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  1. DAMN Biden Pulled almost 100 million dollars in December. mostly from mega donors, Dirty PACS and untraceable small transactions. (under 200 are untraceable) https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/15/politics/biden-democrats-fundraising-haul/index.html Biden and the Democratic Party last quarter exceeded the $72 million and $71 million raised in the second and third quarters of 2023, respectively. And for the first time, Biden outraised the amount brought in by former President Barack Obama at the same point in the cycle. Obama raised $68 million in the fourth quarter of 2011, and Biden’s team had eyed a roughly $67 million target for last quarter Biden’s team held a total of 39 fundraisers during the fourth quarter, with Biden himself bringing in over $15 million from high-dollar donors during a December fundraising sprint
  2. When it's a requirement of both the institutional investors (black rock) and Huge political PACS like HRC, that will rank you accordingly. Compliance is not a choice. all the diversity groups parrot the same exact thing as they do the same exact thing, while allowing no alternative viewpoints. Its not very diverse of thought or idea. it's just the same Robin Deangelo tripe parroted over and over again.
  3. Congrats on the Michigan win. I'm a Penn State alum and after watching a lot of Pac 12 games this year, I was expecting a better game from Washington. Michigan totally handled them. Penix looked ordinary. They should have sat Johnson. He was too hobbled to be effective and hurt the team. Michigan was impressive.
  4. lmao - they never f'n think: PAC Profile: Our Freedom, Our Future • OpenSecrets Our Freedom, Our Future is a Leadership PAC affiliated with ex-Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) Idiots - f'n idiots
  5. Should read PAC vs democracy. Hopefully the courts do the right thing and let the people choose.
  6. Good for the people vs the PAC puppets trying to eff with free will. It's interesting how the law they voted for does have a viability limit. Like full circle And in turn other states might vote for different limits and what not. Just like the EU. Different laws depending on the state
  7. Oh you haven’t learned your lesson yet have you? lmao Hurry - go post more Russian garbage from the shady PACS you agree with you pathetic hack.
  8. Some shady pacs working the courts to interfere with an election, when everyone is enjoying the holiday.
  9. There are some “chinks in the armor” of the ACC. Florida St. aren’t happy with the ACC’s languishing. Before their playoff pass over, last spring they expressed concerns about the ACC’s future. The NCAA, given Florida St. snub, is viewed by some an implication the ACC is the “ runt of the litter” in the Power 5. Their TV revenues aren’t close to the others, even dwindling, and their appeal to CF viewers nationwide is becoming less significant. Should one of the better ACC teams also think Florida St. is on to something, the ACC going the way of the PAC 10 could be more realistic, which many think impossible.
  10. the big 10 is on par with the SEC. the ACC, however is far below both. the PAC was better than the ACC
  11. Work that conspiracy early. Everyone outside of TDS dems knows the SC will toss it. Then we will see if the sack of potatoes can get 81 million again, or if the orange dude can get 75 million or whatever number it takes to win. So no response on what PAC sued and who funds said pac
  12. CREW? The PAC that sued to take him off the ticket and is now fund raising off it? The precedent for 14th Amendment disqualification - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (citizensforethics.org) The precedent likewise confirms that one can “engage” in insurrection without personally committing violent acts. Neither Kenneth Worthy nor Couy Griffin were accused of engaging in violence, yet both were ruled to be disqualified because they knowingly and voluntarily aided violent insurrections. These rulings are consistent with the views of Attorney General Henry Stanbery, who opined in 1867 that when a person has “incited others to engage in [insurrection or] rebellion, he must come under the disqualification.” the thing is J6 was never found to be a rebellion or insurrection. look at the convictions.
  13. Thrown out on its merits. can't claim he is guilty of an Inserection when he was never even charged, better yet convicted of that. And how are the voices even claiming democracy in a story about a shady funded PAC suing to get the election results that benefit their class the best? Due process requires that the procedures by which laws are applied must be evenhanded, so that individuals are not subjected to the arbitrary exercise of government power.
