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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. The Packers are idiots. You play who gives you the best chance to win the Super Bowl each year. And Brett Favre gives the Pack their best chance, plain and simple. Who cares about Aaron Rodgers? The Packers have one of the best QB's of all time still playing at a high level, and they want to go with an unproven commodity? Ted Thompson should and will get run out of Wisconsin.
  2. I agree. Trent Edwards is really somewhat of a mystery going into this upcoming season. How well will he play? Will he be a leader? It is a big unknown. I want to think that he will be a PLAYER this year, the MAN in Buffalo this season. But we just won't know until he hits the field. Jauron leaves me wondering about his ability as well. In a big game when we are in playoff contention, will Jauron put us in a position to be winners? That seriously remains to be seen. DJ has to step up this year and become a strong coach. We have a good amount of talent, lets see DJ mold that into a team. This is his judgment year. As for Moorman, he has been a stud for years. But last year his performance slipped for a good part of the season. He has to get back to an All-Pro level. We need his booming kicks to flip field position for us. That is a big part of any DJ gameplan.
  3. Do you really want the Bills to extend Crowell? We have all seen a lot of him the past 3 seasons, and I think he does not have much more upside. He is not a great player, nor does he have the potential to be one. He does not suck, but he is out of position on a lot of running plays and is not a great tackler. I think we can do better next year in free agency and/or the draft in finding a stud outside linebacker to line up with Poz and Kawika. For now, it will be interesting to see how much playing time Crowell and Ellison will each get. And don't forget the Pizza man, Digiorgio.
  4. I agree with you JR. I am getting real tired about all the Jason Peters hype. He has had ONE strong season at left tackle, only one. The media hype of him has gotten way way out of control. Probably because noone else on the Bills is a "name" player to talk about. But watching him play, I don't think he completely dominated every guy he faced in the same way that Munoz, Boselli, Pace, Walter Jones among others has done. If he has another strong season the Bills will renegotiate and give him the mega deal he would than deserve. But with three years left on his contract, and only one real strong season under his belt, he needs to come to camp and play under his current deal. The hype machine in the NFL is just ridiculous. Michael Vick was the most overhyped player in the league for several years. Forget about his demise with the dogs, and he still was so overhyped. The guy could not pass a football accurately, its as simple as that. With him in jail the overhype has transferred to Vince Young who passes the ball worse than Vick ever did. As a fan, one has to forget about the media hype and watch the games yourself to draw conclusions on who can play and who can't.
  5. Our week two loss can be blamed on the fact that our offense was god awful in that game, as JP looked completely scared, clueless and overmatched. And our defense could not get off the field on third down. Basically, after losing to Denver on the last play of the game, the next two weeks we played like the worst team in the league against two very superior opponents at that time. That being said, I agree it is very important to get off to a very strong start this season. So much of success is built on confidence. If we can beat the Seahawks (which is very possible) and play tough against Jax, (tough place to win, but not impossible) no reason we can not start off 4-1 before the bye, and be looking at 6-2 at the midway point, with games against the Chargers, Fish and Jets to follow after the bye. With that kind of a start, an 11-5 finish is not unrealistic at all. But again, it will all come down to how we start the season, and more specifically how Trent Edwards steps up and plays from the opening whistle. He is the key. We have not had a QB have a very good ENTIRE season since Doug Flutie in 1998. (Bledsoe had a good first half to 2002) If we can finally get some good quarterbacking, we should have a very good chance of making a run at the playoffs. Go Bills.
  6. Just to throw this into the mix, but maybe the reason we drafted three corners is because the Bills are not happy with their two starters now. Greer and Mcghee were OK at best last year. Neither is a shutdown type corner. I don't think that Greer is dominant in the least. Why is he guaranteed a spot on the roster? Obviously, Terrance is a great kick returner and has some CB skills. But he was beat a lot last year, espcially on the fade pattern by the goal line. (Looked lost on several of those) Next year, possible that Greer and McGhee are no longer on the team. McKelvin and Corner could be our new starters in 2009. With James and Yabouty wild cards at this point, as to what they can bring to the team. Remember, an NFL roster is always fluid. It never stays the same from year to year.
