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  1. http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=14&articleid=20110527_222_A15_CUTLIN912500
  2. be rewarded with those valuable lower drafts picks? Why should the worst teams be forced to settle with high draft picks and unlimited choice? It is so back-asswards. The NFL needs to see the light and start saddling the best teams with the highest draft picks. Let the bad teams gorge themselves on those juicy late round picks. In fact, I would like to see a lottery system where the worst teams draw balls to see who picks at the bottom of the 2nd round. Thoughts?
  3. I don't watch TV so I don't know if the networks have been reporting on the trial of the Navy Seals accused of mistreating a terrorist, but the last Court Martial is over. There are several ways to look at this. I believe that this is proof that the the best of the best actually do adhere to the ideals on which our great nation was founded.
  4. I'm sure most of you are aware of the Gordon Brown "bigoted woman" incident. Here's a link to a video news piece: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/election-2...n-six-acts.html Here is the uncut video of the encounter, as well as an interview with her immediately after she was told what he said. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVPknIAhibo It looks to me like she was just an ordinary frustrated Labour supporter, worried about the debt.
  5. http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/78xx/doc7874/03...l_Personnel.pdf Blacks are only 12% of the population Blacks are 17% of all Federal employees Blacks are 30% of Federal Clerical employees If George Bush's administration had hired 85% white workers or if a conservative Hispanic president's administration like Mel Martinez hired 20% hispanics to federal job they would be crucified for it. Why the double standard?
  6. Anyone else notice (not sure how u can't) that the PA system at the Ralph sucks. We need a new one it's long overdue. You can't hear half of whats on there. Just thinking they could also use some music and videos on the jumbotron to get the crowd going. What do you think about a video with music to it pre-game right before player intros or right after. (Think goo-goo dolls better days playoff video intro for the sabres a couple a years ago.) That would be cool at the Ralph with 74,000
  7. I found this interesting: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/m...g-saved-canada/ The gist of it is that Canada's banking system weathered the crisis largely undamaged, largely because they practice old-school requirements: higher capital reserves. 20% down payment, proof of income, and no federal push for home ownership. As a consequence, banks generally found lending more profitable, and engaged less in the bundling and selling of dubious loans. It goes on to say that the Obama administration has successfully resisted attempts in the financial regulation bill to follow the Canadian example, defeating such amendments on largely partisan votes. This seems to have flown under my radar. Is it essentially accurate?
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...say-report.html l o l
  9. Linkage June 6th, 2008 Indiana man sentenced to 10 years for residential cross burning Posted: 06:22 PM ET (CNN) — A 22-year-old Indiana man was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison for burning an 8-foot cross in front of a house where a woman lived with her three biracial children. The sentencing of Kyle Milbourn of Muncie came three months after he was convicted by a jury of violating federal civil rights laws by erecting the large wooden cross, dousing it with gasoline and setting it on fire specifically to intimidate the residents because of their race. “It is deeply disturbing that in this day and age, circumstances still require us to prosecute cases that involve burning an 8-foot wooden cross in front of the home of a biracial family,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Grace Chung Becker, who heads the Justice Department Civil Rights Division. – From Justice Producer Terry Frieden in Washington It's sad to see this anymore but IMO racism is just underground now and a lot of people still have unspoken racist feelings.
  10. Here is a little background. I'm getting married in august and the wedding is going to be on an outside terrace. For the ceremony we r going to have pre-recorded music. Our DJ was going to charge us 500$ extra to provide the music for the ceremony. I said F' that and I have decided to provide the music myself. I have always wanted to get a premium Ipod docking speaker system and I figure now is the time to get one as Iam thinking I could use this to provide the music. Can anyone recommend one thatwould perform well for this purpose? I went and tested out the bose sounddock and it seem to get very loud with little distortion. I am also looking at the Klipsch: http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Klipsch-Roo...roductDetail.do Thoughts? BTW the outside terrace is not a huge space.