  14. Billionaire funded pac sues to remove a citizen from the Democratic process. With no due process or precedent. This seems very Democratic. And very much supported by the Dems
  15. Just because guys have awesome numbers in a college system designed for QB's doesn't mean they are going to be a high level unstoppable QB. Kyler Murray's offense averaged 48 points per game in 2018 and he has been a very average QB in the NFL. I actually compare the two very similarly. Murray also had a ***** attitude much like Williams does. Great QB's don't pout after every loss like a petulant child. Baker Mayfields team averaged 45 points per game his last season. Both guys who played in Lincoln Riley's offense who put up more PPG in College than what your pointing out and both have been disappointments relative to their draft positions. Your also all over the place in your other posts. You claim Bo Nix will be terrible because he played against terrible defenses but in Williams point you state that Williams played against the best Pac 12 in years. That Bo Nix plays in a super friendly QB system. Well guess what so does Williams, just look at all the QB's in Riley's system again. Not disagreeing as I think Nix will be not a great pro but pointing out the discrepancies here.
  16. USC averaged almost 42 points/ game in the best pac 12 in years. They went 7-5. Williams is awesome and this is classic overthinking.
  17. I think nix is going to be terrible. He plays in a super friendly qb system ; against PAC 12 defenses; is like in his 10th year in college; and has very limited physical tools. He throws a ton of short passes. Maybe he went to SF but I can’t see him ever being more than a backup at best. and this is what we do every year. Try to find fault with clearly the best qb in Williams. He played with one of the worst defenses I have ever seen. He has to score 40 points/ game just to have a chance to win. When you have to do that, you are going to take a lot of risks. Also, USC isn’t loaded on offense this year either. Maye got a lot of passes for a bunch of dud games he had in a bad ACC this year. Williams got roasted for only scoring 40 points in a loss
  18. There will be 21 people listed on the Democratic presidential primary ballot in New Hampshire next month, but one name will be conspicuously absent. President Joe Biden, assuming he was the candidate by default, never filed to run in the New Hampshire primary. But that “default” assumption isn’t looking quite so solid these days and some of the Big Guy’s supporters are getting nervous. So a few of them have hastily launched a super PAC and begun an advertising campaign asking people to write in Biden’s name and demonstrating how to do so. Having an incumbent show up as a write-in candidate is pretty much unique in American electoral history, but we’re living in unusual times. So will this work? And will it even matter who wins? (Boston Globe) https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/12/15/metro/new-hampshire-joe-biden-write-in-campaign-primary/ .
  19. I do notice the highly funded trump PACS and influencers on the millennials. I guess you have a point.
  20. House Democrats ditch “Bidenomics” messaging. House Democrats have rejected the White House’s months-long campaign to sell the term “Bidenomics.” Why it matters: Democrats are going into the 2024 election divided on how to communicate about the economy at a time when most voters are dissatisfied with it. What’s happening: House Democratic leadership stopped pushing the term months ago. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and House Majority PAC, two key fundraising arms, are also avoiding it on social media and press releases, as polling indicates the tagline is ineffective. In a meeting this past summer to discuss economic messaging strategy, House Democrats decided to stick with “People Over Politics” rather than “Bidenomics,” one senior Democratic leadership aide told Axios. Zoom in: The “Bidenomics” catchphrase seemed to present a host of issues, according to Democratic sources. The term was seen as tone-deaf to voters still struggling economically and also invoked a president with lackluster polling numbers. One Democratic strategist said the biggest problem wasn’t using “Biden,” but that the term was too philosophical and required too much explanation. Democrats across the board intend to keep many of the policies behind the “Bidenomics” tagline front and center heading into 2024. https://www.axios.com/2023/12/03/house-democrats-bidenomics-2024-elections-biden .
  21. Go cheer on REDSTATE and all the other DIRTY PACS and "non -profits" that you support!
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