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Everything posted by TOboy

  1. Heard those numbers on WGR this morning. Apparently many teams are in the 70% range in terms of percentage of plays out of shotgun. What I found really interesting, was the Bills ran 80% of their plays out of the shotgun in 2016.
  2. I took it as more a shot at what they had last year (likely not intentionally). It's pretty dangerous sifting through these mostly cliched responses looking for anything tangible anyways.
  3. Probably a bit late now, but I'm wondering if we could have a Free Agency thread pinned so we could keep up with all the smaller signings. Perhaps have some kind soul update the first post each time someone signs? I just find it hard to sift through the 45 QB threads and 38 threads on everyone else's opinion of what's going to happen to find the actual news. I prefer to come here for the news, as there's usually pretty knowledgeable commentary that follows.
  4. I take it the drop back and pass comment was a veiled shot at Tyrod (whether intended or not)? The impatient side of me hopes we get a deal done to move up over the next few days, but the logical side suggests we wait to see who's available when the Giants are on the clock. Perhaps we've only got one guy we're willing to give up a kings ransom for? I guess time will tell.
  5. Lol...whoops! People, don’t draft and drive!
  6. With the 8th pick in the 2018 draft, the Chicago Bears are proud to select LB Roquan Smith from the university of Alabama.
  7. Just saw him this morning on the NFL Network (whatever their morning show is called), talking about Marshawn, and how things changed when he left. I'm paraphrasing here, but said something to the effect of "You can't have a room full of good guys and expect to win". Well I guess we know he was part of that winning culture.
  8. I hear you. Given the choice, I'd rather move up and secure the QB (Rosen would be my choice, but get whoever they believe is the best). I'm just saying, if it played out this way, I'd be ok with it. I'd be ecstatic if we stayed at 12 and Baker fell to us though.
  9. I'm really not a fan of drafting Allen, but if we get him at 12 and get to use our picks to shore up LB, WR, and the O-line, I wouldn't be too disappointed.
  10. Wait...you think Cleveland might give us 1 and 4??? Any chance you have the same dealer as Zay?
  11. That would be nice, but I wouldn't want to have to depend on it.
  12. Are all the posters complaining the same folks who are screaming that we need to trade up for a QB? Moves like this are going to be necessary to field a team this year if we plan to use our draft capital on moving up. Dansby is better than any other option we have right now (besides keeping our own picks and taking one of Smith, Evans, Edmunds, or Vander Esche).
  13. I agree with the "both" theory, but I lean more towards him negatively impacting the line, or at least the perception of the line. He consistently held the ball longer, creating more pressures and more sacks. Yes, he absolutely made some dynamic plays that probably no other man on the planet could make in avoiding the rush, but he was often the cause of the situation.
  14. Why? Zay is much more suited to playing the slot. Unless that was sarcasm? If so, I'll just crawl under a rock.
  15. For whatever reason I read the headline as Vontae initially and had a mild panic attack. All better now. Carry on!
  16. Although both are good DT's, they both play the 1 technique. Not sure they're actually a good fit next to each other. I guess you'd make it impossible to run up the middle, but you probably wouldn't get much pressure up the middle either.
  17. Star should have the biggest long term impact on the team, but AJ is the best value signing by far. I guess it depends on how you look at it. Still, both Murphy and Davis deals have plenty of upside. I'm really happy with the offseason as a whole so far.
  18. Definitely all in on QB, but if we go a different route to get there (12, 53, next years 1st?), and we still have 22, I'd be happy to pick up whoever's left of the top LB's (Smith, Evans, Edmunds, Vander Esche).
  19. Definitely prefer an outside speed guy over a slot receiver. Let Zay transition to the slot where his talent translates a little better. Would love Deonte back, as the 4th/5th receiver. Let him battle it out with Holmes and Streeter.
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