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Everything posted by billsfan72

  1. "Clayton sez Shannahan not coming to Bflo" YES!! We're gettin Shanny!!
  2. The whole idea was to get him over here, get him out of it, then he can make movies in this country again.
  3. Can anybody find out what year they got away from the 3-4, and what the record was since?
  4. I was at roll call at a prison. The lieutenant walked by me and said "The Bills just fired Jauron." I called him a liar. The Bears fans around me we're saying, watch, we'll resign him.
  5. I don't care what kind of season he's having now. I would be for that. Maybe he just needs a change of scenery
  6. I have always thought about this myself. Especially now. They do it in NCAA and I like the idea.
  7. A little girl asked her mother: 'How did the human race appear?' The mother answered, 'God made Adam and Eve; they had children; and so was all mankind made.' Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, 'Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.' The confused girl returned to her mother and said, 'Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys? The mother answered, 'Well, Dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family, and your father told you about his.'
  8. I say yes, 2 in a row, but I also have the feeling it would not have been 4 straight SB's that we go to.
  9. 1. NFL-Buffalo Bills 2a. NHL-Buffalo Sabres 2b. MLB-Milwaukee Brewers 3. NBA-Milwaukee Bucks
  10. To a great man of football and politics RIP.
  11. Round 1A - Brandon Pettigrew - TE Round 1B - Robert Ayers DE Round 2 - Phil Loadholt - OT
  12. If he want to look at "socialist" headcare in Canada or elsewhere, feel free. Michael Moore already did that. Yeah, that wasn't slanted.
  13. I would think so, but the longer it takes Cris Carter, the longer it'll take him.
  14. By your breakdown it actually doesn't hurt us much because both categories has the highest percentage the same. 50% we split.
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