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  1. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/550006-commentators-blast-washington-post-fact-check-on-tim-scott/ Once the post goes all in on this sort of “journalism” what’s the point of giving them the click? Don’t they also employ Taylor Lorenz? It’s easy for you to declare it fair but how would anyone else know?
  2. Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein's accusers, has testified that his associate Ghislaine Maxwell first picked her up at Mar-a-Lago when she was 16 years old before introducing her to Epstein. At Maxwell's own criminal trial, in 2021, one accuser testified that Maxwell introduced her to Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14 years old. Other accusers said Maxwell and Epstein often namedropped Trump. OUCH
  3. The only major strategy across the board is inflation, which is going to go down so long as gas keeps dropping. For most people though it is going to be more local issues. In related news this is about to my new congressman https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/magazine/2022/08/18/maxwell-frost-00052772 I did not vote for Deming but I respect her, this kid raised 1.5 million from mainly out of state donors according to his Democratic party opponents. He is likely gonna embarrass me and I pray he is not like AOC. Lastly if you read the article it has the line of how " a candidate who is both black and Latino is exceedingly rare", possibly because people who are biracial are a small portion of the state, and if they mean black or Latino they are crazy.
  4. Fetterman Held a Black Jogger at Gunpoint. The Media Ignored It and Tim Scott Is Calling Them Out. Townhall, by Spencer Brown Twenty days out from the general election, Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina took Democrats and the media to task for trying to sweep an incident, in which Democrat U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman held an innocent black jogger at gunpoint, under the rug. "I can't even believe it," Scott said during a town hall hosted by Sean Hannity in York, Pennsylvania, that was broadcast on Fox News Channel. "A person puts a shotgun in a man's chest — an innocent man," Scott noted. "Imagine it being a white Republican putting a shotgun in the chest of a black man," https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/10/20/tim-scott-drops-the-truth-about-fettermans-run-in-with-a-black-jogger-n2614791 .
  5. Rubio, Scott call for Ian relief as Florida GOP votes against FEMA funding https://www.axios.com/2022/10/01/hurricane-ian-florida-gop-marco-rubio-funding
  6. He's been caught red handed with the goods. How can he not be guilty? You just want him to get off Scott free?
  7. A Science Lesson for Justice Sotomayor Does Justice Sonia Sotomayor even read the briefs in cases before the Supreme Court? I ask because the cases don't come any bigger than Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which addresses Mississippi's limit on abortion after 15 weeks. The Court is being asked to overturn the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade and 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. I joined two other female physicians (a neonatologist and an obstetrician) in an amicus brief detailing advances in fetal science that have happened since 1973. During oral arguments, Justice Sotomayor displayed abysmal ignorance of the most basic scientific and medical facts about developing human life. The exchange came right after Mississippi's solicitor general Scott Stewart argued it was no longer appropriate to use fetal viability (the gestational age at which a prematurely-born infant can survive in an intensive care unit) as the point after which states can protect an unborn child from elective abortion. He said this was due—in part—to 30 years of medical advances. In a piqued, incredulous tone, Sotomayor demanded to know just "What are the advancements in medicine?" As Stewart began to list them, mentioning new knowledge of fetal pain, the Justice abruptly cut him off. Our brief and others document the medical and scientific advances Mr. Stewart was referring to, in language easily accessible to lay people and rigorously sourced in the latest scientific journals and currently accepted medical practices. It's there for anyone with eyes—or the will—to see. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/a-science-lesson-for-justice-sotomayor-opinion/ar-AARwkJ7
  8. You know B, on the one hand I feel sorry for this young lady if what she says is true. On the other...Cuomo has been governor for 10 years. His right hand man, Joe Percoco gets sent away for 6 years in a corruption scandal involving the SUNY Poly campus in Albany. The news coverage on Cuomo and the scandal dropped like a stone when Percoco went away— no real follow up, no real inv into Cuomo. To boot, the initial allegations against Cuomo came nearly three years ago. He’s clearly an aggressive human being, whether that rises to bullying or whatever is not the issue. Cuomo is gov, was AG. His replacement was Eric Schneiderman- a guy forced out due to heavy hands with the woman in his life, and as reported locally by a staff writer on the Albany Times Union— allegedly a fairly regular cocaine user while in office. Before Cuomo and Schneiderman was Spitzer as AG and Governor. We know the story on him— illegal activity, call girls, trafficking etc...gets off Scott free. The media company in this case stayed silent, it would seem, and allowed and enabled this behavior. We know it’s not a question of fear of reprisal—they all rode hard on Trump. So, 10 years of corruption and scandal and not a peep out of them. What was in it for them? That’s the story here.
  9. WHAT TIM SCOTT SAID: "America is not a racist country" WHAT LIBS HEARD: "Racism doesn't exist in America" They're not the same thing. All you have to do is think about it for two seconds, which is clearly too much work. Don't blame Tim Scott for being smarter than you.
  10. Read Republican Sen. Tim Scott's response to Biden's address to Congress https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/28/politics/tim-scott-response-transcript/index.html
  11. Here we go... conservatives whining about people calling Tim Scott ‘Uncle Tim’ for saying “America is not a racist country.” They’re calling it racist - in America - the ‘not racist country.’ Tim Scott is double talking. Scott said he was stopped by police around 10 times in one year, and that he is followed around in stores, yet there is no systemic racism.
