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  1. Relax UB Bulls and the MAC will be fine and everything will work itself out. Sports are suppose to be fun for the fans. Change happens in sports the Sun is going to come up tomorrow. Again nothing is forever and change happens. Power conference is made up by members of the national media. There was no such thing when I was growing up so I don’t get all caught up on Power conferences it’s totally made up. The PAC 12 breaking up has nothing to do with the MAC. Look at this way it’s just the old territory wrestling system going away in professional wrestling and professional wrestling went on and still does today. I could care less if the ACC collapsed if the conference breaks up it breaks up it has no baring on me as a Buffalo fan or UB Bulls fan. College football will still go on so what if players leave UB Bulls for the Power conference opportunities whatever the MAC can do the same thing to the best FCS conference players. There is basically always a way Pete Lembo isn’t worried he talked about that you lose some good players you go out and find new good players to replace them. Coaches that whine about the system or losing players are excuses for their lack of ability to adapt and should just retire like Jim Boeheim did. It was time when you whine about change it’s time to retire. Ok there are always going to be players that want a full ride to school and everything that comes with it. There are always going to be football coaches that want to be paid $725,000 a year for 5 years which is what UB Bulls paid head coach Pete Lembo. The bottom line all these schools will field football teams if there university chooses to. If you don’t like what is happening don’t go to the college football games no one is forcing you to go. If you are that against change don’t go to whatever school you root for if you are that unhappy. But the reality is most fans are going to go to the college football games for a fun time to enjoy leisurely time. I went to UB Bulls football games for 30 plus years until my health prevents me today from going to games today as a season ticket holder it doesn’t matter if the UB Bulls sucked for years when they first went to the FBS MAC it’s $125 for the season for 6 home games and free parking 10 minutes from my house. Most UB Bulls fans are going to just go and I would think that applies to the other schools fans. It’s sports entertainment not something serious like one’s health that one should be upset about. Change always happens some good some bad but sports are going on and I don’t see that changing college football will be fine. The Buffalo Sabres have been bad for 13 years for many reasons including economic changes in the NHL but Buffalo Sabres fans still go to games and will continue to go to games because it’s a night out and sports entertainment regardless of the increasing costs to go to NHL hockey games fans still go and will continue to go to games regardless of what the players and coaches make in my opinion. UB Horns Up! Go Bulls! Let’s Go Buffalo
  2. I am trying to figure out if you are delusional or ignorant due to being misinformed. Have you not been paying attention to what's going on? It is a massive S*** show at the moment, and none of it is good for UB, the G5 schools, or "college football" in general. It can be argued college players have it better than the Pros. NIL contract are 1 year deals, and unfettered free agency from the time they are eligible to play at the college level. There is no salary cap, and very minimal roster restrictions. Tennessee and Virginia have sued the NCAA and blocked the NCAA requirement that NIL money cannot be used as a recruitment tool. The NCAA has recently said there are no longer going to investigate any kind of NIL money allegation. Expect lots of tampering. UB does not have the resources to compete in this kind of market and without some kind of parity. The PAC-12? is gone. The only option for that conference to survive is to raid the G5 conferences. The PAC 12 originally had a TV deal offer of $23M per school via Apple. That was with USC, UCLA, etc. If the conference does somehow survive, kiss that deal good bye. There are only 4 Power conferences left, and 1 of them is on shaky ground. The Big 10 and the SEC have been talking together. It has been reported, for the CFP expansion to 14 to happen, the SEC and Big 10 want all the guaranteed byes to go to them. The ACC and Big 12 would be shut out. And if they don't get it, they are willing to tell the NCAA to go pound sand and will leave. If the SEC and the BIG 10 leave the NCAA, it will be a massive shake up in all collegiate sports, including Basketball. I suspect the ACC will implode at that point, and all hell will break loose. Will the bigger schools in the ACC attempt hook up with either the SEC/Big 10? Or will they merge with the Big 12 and try to salvage what's left of the NCAA FBS Division? Heck, will the Big 12 survive?
  3. Still crazy how this all started with a dem PAC using over a 15 week limit. Where are the children?
  4. Now do Trump's SUPER PAC and all the payments made to family members, etc.
  5. Shocker! DNC Wants a Federal Probe Into RFK Jr by M. Dowling Oh, what a shock. The DNC filed a complaint over RFK Jr.’s super PAC’s efforts to put him on state ballots. According to The New York Times, In a federal election complaint filed on Friday, the Democratic National Committee accused Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and a super PAC backing his independent presidential bid of illegally coordinating on a $15 million petition drive intended to qualify him for the ballot in several states that could be crucial to President Biden’s re-election prospects. https://www.independentsentinel.com/shocker-dnc-opens-a-federal-probe-into-rfk-jr/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/09/us/politics/fec-complaint-rfk-jr.html#:~:text=In a federal election complaint,could be crucial to President .
  6. CREW - is a “dirty” non profit - lmao - not a PAC. Look at you turn yourself into a pretzel trying to differentiate and validate one PAC over another. It is hilarious and pathetic all at the same time. Whataboutism alert - I do not recall you getting upset about this: Corporate PACs and industry trade groups steered over $66 million to election objectors in the two years after Jan. 6 attack
  7. WHO funds the PAC that is trying to get trump off the ballot? What's the name of the PAC? Nope, PACS trying to influence or sway, and election is the problem. Any of them suing to keep DEMS off the ballot anywhere?
