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  1. by the media and non-Bills fans seems to be the trend this offseason. He’s getting the label of a guy that can’t and never will get it done. A “poor man’s Roethlisberger” or Phillip Rivers (who I think he’s already surpassed in 6 years.) Guys like Lamar Jackson get flack, but the flat out hating of Allen has been absolutely ridiculous lately and it’s everywhere, I’m not really bothered by it, I’m just wondering where it’s all coming from? Ignorance and sheep mentality? Whether he sniffs a SB in his life time or not, he’s going to be a HOFer on pure numbers alone. I’ve watched every one of his games as most of us have and he’s clearly not the problem. The turnover stat is so overblown and is on par w/ most of the top QBs in the league. 78 picks to Mahomes 63 over 6 years. That’s 2.5 more interceptions per season than Mahomes if you average it out. Not really that much in a 17 game span and most of them don’t usually affect the outcome of the game as the Bills have one of the best regular season records in the NFL since Allen was drafted.
  2. NFL put this up yesterday. I once watched a JP Losman career highlight video and it was over before my coffee was half drunk, so let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that we have this cannon-armed lunatic playing QB for our team
  3. Former PGA Tour player YouTube guy Grant Horvat has a channel where he challenges other PGA pros and celebrities in a round of 18. He recently went up against Josh, giving Josh 10 strokes. This is just over an hour but a really good watch. I'm not giving any spoilers
  4. Let me start by saying I come in peace! Just having a conversation here. I know this is kind of a negative Josh post. What do you think? Does it matter to you if he doesn’t train or work on his game as much as he use to?
  5. Welcome to the first ever "Question of the day" thread proposed by @BuffaloBill! It's an honor to kick this off for TSW and thought there was no better place to start than a question about our best and most important player, Josh Allen. There has been a lot of discussion this offseason about the WR position, but there are more changes around Josh and this offense than just who the receivers are (or aren't). Josh will also have a new center for the first time in a long time, and there is a chance it could be a rookie in SVPG and Joe Brady is going to now truly install his own offense here rather than manage it around Dorseys when he took over last year. So now that we have a pretty good idea on personnel between draft and signings, do you think Allen will be better, worse, or about the same as he has been the past 2 seasons?
  6. I was just watching Kyle Williams last game and it hit me that he may have given Josh Allen the his heart and soul, so Josh could take his mantle as the heart and soul of the team. It got me thinking who did Kyle get it from, Aaron Schobel? Thoughts?
  7. In my opinion, there are two primary factors separating the drought era Bills teams from the Allen era Bills teams. The first and foremost is having Josh Allen as QB. The second factor which may be equally as important is having the financial resources to compete in free agency. Among the drought era coaches I think I liked Chan Gaily the best. I credit him with being the inventor of the Fitzmagic. It would have been interesting if he and Allen had aligned in time. I am not sure if any of the other drought era coaches would have been anymore interesting than the Allen era coaching staffs have been. How would others like to rewrite history?
  8. Per Tim Graham Josh Allen snapped at Stephon Diggs after the Jets loss. Explains alot. "Josh Allen snapped at him, and he said 'It's one f****** game' and motioned I'm not talking to you here," Graham said. "Diggs walked away and Josh sat there...He didn't snap at anybody else. A stream of players were coming over, popping him on the shoulder pads, or patting him on the back, or dapping him up. Whatever Stefon Diggs said to him, Josh Allen wasn't having it." https://www.si.com/nfl/bills/buffalo-bills-josh-allen-stefon-diggs-trade-argument-new-york-jets#:~:text="Josh Allen snapped at him,back%2C or dapping him up.
  9. Keon Coleman: Josh Allen texted me “You’re the guy I want”
  10. Maybe the greatest olineman to ever play the game.
  11. Just FYI: Been trying to purchase the Allen grocery bags for a while and they’re very rare to find, but Wegmans just re-stocked them. Go quick if you want one. I grabbed a couple.
  12. We all assumed it would be one of the first moves Beane would do, since it opened up so much Cap, but it’s looking rather unlikely now that we restructure Josh’s contract to open up 23-ish million. If the reports are true, Beane has is close to being under the cap. This is a pretty big deal, is it not? Unless I’m mistaken, paying Josh his big guarantees and not kicking the can down the road will, no pun intended, pay off huge dividends in years to come. I believe the team is already in positive cap space for next season, and they don’t have many big ticket expiring contracts (yet). If Beane keeps up this level of wizardry, Hogwarts will come knocking.
  13. Can't believe that it hasn't been posted yet..... but today is QB1s birthday.
  14. First off I want to say I respect Beane’s game. He always finds a way to fill holes and gives McD as much depth as possible every year to keep the team competitive. He did a great job putting make up on an ugly pig of a WR group after the draft. BUT what if we went all in on surrounding Josh with as much young cheap talent as possible. What if Beane didn’t play it safe year in and year out with high character dependable players and went with some potential home run hitters. Humor me and lets play this out, let’s reverse time back to this epic 2024 WR draft. AD Mitchell and Troy Franklin may have had some character flaws that dropped them a bit in the draft but their talent is undeniable. In a year where even before we lost Davis and Diggs we needed another young WR, let’s pretend that we did something unconventional and actually took 3 WR in the first 3 rounds! 🤯 Now how would this play out? Pick 33 is still Coleman and we got some draft capital pick 51 or higher (trade a 5th this year and a 3rd next year) AD Mitchell Pick 95 Troy Franklin The rest of the draft stays the same BUT wait we don’t have Bishop at safety or Carter at DT whatever will we do!?! Hmmm maybe this year we let McD get a couple FAs to plug and play. Maybe we don’t go dumpster diving for leftover WRs and instead grab a couple veteran defensive players instead. Why not sign Justin Simmons and Calais Campbell and then next year when it’s a better defensive draft you can address the DT spot Josh now has Coleman, AD Mitchell, Troy Franklin, Khalil Shakir, and Curtis Samuel…oh and McD can have his special teams WR with the last spot too in Hollins, Shavers or Shorter. You know you’d love that WR corps and so would Josh for the next 4+ years Again, Beane did a great job making the best out of a bad situation with his WR room but man what could’ve been if he just leaned into helping his franchise QB out long term instead of short term bandaids.
  15. 🤣 https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/03/06/sports/josh-allen-has-wardrobe-malfunction-in-paris-with-hailee-steinfeld/amp/
  16. Even when we don't beat teams, we beat teams 😅
  17. Only QB higher is Joe Burrow. "Gotta Have It" drives are drives where they are trailing with under 5 minutes to go in the 2nd half. Lamar Jackson was 3rd, which means this HAS to be a regular season stat, Brady was 4th and Mahomes was 5th. https://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/lamar-jackson-better-clutch-than-patrick-mahomes-tom-brady-past-five-seasons-analytics
  18. You know the event is for fun and for a great charity, but Josh Allen, again displayed what a talented athlete he is. While most of his competitors struggled to hit 2 or 3 homers, Josh belted a total of 15 homers in the 2 rounds of competition. He is amazing.
  19. Stumbled across this on YouTube, this guy has under 2k followers but looked at comments and had to check it out. It's depressing as well but they did a great job documenting Buf since 2017 and Mahomes as Allens white whale, even though he arguably outplayed him. Salute to KC though, many more wars to come. But if you have 50 minutes to kill, this is dope What a wild few years, we'll get ours. Love yall
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