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Philly McButterpants

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Everything posted by Philly McButterpants

  1. B&H is legit and has a sterling rep (and fairly good prices too). You can't go wrong with them . . . B&H Photo & Video
  2. How about I talk to to my children about safe sex, contraception, consideration of abstinence. You know, PARENTING. Like I said, I'm not a prude (hence the avatar). It is my responsibility to make sure that my kids know a thing or two about sex BEFORE they become active. I don't need major department store chains telling them how to hide it from me . . . I constantly tell them: College, Job, House, Marriage, Children; in that order. The only two that are interchangeable are house and marriage. There's nothing wrong with being sexually active, but if you have a kid at 16, it makes achieving all of the other things on that list that much more difficult. So stick your intimation of hypocrisy where the sun don't shine.
  3. Rented a suite at the Ralph and took mine to a game . . . Redskins Monday nighter many moons ago . . .
  4. Primanti Bros is a Pittsburgh institution . . . Screw the calories and get one . . . If I remember correctly, they sell them at Pirates games. Primanti Brothers Also, if you have a full day, Kennywood is a spectacular amusement park. Kennywood Pittsburgh is awesome . . . have a good time
  5. Ok, yet another place where my money won't go . . . I'm not a prude, but I have two teenage kids, and I don't need JC Penney telling them that premarital sex is OK . . .
  6. Un-fricken-believable . . . So much for a free-market economy. Doesn't anyone in LaLaLand realize the ramifactions of this nonsense?
  7. as a native southtowner, I can vouch for: 3) Edie's - So. Park/Buffalo St (Rt 62) @ Legion in the Village of Hamburg - about 10-15 mins from the stadium. 2) Just Pizza - Buffalo Ave (Rt 62) in the Village of Hamburg - Try the 3 Cheese Steak Pizza 1) Cappelli's - N. Buffalo Road in Orchard Park - Lot of variety in their Pizza Menu - try the Taco Pizza or the Clougher. Hope that helps
  8. this one always got my "rocks" off . . . Old School
  9. I think justice would be best served by giving the parents of said child an aluminum baseball bat and 10 minutes in a locked room with the rapist. I think you would be hard pressed to find an average American who would find that cruel or unusual.
  10. On four occasions, Price is seen naked and masturbating in the rear room near the open doorway; he then comes out to the deck. He tilts the metal round picnic table on its side and lays up against it and has sexual intercourse with the table. Afterwards he cleans the table and the deck. At least he's tidy. . .
  11. Not even close . . .you can see that her image skips around . . .
  12. Wow. . . . that sounds fantastic. Was it regular vegetable oil, canola, sunflower , olive. . . .???
  13. Oh of course not. The immaculate democrats are never beholden to ANY special interests. Puh-lease . . .
  14. Maybe if these two morons put as much effort in to actually earning the grades as they did towards cheating, they would be better off. I don't think 38 years is too much time. My son is a straight A student, and works his a$$ off for it . . . I'd be PO'd if i worked as hard as he does and some stiff hacked into the system and gave himself the Regent's scholarship that I had earned . . . Let 'em rot . . .
  15. A solid summation of the character of the kids involved.
  16. This site serves most of WNY. Good luck to her . . . She will likely have to substitute teach for 1-2 years to build up goodwill, unless she knows a current teacher or administrator. Getting hired as a teacher from an ad online or in the paper is unheard of . . . teacher jobs in WNY is definitely an insiders gig. WNY School jobs
  17. Biscuit knocked him out of the game . . . Damn I'm old . . . I was 2-3 years into season tix at that time . . . yikes.
  18. Sorry it was Beckel that broke the story on Fox, not Stone . . . Nice try though! Time to go back to fight the smear so i can hear more about how those evil republicans are treating poor Obama . . . I fail to see how one !@#$ selling a button (for which the purveyor was removed from the convention BTW) means that every republican is a known racist. Platitudes and generalities - The platform of the "intellectual" left.
  19. Wonder when the Al Gore "Fight the Smear" website will be up and running . . .
  20. "She's very lovable and though she's not a human, she can act like a real girlfriend." Intereting . . . I didn't know that scientists had perfected artificial nagging.
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