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Búfalo Blanco

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    Roaming the Palouse

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  1. Well, perhaps the suits will consider fair officiating and actually using the tech they have access to, in order to call games efficiently. Oh, who am I kidding... they'll just make it worse.
  2. The beaches around Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, etc... all of those areas were some of my favorites to spend time in.. and my favorite drive in SoCal was going through Malibu Canyon. I'll never forget the first time I drove that route off the 101. I'd guess that some of those areas will be able to rebuild slowly. But you're correct... It'll never be the same. Absolute tragedy.
  3. While I wasn't raised there, I lived most of my adult life (23 years) in Los Angeles. I also moved to Washington state at the beginning of the pandemic, for a host of reasons. I hate to see this and have been in touch with many friends down there. The last time I was able to travel to LA was the Bills/Rams season opener in 2022... the only time I've been able to see SoFi. Amazing stadium. Amazing city.
  4. I wouldn't call it that exactly. I think he just wanted out...
  5. I'm convinced the dude dropped that pass on purpose against KC in the playoffs. Absolute cancer... "You sure?" Yeah, I'm sure troll.. Your career is declining fast without Josh Allen.
  6. Screw Diggs and every player like him... Tired of the "Me, Me, Me" attitude in football. That never works. It takes a team, and he's far more about Stefon. I'm not saying the T.O.'s of the world aren't talented, they just aren't worth the trouble they'll bring to the locker room..
  7. Yeah, some here are downplaying Poyer’s habit of cheap shots. He also did the same to Khalil Shakir Week 2. I don’t care what anybody says.. Dude’s a mercenary, even against his old longtime teammates. The NFL should consider more than the customary fine with him..
  8. Just waiting for the return from break and the zebras overturning the fumble.. Any second now..
  9. AT LEAST a 7 point swing if not for the zebras trying to “keep the parity” going..
  10. Russell cookin’ up some city rats, eh?
  11. The NFL suits had a lot of money on the game tonight. They had to make sure it was “under control”.
  12. Well, I hope this lawsuit (along with the Ticketmaster anti-trust suit) gets some traction. The best way to get the conglomerates' attention is to hit them in the pocketbook. Otherwise, the gouging, yearly price increases, more digital portals taking a subscription for a "primetime" game, etc. will continue... Hell, they'll continue anyway. At least this way, consumers hit them back for once...
  13. BS is ridiculous.. I’m looking at tix in Seattle, and the last row in the nosebleeds is $185 plus fees and taxes.
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