thought would be a good qb and virtually ruined Trents career

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There is no torpedo that sinks my ship! :thumbsup:


I didn't characterize the move as something intended to create immediate sales among fans desperate to see a Fewell-coached team. I described it as the first step in repairing a seriously damaged relationship between Wilson and Bills fans. A repair job that was best started sooner rather than later, before the damage to that relationship became any worse.


In the days and weeks leading up to this firing, you had people who'd been Bills fans for decades--who had never missed a game--indicate that, for the first time, they felt apathy about this team. There were posts along the lines of, "for the first time in twenty years, I've missed a Bills game." Others indicated that any excuse would be sufficient to pull them away from the games. The Bills were in legitimate danger of losing a significant portion of their fans. Once you loose those people--once they stop caring--it can be hard to win them back.


What made the situation worse was that Bills fans already got suckered with the T.O. signing. A lot of people invested money, not to mention emotional energy, into this team that they otherwise wouldn't have, thanks to that signing. The spirit of disillusionment was all the greater when it became clear that T.O. would not solve this team's problems.


The Buffalo Bills are a business, just like any other. Bills fans are the customers. As is the case with any business, the Bills can't afford to ignore what their customers want. With Jauron's approval rating consistently in the single digits, with billboards about firing him popping up, it was clear that this time, Bills fans would demand more than the window dressing of a T.O. signing to rekindle their interest in this football team. The firing of Jauron is the kind of substantive change without which fan relations could not be repaired.


2 fine posts, EA! I'm in complete agreement with all your points. Up until this minute, there were no Bills items on my Christmas list for the first time in many decades. Now, my little grandboy will open a Bills uni that morning -Ha!


Simon: 'Amature Hour'? As in Ted Mack?? Damn, you're old!

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The thing is Dick Jauron was more then just a "nice guy' he was a very hard working players coach. Well respected throughout the league as a class guy who loved football with a passion.


BUT, you could hire the hardest worker in the world and that doesn't mean he is able to become a brain surgeon. He might even have the IQ to qualify, but it doesn't mean he can get the job done.


The biggest reason Jauron failed in Buffalo was because he made some really bad choices to be his assistants, OC and DC, year after year.


As others have indicated it was the right time, I can honestly understand how tough it must have been for Ralph Wilson to end the guys career.


This move gives the front office a jump start ahead of every other team looking to replace their head coach


Carolina- WASHINGTON-Dallas-CLEVELAND- Jacksonville-Houston-OAKLAND-Chicago to name a few

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But what good could come out of Perry Fewell sticking for the rest of the season just to be dismissed by the new HC during the offseason?

If they do bring in Shanahan (as a coach only puhleeeeze) or their future HC shortly then my thread is entirely moot. But if they don't, they've squandered an opportunity to move forward and canned a guy for no reason. And considering the ratio of rumor:reality, I'm not sure they've got anything planned right now.


Wade Phillips took over as HC for ATL's final 3 games in 2003.


IIRC, he was told that that he would not be considered for the job the following season. Rather shabby.



In any event, the Bills have a mess on their hands. Seems to me that if they hire a new HC and kick Fewell back down the staircase before the end of the season, they are content with their FO and GM situation. Unless they are going to hire a coach/gm...can't say I'm a fan of that.


"Round 'n round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows..." :thumbsup:

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I think they made this move now, not for football reasons, but due to growing disillusionment among fans. The mood was turning ugly, cynical, and apathetic, even by the lofty standards of Bills fans. Ralph had to do something to prove to Bills fans that he would not accept mediocrity. He needed to restore the credibility of this organization in the eyes of its fans.


From a strictly football perspective, the Jauron firing could easily have waited until the end of the season. But doing the firing now sends a message to Bills fans that Ralph cares about winning, and isn't prepared to accept mediocrity indefinitely. It's the first in a series of steps he needs to take to change the mood of the Bills' fan base, before that mood spirals totally out of control. Doing this was the only way he could prove to Bills fans that Jauron wouldn't be here next season.


I admit that I'd just as soon do without the drama of Perry Fewell trying to turn the next seven games into a permanent head coaching opportunity. If anything, this team needs to lose the next seven games to improve its standing in the draft. The possibility of winning a chunk of those games is the main downside. But quite frankly, this team's problems are bad enough that the possibility of winning more than a couple of those games is remote.

Damn -- I don't disagree with anything you typed. :thumbsup:

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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.




You can't schedule interviews BEFORE you fire a guy. If you do, the word is out in two minutes and everybody knows he will be fired and he's even worse of a lame duck than he already is.


And no real coach is going to want to take over this club in mid-season. Why would they? They would be stuck with the same personnel, personnel they had had no input with, running the same playbook, which the new guy had again had no input with.