  12. The rebuttal never goes well so I’ll leave Tim Scott alone today. They made him do that because no one else would.
  13. Both speakers represented their positions fairly well. Biden has the Democratic approach of more expansive government, Scott the Republican view of less expansive government. The one thing I wish would have been brought up is the size of the national debt. Biden’s increased spending will add to it, Scott’s party and their tax cuts made it bigger, and meanwhile China owns a lot of our debt and our country. That is dangerous. Also, thank God neither talked about the idiot culture war crap. I liked Scott, but his problem is that he espoused traditional Republican views for a party that has abandoned such and has decided Trumpism is their way forward. If they party is smart they’ll listen to what Scott said. But they won’t; McCarthy afterward talked about us not eating hamburgers even though he knows it’s a total lie. Independents like me are sick of that crap. We were last November which is why Trump lost.
  14. They're buildiing up Scott, but believe me there's nothing there. He's the Republicans Elizabeth Warren. DeSantis is Bernie Sanders. Trump is their guy. He'll mop up anyone in the primaries. Scott just makes it easier if he draws votes from the others
  15. SENATOR TIM SCOTT: “Our best future will not come from Washington schemes or Socialist dreams.”
  16. Tim Scott brought up some interesting points I wonder if any Democrats on the planet actually watched him Going to be interesting how dems deal with Scott
  17. I always do vote . I never said i didn't like the guy he's probably pretty nice he just ain't got a clue on somethings just another typical career politician ! As far as Trump goes i really hope he doesn't run again although he does what needs to be done in some cases he don't know enough to shut up and that's what hurts him more than anything . Besides people like you that hate anything he does no matter good or bad think its been shown that the border WAS !! in good order . But as i've said before he could give you a bar of gold & you would complain that it's not shiny enough ! I for one would love to get behind T. Scott or Desantis much better i think and like Trump both say & do what needs to be done for the people & the country but that's just me . And just for the record i really don't care that they are republican that makes no difference to me i just think along the same lines as they do . Oh by the way how did you like what Gary O'conner called Tim Scott a "Oreo" or some that called him "Uncle Tim" boy now there's couple of great unracist statements if i ever heard one from the party that's trying to unite the people 🤔 . The worst part is Pelosi or Biden neither one have called him on it so just what does that tell you ? Just asking .
  18. CNN’s Ana Cabrera reported that the suspect, Brandon Scott Hole, was on authorities’ radar before the mass shooting. “Authorities were warned about FedEx suspect’s potential for violence in the past, sources say,” she wrote on Twitter. “The suspect in the Indianapolis mass shooting was known to federal and local authorities prior to the attack.” Intelligence is useless unless acted upon.
  19. You are blaming the media on America's historic race problem? What would Dred Scott say? Do you have any thoughts of your own? I mean it's easy to let twitter think for you, but is that really thinking?
  20. Reflection on how stupid half this country is Senator Scott. But the Secretary of State!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. One important issue that many in the national media are ignoring, as pointed out here by Sen. Tim Scott, is that MLB moved the All-Star game from Atlanta whose population is 51% Black to Denver which is 9.2% Black all in the name of protecting Black voters who are allegedly harmed by Georgia’s new voting law which just happens to be similar to Colorado’s existing voting law:
  22. That's total BS given all the noise he made like i said politicians on either side can't be trusted they talk a good game but they are for the most part all crooks ! Even though Joe did it to a lessor extent than Trump he did it too so that means Joe is the lessor of 2 evil's ! Given this and some other things surrounding Trump i hope he doesn't run again . It would be hard to get behind someone that pulls this kind of crap ! I would like some one that thinks out side the box and isn't the typical "Career Politician" & has the balls to make the really hard decisions that most in the swamp won't I think the Donald may have run the course & it's time to look to another candidate if the republicans can find one . I think Desantis or Tim Scott would be a great choice for either Pres./VP . Desantis definitely stands up for what he believes & Tim Scott does too & believe from anything i've heard or seen to this point would be much better & easier to get behind either of them . Stupid is as stupid does & The Donald has definitely S**T where he eats & that's never a good thing ...
  23. Approval rating polls are usually much more accurate than other polls. It’s kinda hard to screw those up. Polls by Scott Rasmussen in the final week before an election are usually accurate. I believe he had it 51-47, which I think was exactly right. Rasmussan Reports had it tied.
  24. There’s multiple Ras companies. Ras reports is a terrible pollster. Scott’s polls are better. People get confused by that.
  25. Judge rules to unseal dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs, including those that reveal her and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with the Clintons Judge Loretta Preska ruled Thursday that dozens of documents about Ghislaine Maxwell's personal affairs should be unsealed in the next two weeks The judge said that unsealing the documents would not impact Maxwell's right to a fair trial in November as her lawyers have claimed Among the documents will be Maxwell's efforts to quash requests from Virginia Roberts Giuffre to obtain her financial records Giuffre's lawyers demanded documents from Maxwell, including 'funding received from the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Foundation' Clinton flew on Epstein's plane dozens of times and photographs show the former president with the financier and Maxwell </snip> https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9747011/Judge-rules-unseal-dozens-documents-Ghislaine-Maxwells-personal-affairs.html
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