  7. Marvin Lewis isn't repairing any relationship he may have had with Chad Johnson. The guy doesn't want to play for the Bengals any longer and has made that ABUNDUNTLY clear. To not trade him for what the Redskins are offering is insane. The Bengals are the worst run organization in football this side of the Raiders. And Marvin Lewis is way overrated as a head football coach. As bad as the Bills have been this decade, we have OWNED the Bengals. Chad Johnson is good, but can be taken out of a game with physical play. The Bengals are making a huge mistake.
  8. So what if the kid had an outburst. We need a lot more attitude on our team anyways. All I know is that Malcolm Kelly is a football player. Anquan Boldin I believe ran close to a 4.7 forty when he was coming out four or five years ago. He fell to the second round. The man is a stud. Football speed is much more important than track speed. I have a strong feeling that the Bills are still very interested in Malcolm Kelly, obviously not at #11, but later in the first round or early in the second. If the Bills medical staff feels that his knees will hold up over the long run, than I am all for drafting him.
  9. Dude, relax about JP. I don't see any team giving up a third round pick for him. He is a marginal backup QB at best. Sure, we have not had a great cast of stars around him the past couple of years, and the playcalling has been suspect. But JP did nothing to make our offense better, which is what a QB is supposed to do. He has never beaten a good team on the road, or at home for that matter. Just look at the film of the Jaguars game last year. He had everything to play for, but played like a tentative, scared rookie. If we can get a 4th or high 5th for him, I think we take it in an instant. I would rather have Trent Dilfer backing up TE because he has so much experience if not a lot of game left.
  10. Trading down eleven places to just get a late second round pick doesn't seem enough to me. I doubt Dallas gives us two first rounders to move up to 11. However, I would switch places with Dallas to 22 if they gave us their second and third round picks. (If they have a 2nd and a 3rd?) This would give us five picks in the first three rounds. Enough to draft DE, 2WR's, CB and TE. If we could work that we would be sitting pretty. Than in rounds 4-7 we get depth on O line, DT, QB, CB, FB, the possibilities are endless.
  11. I would rather have Chris Carr than David Carr. Dollar for dollar he will be way more productive.
  12. Did you even watch our team play last year? Our receivers including Lee Evans were pretty darn bad. Lee Evans is not big enough or physical enough to be a true #1 receiver. We need playmakers on offense. It is as simple as that. We have no big stud type WR on this team. We need one. The front office knows that. The coaches know that. Why don't you know that? If we can trade down in the first round and pick up another 2nd round pick, it would be a good move. But we need to come out of this draft with a wide receiver who will make an impact from day 1. We also need a big shutdown corner as well. Hopefully, we can sign Will James (Peterson) who visited the team this past week. Even if we do, we still need another big time corner who can play tight coverage. Greer and McGhee are nothing special. They don't suck, but they are not great. I don't care what defensive scheme you play, you need guys that can cover receivers. Look at the tape of the Bills-Patriots game in Buffalo, enough said. We will be taking a WR and a CB with two of our top three picks. A lot of you are fired up about getting another top tight end. I think we can get by with who we have on the roster now, (I think Courtney Anderson suprises a lot of people with his ability) and draft one in the later rounds. (Anyone have any suggestions of a late round steal at TE?) I think we need another interior O lineman or D lineman with one of our top three picks. We are weak at center and right guard, and could still use some more depth on the D line.
  13. This is a joke. You really have to wonder if the Bills ever made Johnson any sort of offer. If they did, I would venture to guess that is was on the lines of what the Dolphins paid Ernest Wilford. Taking a one year deal from the 49ers, trying to catch balls from Alex Smith, it doesn't get any worse than that. Does anyone remember the Monday night game late last season between the 49ers and Seahawks? Smith played as bad as any QB I have seen this side of vintage Joey Harrington in Buffalo circa 2006
  14. I like the idea of getting a big WR, 2LB's, CB and RB on the first day. However, if Willis is there when we pick at 12, we have to take him. Not enough has been discussed about needing another game changing receiver. A good number 2 receiver thrown into the mix should really supercharge our offense.