It's too late in the season to make wholesale changes. Hell, it was too late a week before the season when they fired Schonert.


Why would these big guys want to put an extra 1 - 6 on their permanent coaching resumes for no reason? They wouldn't. But courting them now is a good idea, IMHO.

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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.



haven't they already scheduled a meeting with shanahan? I would rather watch this team now that dick the destroyer is gone. how many more games do we need to watch with his crappy coaching style. At least a new chief at the top just might wake some players up or worst case possibly find out if these young players can play. Look PF already realized captain checkdown doesnt give us the best chance to win. So remember one thing we all were bitchin how the statusou quo was horrible and why is Ralph sitting on his hands. Now at the least i feel as if they finally figured out this team needs a real leader.

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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.

Keeping Jauron was a stupid and pointless move.


Just because they didn't announce their plan at the same time that they announced Jauron was fired, DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually ... most teams that fire their HC mid-season ride out the season then look for a coach ... I like the fact that they're looking NOW ... there are some good, experenced coaches out there and FINALLY ... we're going for one and not the usual coordinator route. CHILL folks ... it's been 2 days.

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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.



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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.


You are right because keeping Jauron was the answer and would of made sense! :doh:


This way, now they can get a head start on searching for a GM and Head Coach...which they are doing.




This wasn't the brightest of posts..."Firing Jaruon was stupid."

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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.


No coach will take a job mid-season. Do you really think Mike Shanahan would come in here and run AVP's offense? Or do you think he'd magically teach the offensive players his system in 3 days between games? If anything this was done because no one would even talk to Ralph about being coach if there was still one in place. You have to have a vacancy before you can fill it.

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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.


Unless you liked seeing the Bills have 2 consecutive 4th quarter collapses, plus a team in descension (see TO's blow up & Schobel's comments), the Bills had no choice but to fire Jauron.


Firing Jauron at this point gives the Bills a 7 week head start on finding a replacement and interviewing the top coaches that are available. Cowher & Shanahan will command big bucks, so having a 7 week head start to talk and negiotiate is a very smart thing. This is going to be Wilson's last coaching hire & last chance to get it right, so Ralph is going to go out with a bang and do his best to win a Superbowl.

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But what good could come out of Perry Fewell sticking for the rest of the season just to be dismissed by the new HC during the offseason?

If they do bring in Shanahan (as a coach only puhleeeeze) or their future HC shortly then my thread is entirely moot. But if they don't, they've squandered an opportunity to move forward and canned a guy for no reason. And considering the ratio of rumor:reality, I'm not sure they've got anything planned right now.


You're correct, your thread is really pre-mature. It also seems somewhat misguided. How can they have a plan to replace a guy they're going to fire? As mentioned, this would be an atrocious plan. If they did contact people for interviews prior to firing Jauron, no candidate of any worth would even interview.


If they did as you suggest, we'd be looking at the high school football coaching ranks for a replacement.


I'm really confused about this " they've squandered an opportunity to move forward" statement. How were they moving forward with Jauron here? They had to fire Jauron to look for his replacement. The utter failure of logic and common sense in your post is rather startling. I'd be interested in a more complete explanation of how they could move forward with Jauron as head coach.

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Without a plan in place going forward this was an absolutely pointless move at this time. The Bills should have already had multiple interviews scheduled for their permanent coach when they pulled the plug. Maybe they do, I don't know. But if not this move is just stupid and pointless.

If they want to do anything positive in the near future they should have a coach in place by Thanksgiving (and I don't mean Fewell or April or anybody else on staff) and a new GM and a reorganized front office completed before Christmas. If they can't manage that, then this move was nothing but more of Ralph Wilson's mindless bullshlt.


You're right, they should have kept Jauron. They should have kept him till his contract expires because us fans love continuity. We love how they continue to suck with absolutely no forward direction at all. I love seeing the Bills get manhandled week in and week out. I hope they keep the front office intact too. They have been doing such a great job of bringing in and evaluating all this top level talent that they've put on the field the last 4 years. :w00t:


The origination of the post is completely assinine. I love how you people that still live in Buffalo hate change. You would rather see a building, such as the aud, wither away till it almost falls on its own rather than approve a referendum to have it demolished. (this is just an example but the point is that most people in the buffalo area just don't like things to change)

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The origination of the post is completely assinine. I love how you people that still live in Buffalo hate change. You would rather see a building, such as the aud, wither away till it almost falls on its own rather than approve a referendum to have it demolished. (this is just an example but the point is that most people in the buffalo area just don't like things to change)


Let's be fair, it's mostly the incredibly corrupt local politics in Buffalo/Erie County that stalls change.

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