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Found 21 results

  1. biden crime bill and drug bill. Specifically targeted minorities which ended up imprisoning millions upon millions of minorities because of the mandatory minimums of 5 years in jail for a hit or two of crack possession. Did don ever imprison minorities at a rate like that? Come up with an example
  2. biden crime bill and drug bills imprisoned millions upon millions of minorities and did nothing but destroy their families and communities. Has trump done anything close to this?
  3. Nobody has caused more damage to this country than Biden. Talk to all the minorities who got jailed for the Biden crime bill and drug bill.
  4. He created the crime bills and drug bills that caused millions of minorities to be imprisoned and then the gang violence that resulted and continues to this day. Guns weren’t the problem until the environment was created that made them necessary for gangs to run their businesses.
  5. Such as bidens drug bill and crime bill which imprisoned them at an insane rate over white people. I agree with you. All their current problems stem from joe and you support him unconditionally lol.
  6. how about Biden and his drug and crime bills which resulted in tens of millions of minorities imprisoned at an incredibly high rate destroying generations of families? All the problems modern minorities face is due to one man.
  7. you elected a guy who’s biggest accomplishment was passing the drug and crime bills in the 80s. This resulted in millions upon millions of minorities imprisoned for low level possession drug crimes. Consequences being minorities set back generations as kids grew up without parents and the violence from that is seen daily on the streets of cities like Chicago. Did trump ever cause problems such as that? Or do you support imprisoning minorities?
  8. Joe Biden and the crime bill and the drug bill...both of which imprisoned minorities at an incredibly high rate over white people. This has lead to these problems today. And the left must just want it to happen. It's the only reasonable conclusion.
  9. who's done a worse job? the guy who created the drug bill and the crime bill that wrongly imprisoned minorities and created the problems minorities have or trump? you voted for someone who has ruined countless minorities lives and are going to vote him in again. just racist
  10. joe bidens crime Bills disproportionally imprisoned minorities by enormous margins over white people over the last 30 years. And you are responsible for that. You support the over sentencing of minorities over white people.
  11. All the people in US prisons in jail from Biden's crime bill gotta be pissed they aren't a celebrity.
  12. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/3-ways-1994-crime-bill-continues-hurt-communities-color/ Who wrote this bill? The lord and savior...Joe Biden.
  13. why would I think chauvin is innocent? btw your boy Biden stopped Asians from suing Yale. So congrats on supporting a president who has a history of imprisoning minorities with his crime bills and being racist against Asians. Must feel good you can get those hoods out and March around
  14. So we have Biden as President who's history includes...Crime Bill and Drug Bill which at the time apparently was a great idea but ended up having devastating effects on minorities in this country and a big reason BLM was created, part of the Obama admin which deported more people than Trump could dream of, Obama increased troop numbers overseas and joined in the Libya conflict before eventually pulling troops home. Trump established second chance bills helping ex cons who were hurt by Bidens bill, deported some people, pulled troops out and started zero foreign conflicts, great economy for all until the rona, but was apparently Hitler. If Biden had a R in front of his name people would call him worse than Trump.
  15. pulled the troops out of overseas, failed to start a conflict for the first time in like 50 years or something, passed a crime bill that will lower prison population, negotiated peace in the middle east, continued to destroy isis, economy grew, lowered the hate crimes for the first time since obama was in office. you know good stuff
  16. he’s working on getting the vaccine out which has been our only hope since the beginning. He’s got the vaccine coming out fast and an excellent economy that he will get all credit for the next four years. We just can’t have Biden pass any more of his Crime bills that caused all the systemic racism and jail population increase or start any wars.
  17. because you voted for joe Biden the guy whose past policies in the 86 drug bill and 94 crime bills locked up half of black America. You know
  18. Lol he wrote an article mother of god. Biden wrote the 86 drug bill and the 94 crime bill both of which are huge reasons if not the reasons the blm movement exists today. When comparing which guy has done more damage to minorities you can’t even come close to arguing trump had done 1 percent the damage Biden’s bills did to the minority community in this country. Congrats on being a hypocrite. Trump has a lot of faults but Biden’s history is so bad it’s laughable
  19. FYI it was Biden who called the minorities predators not me I should have used quotations. Biden help write the 86 drug bill and the 94 crime bill. Both had devastating effects on the minorities.
  20. Biden creates 94 crime bill which leads to mass incarceration for the predator minorities. leading to huge racial divide in the country and having to reform those mistakes decades later. blame trump for the racial divide and elect the guy who actually is the reason for the problem. classic. i guess in a way it's smart to elect the guy who created the problem though.
  21. gotta love biden's response to the 94 crime bill being a mistake and that they've made up for by letting the people out of prison. like that makes it all better.
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