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Philly McButterpants

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Everything posted by Philly McButterpants

  1. i do too, i really enjoy his column, but he really need to stop giving the Patriot*s a collective BJ. Matt Cassel looked fine yesterday, bit all he has to do is not screw up too bad. The Bretts went 4-12 last year. The addition of a semi-retired future hall-of-famer wasn't going to push them over the top. Cassel played an OK game, but Offensive Player of the Week?
  2. When in doubt, blame the republicans! When the R's lost control of Congress as few years back, the approval rating was at 37% . . .
  3. If that were true, then Obama would be light years ahead in the polls. The dems could have plugged anyone into the prez slot if there were such a Republican backlash . . . why they could have picked any inexperienced, shady background bloke for . . uh . . .um . . .waitaminute . . .
  4. Wow! Some real "fair and balanced" coming from the Post Intelligencer there . . .
  5. No, Sorry . . . Your Buffalo resident card has been rejected. Duff's wings are by far the best because: 1) They use smallish wings which allow them to be fully cooked. (there is nothing worse than half cooked "jumbo" wings) 2) The wings are always crispy, not soggy. 3) The sauce. Lots of it. I like my orange lipstick when I'm done. 4) HEAT. and lots of it. 5) Atmosphere . . .and by atmosphere i mean hot waitresses in skin tight t-shirts.
  6. Any guy with more hair on his back than on his head should be required to wear a shirt at all times. Death penalty gets imposed if the guy in question is more than 50 lbs overweight. my $.02
  7. Apparently a women who was a PTA Mom, got elected Mayor of her town, challenged an incumbent Governor in the primaries and then gets elected Governor doesn't count as a role model for other women . . . Steinem's Editorial
  8. Oh, come on JK . . Don't you speand caaks mingpas all the time?
  9. There was a remarkable downturn in the economy for 6-12 months. Spending on big ticket items disappeared after 9/11. People simply did not spend, market down, gas prices up, etc.
  10. How about recover the economy after 9/11?
  11. I'm shocked, shocked i say to hear that Pbills didn't like Palin's speech. Stunned does not begin to describe how I feel about his comments.
  12. Point #1 - Clinton met Al Gore once before making him his VP choice. When did they meet? In 1988 when Gore was running for president and sought then Gov. Clinton's endorsement. He didn't get it. Point #2 - Heck, even I would have showed up for the free beer.
  13. I think it's been clearly shown that the bin Laden family has disowned and distanced themselves from Osama. Please don't bring in any 9-11 Truther bullsh-- into this otherwise rational and intellectual discussion.
  14. Really . . . Wow . . . Apparently you're only allowed to be black or female if you are a liberal or a democrat.
  15. The problem for McCain here is that he allowed the MSM and the Netroots to define Palin before he/she could. I still think it's a pretty good pick, but with Campbell Brown arguing that she's not experienced enough (No Bias, No Bull . . . riiiiight), it's going to be a hard climb back. Johnny-boy is going to have to use the RNC to re-define the ticket and Palin through Thursday to defuse the situation. The left-leaning media has come down hard on this . . . . The Buffalo snooze ran an editorial on Saturday Linky stating: When the vice presidential candidates debate, Democrat Joe Biden will have to be careful not to come across as a bully. But he could well find a way to say to Sarah Palin, “Governor, you’re no Hillary Clinton.” Umm, other than being married to Bill Clinton, what the hell did Hillary ever do that qualified her to be a US Senator? I might say that the reply would be that Hillary Clinton is no Sarah Palin.
  16. Oh, is that like Biden stating that Obama wasn't experienced enough? "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training." Linky
  17. Usually it's John (the Crypt Keeper) Clayton that's stroking the Phin's, but this year it's Peter King! From today's MMQBTE I'm boring, I'm bland, I'm predictable. What, another Warren Sapp rant? No, my Super Bowl prediction: New England 30, Dallas 20. No one cares about the preseason. I base nothing on it. I haven't changed my mind about any major thing this summer, except maybe I'm a little more bullish on Carolina and Seattle than I was two months ago. I still think Cleveland will win the AFC North despite looking like Montana State in August. I still think Miami will win seven games. I still think Jacksonville will be the second-best team in the AFC and will finally supplant Indianapolis atop the AFC South. Did I miss something? Do the phins have a new O-Line? Did they bring in an aging all-Pro to guide their offense. New defense? While I agree they have nowhere to go but up, the addition of Parcells to the front office doesn't make them a .500 team. They still have a defense full of holes, no O-Line, a pot-smoking rasta man as their running back, and a rookie QB. Puh-lease . . . More goodness: he picks the Pat*s to go to and win the Super Bowl this year. "Don't forget what we did last year,'' Brady told me this summer." And neither will the rest of the league that y'all put up such gaudy numbers on Tommy Boy. I'm not saying they won't win the division and go deep into the playoffs, but the rest of the league has a target square on Brady's back. Lotsa luck staying upright this season, Tom. Full Article
  18. I haven't eaten there in over a year, but I drive by it everyday on my way to work. Great lasagna too, IIRC . . .
  19. You can tell it was a good pick. Townhall and Free Republic are elated . . . Meanwhile, the Libtards are freakin' out. (See BH and PJ on this board) . . and others. . . . Daily KOS
  20. Seems to have gotten your attention, didn't it?
  21. 1st was a '74 mustang. It too was diarrhea brown . . . . That was the year that they down-sized the brand and put in a 4-banger. The guy I bought it from had completely re-done the electrical system, so it had major problems. On top of that, the thermostat was broke (and so was I) so the first winter was a bit of a chilly adventure. 2nd car was a bottle green '76 Buick Regal coupe with a 350 V-8. God, I loved that car. Put in a JBL stereo and 50 watt speakers and drove that puppy into the ground!
  22. Dude, step away from the glue pot . . .
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