  15. Dude, I totally agree. I have seen several clips of Willis making plays all over the field and believe that he is the real deal. If you watch replays of the Bills games from last year you will see that Fletcher is almost always chasing the runner down the field and not standing people up at or near the line of scrimmage. Fletcher was good in pass coverage on a lot of underneath routes, but got beat A LOT on the deep middle passes to the tight end. I think Willis is the type of player you build your defense around. In my mind he is definitely an upgrade to our linebacking corp. Too many people got caught up in the Fletcher hype. But the past two years our run defense has been just abysmal. I think back to the Bills-Raiders game two years ago in Oakland when they just ran the ball down our throats. The Redskins can have Fletcher. I will take Willis in the first and Pittmon or trade for Turner with our second.
  16. I believe we met with Bannister a couple of years ago, and there was talk that we might make an offer to him as a restricted free agent. I believe he is real strong on special teams. I could see him as a replacement for the memorable Andre Davis and his two catches last year. (Although he did play well as a gunner on kick and punt coverage)
  17. We can take Lynch at 12 and our offense is a whole lot better. We can than take David Harris in the second round-who is a true middle linebacker. He will be a tackling machine in the pros.
  18. Who will play QB for Cleveland this year? They need a QB much more desperately than a RB. They will not win with Charlie Frye at QB. I say they take whoever is left between Russell and Quinn.
  19. Man, I agree we need a BIG wide body in the middle. I hope we take Alan Branch somewhere in the first round. I think run defense is still our achilles heel.
  20. Tim Anderson will be cut in training camp. I do not see him making the final roster. What has Hargrove done to get everyone so excited? He is our 4th DE until proven otherwise. He is too small in the low 270's to play in the middle. I am not impressed with our DT's as far as stopping the run is concerned. Unless McCargo makes a huge jump, we will need another very big body in the middle to clog up the run. Don't count us out of taking Alan Branch or another big body on the first day. If we fortify the D-line, the rest of the defense will be much better irregardless of who is playing linebacker and DB.
  21. What's a RETART? A pop tart that has been retoasted several times?
  22. I believe it is safe to say that Peterson will not fall past Minnesota at 7. Whether we trade up with Washington to steal Peterson in my opinion comes down to how much better our team feels that A-Pete is over the other backs in the draft. I don't think we are going to get Turner, so if Peterson is that much better than Lynch, Pittmon or whomever, I think we need to think big and make the move to jump up and get him if it includes next years picks. We still will have seven picks this year to play with to acquire linebackers, D-line and corners to fortify the defense. Why can't we use our second and two thirds to come up with at least two if not three starters on defense? It is not impossible. Moving up to six by trading next year's first will bring huge dividends in A-Pete and we still can fill our other needs later on. Besides, if Peterson plays like he I think he can, that first round pick to Washington next year will be in the mid-20's.
  23. With the many holes we still have to fill on our team, I do not think we would get nearly enough big plays from Leon Hall to justify making a cornerback our first pick at 12. LB, DL, RB if we make at Peterson our first pick. Out of our 8 picks, we need to get very solid contributions from at least 6 or 7. And at least 4 of these picks need to have star potential. That kind of production this year with continued improvement from the rest of the team will put us right in the thick of the playoff race. Not on the fringes like last year, but controlling our own destiny when it gets cold out.
  24. I agree. If we do not trade up for Peterson and he and Willis are gone at 12, I say take Branch. We do have several DT's, but none of them are huge monster, spaceeaters in the middle. To be successful we need to build from the lines going back. Taking Branch, and having him rotate with McCargo, Walker, Williams and Tripplet is fine with me. The middle of our defense was the worst in the league last year bar none. Adding Branch with Darwin Walker does a lot to fix that. Once your lines are set, everything else will fall into place.
  25. If the Bills really want Adrian Peterson badly enough, they need to move ahead of Minnesota to get him. If he is still on the board at 6 when Washington is picking don't be shocked if we offered next years first round pick to move up and take him. I am sure a lot of people will say this is way too much to give up. I say if you want to win in this league you need marquee players. Peterson will be just that. If we get him we have a chance to do something really big this year. Yea, I know we need linebackers, but we can win if we can get the offense in gear. Look at where we ranked the past few years on O. AT THE BOTTOM. With a good offensive line, Adrian Peterson will run wild for us. What does everyone think about giving up next year's first? Is that too much when there are many other running backs to choose from later on?
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