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68237791 Putin challenger Boris Nadezhdin barred from Russia's election Russia's election commission has rejected anti-war challenger Boris Nadezhdin as a candidate in next month's presidential vote. Mr Nadezhdin has been relatively critical of Vladimir Putin's full-scale war in Ukraine when few dissenting voices have been tolerated in Russia. So just like Ukraine and the USA. Today a Shady funded PAC is taking the Colorado case to keep trump off the ticket, to the SC. the MSM will cover this nonstop, all day. every narrative outside following the money.
  9. Justice Jackson has weighed in on more legal questions of Jan. 6 rioting than any other Supreme Court member | CNN Politics Seems her mind is already made up. Jackson, while serving on a federal trial-level court in Washington, DC, oversaw a handful of criminal cases against rioters as the Justice Department was making its first batches of arrests after the deadly attack. “How close can a person be to unquestionably violent and completely unacceptable lynch-mob-like acts of others and still claim to be a nondangerous, truly innocent bystander,” The case before the nine justices this week concerns an effort by a group of voters in Colorado (DEM Mega funded PAC) to remove Trump from that state’s ballot under the Constitution’s 14th Amendment ban on insurrectionists holding office. The voters argue Trump “engaged in insurrection” through his conduct on January 6. LMAO Attorneys for the Colorado voters seeking to keep Trump off the ballot emphasized the grisly details of the riot in court filings ahead of Thursday’s arguments, calling it the “most violent attack on our nation’s Capitol since the War of 1812.” Since 1812 the capital has actually been attacked, mass shooting and bombed. All pardoned by DEMS. Then-Judge Jackson ultimately handed the rioter cases she was assigned off to other judges when she left the district court after President Joe Biden elevated her to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. But her statements from the period immediately following the attack offer an indication of how she might approach the riot in the Trump ballot case. “Many of the attendees of this rally were lured to the Capitol Building itself,” she said at a March 2021 hearing for Texas rioter Christopher Grider (he was later convicted). “They participated in what many scholars and commentators have characterized as an armed insurrection … If there is a more serious offense in terms of who we are as a society and the democratic order that is at the core of our constitutional scheme, I don’t know what is.” And they will continue to attack Thomas as biased. SMH
  10. I get it - you don’t work for a global firm with offices all over the world. Fortunately, most of our Russian colleagues transferred to offices in EMEIA and Asia-Pac when your boy Putin started a war in Ukraine.
  11. @Tommy Callahan - crying about PACS and dirty money 501C3s - unless they are cult approved PACS and dirty non profits.
  12. Hrc is a mega corporate and elite funded pac that pays no taxes and fights for porn in schools
  13. Yes all the thousands of people saying negative things on Trump are lying. He never raped, cheated on his wife, hung out with Epstein, set up a scam university, nothing. So what of half the people saying these things are Republicans they were probably paid by dirty PAC money!!! It's the swamp! No, you are not transparent at all. You do not sound at all like a boring fox news AI. Your thoughts vomited on this site are original and entertaining.
  14. The voices are pandering to the slowest of the slow. the Supreme court ruled that abortion is a STATES issue. Not fed. (Ironically due to a DEM PAC suing over Mississippi 15 week limit) So, any talk of banning or restoring on a federal level is just pandering to ignorance. And kind of explains why the most ignorant in here are posting it.
  15. Its amazing how many of you like to ignore it was a shady DEM PAC that sued the 15 week limit, and took the case to the courts. Even RBG knew the federal regulation was rocky using the 14th. Its going to end up like the EU with separate laws for each state. Up here in NY we are throwing money at PP (A company that doesn't pay taxes and lobbies)
  16. I was referring to Michigan. And I don't put a lot of stock in his time at Stanford. He was 29-21. In the Pac-10. Not exactly setting the world on fire. I already mentioned that I think he rode superior talent and good coaches at SF until they fired him at the first opportunity. They were absolutely loaded and being driven into the ground by Mike Singletary, Who was 8-8 the season before he got fired and who is sooooo bad that not only is he no longer welcome in the NFL, he was last seen coaching a HS team to a 1-21 record in his last two years.
  17. Lol he basically ended USCs run in the PAC 12, went to the NFL and only managed 3 NFC championship games in 4 years in the same division as the legion of boom, then went to Michigan and remade the program.
  18. Abortion, censorship (book banning), theocracy, education, immigration (I think we need to expand resources for asylum seekers to get citizenship while quickly refusing unqualified immigrants), healthcare (for single payer), term limits, minimum wage, union support, supreme court justices (we need to even it out), Mandatory vaccination during a deadly pandemic, funding for the arts, taxes and loopholes for the rich, election reform in the way of limiting the influence of PACs and superPACs, aggressive prosecution of hate groups, support for NATO, support for Ukraine etc
  19. Yes everyone is trying to mirror you Debbie Downer. The guy who mutters about left wing pacs and ignores right wing ones. Qanon jack fan. Yup. Nothing but lefties on tik tok....and you huh big guy? I get it, your incel communities are probably there huh? You and all your Nick Fuentes loving buddies post there and commiserate?
  20. PACS bad (except the ones that donate to Republicans) qanon good.
  21. LMAO - Chris is crying about PACS again. These idiots never think.
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