  11. I can't wait until these kids enter the workforce... ..."Dallas public school students who flunk tests, blow off homework and miss assignment deadlines can make up the work without penalty, under new rules that have angered many teachers. The new rules will be distributed when teachers return to their campuses next week. But many who have already seen the regulations say they are too lenient on slackers, and will come at the expense of kids who work hard. For example, the new rules require teachers to accept late work and prevent them from penalizing students for missed deadlines. Homework grades that would drag down a student's overall average will be thrown out."... http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...s.48e6cc22.html
  12. White supremacists believe Obama winning Presidency will help them. Huh? This isn't 1958 anymore. In 50 years, we've gone from the civil rights movement to a viable black candidate for President. It really does give me hope for this country, even though I'm supporting McCain. I don't think Obama would make a bad Commander-in-Chief, but I disagree with some of his policies. But, there's a reason why racists (white, especially, even though there are plenty of black racists out there too) are irrelevant today: It's because they're stupid. Just because you're a certain skin color does NOT mean that you are entitled to anything, in this country or in life itself. The world doesn't owe anybody a damn thing. But, some moronic white people want to hold on to their hatred, because they believe that the success of others of different races has contributed to their misfortune. No, Bubba, it hasn't. You didn't get an education, didn't get up off your fat butt and do something with YOUR life. Instead, you want to blame others who are different than you. And they say God forbid that the races should intermarry. You should hear some of the white supremacists talk about that issue...some of the stuff I've seen online is downright abominable. Some racist ministers have even tried to back up that crap with Scripture. Despite the fact that such luminaries as Derek Jeter, Dwayne Johnson, Halle Berry, and yes, Senator Obama himself are the progeny of mixed marriages and relationships. A "white revolution" is nothing more than David Duke's wet dream. People of different races are in the continuing process of learning how to get along. God knows we need it. And BTW, I subscribe to the P.J. O'Rourke theory on race: Why would you hate anyone based on the color of their skin, when you can get to know them and find so many other things to hate about them?
  13. I'm always the commissioner of my money league, and I can't seem to get the scoring just right. We always use 1 point per 10 rushing/recieving yards, 6 points per rushing/recieving TD, 1 point per 25 passing yards, 4 points per passing TD. Additionally, in the past we've always awarded 1 point per reception, but I came to be unhappy with that, in that I thought quarterbacks became somewhat meaningless as the other positions racked up all the points. So this year we took out the point per reception...and the 6 top scorers in the league at the moment are all quarterbacks! This can't be right... What scoring system do you use? Someone in my league suggested half a point per reception. Help please!
  14. McCain campaign worker claims assault by black man, turns out the woman staged the whole thing. Desperate times for the GOP fringe.
  15. Racist statments at the G20 Where is the outrage? This man is blatantly blaming the financial crisis on people from Sweden, and Poland, and...even Cheektowaga! How dare he say that there are no black bankers? INSENSITIVE! Fire up the machine! Start manufacturing the OUTRAGE! Perhaps somebody with a liberal arts degree can start telling us how to get him to stop saying racist things, because they sure know what they are talking about when it comes to the economy!
  16. Why is it when I express my disdain for our"commander in chief I always[in some circles] get the "well your just a racist " look, But when I express my admiration for Clarence Thomas I am also a racist because I support a "uncle Tom" What I am getting at is are black conservatives considered traitors to their race? Do the the Dem's have that strong a hold on them?
  17. So amazingly stupid, you couldn't possibly make it up... "LOS ANGELES --- A space-themed, talking Hallmark graduation card is being pulled from store shelves because of the card’s reference to a black hole. But members of the Los Angeles NAACP say the message sounds like "black whore" in the card's audio recording. That's how they hear it, and they say it's racist, KABC-TV in Los Angeles reported." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/06/11/naacp...t-card-shelves/ So instead of feeling embarrassed for their error, they outright refuse to understand the meaning and comic reference of a black hole and still demanded the card be pulled???? And Hallmark actually pulls this card from the shelves???? Next stop Idiocracy.
  18. http://www.tmz.com/2010/07/01/mel-gibson-o...io-tape-n-word/
  19. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/07/12...a-party-racism/ Meanwhile the mainstream media is still ignoring the Black Panther voting intimidation story.
  20. Now is our collective chance to anonymously report how we feel.
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100...ace-controversy
  22. ...and I know this is a very vague question, but it is something i am having to deal with and i am not sure how to act....i have a long story and don't want to bore anyone that doesn't want to be bored, but i am really struggling with how to deal with it....
  23. I never really thought about it before, but why doesn't the NFL have the lottery for the draft? For those not familiar with the NBA/NHL model, here's a quick breakdown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA_Draft_Lottery Basically, all the playoff teams get slotted and the non-playoff teams get weighed based on their finish. The NBA created this to stop teams from tanking their seasons just to get rewarded with a top pick. Now I know the NFL has non-guaranteed contracts and football isn't a game you can half-@ss, but it sure looks like Carolina is tanking their season. Why should the Bills get penalized because their team has heart and doesn't throw in the towel? Additionally, we know how much the NFL loves making money. This would be another event they could sell. If the Bills finish 5-11 and still have a chance to get the #1 pick, who here won't watch the lottery? It'd be awesome. So if anyone has any pull with the league, please get the lottery system for the NFL. Thanks.
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