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Philly McButterpants

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Everything posted by Philly McButterpants

  1. You'd think that someone at Pro Football FOCUS would actually know this...
  2. Crosseyed and Painless is my all-time favorite T-Funk Heads song - and it was the encore? wowsa.
  3. Talk about rent-free living space.. who gives a flying f*** at a rolling donut?
  4. I've been a very harsh critic of Edmunds. That said, I'd rather the Bills pick up the 5th year option than extend him at the moment, and then let him walk.
  5. Well, he won't fall to us @ 30 , but if he falls to 22, then go get him.
  6. I can find myself, my brother and my dad in our yellow rain slickers in the "Fandemonium" poster. Definitely Smerlas who blocked the FG.
  7. The list begins and ends with Rush for me. Honorable mentions to: April Wine Red Rider Kim Mitchell Lowest of the Low Lotsa good Canadian Artists
  8. Agreed - his relentless Pat*s ball-washing and love, Love, LOVE of all things Phins has made him unreadable - a shame too.
  9. Ended up seeing James Taylor as the opening act for the Eagles a few years back in Philly. he played FOR 90 MINUTES 💩. Plus, he had Steve Gadd playing drums - heck, I could play drums for James Taylor. 🙄
  10. Planning a family trip to Deep Creek Lake in Md for August - Wife and I also scheduled a weekend in NYC for autumn. I got gypped out of trip of a lifetime ot a Sandals in St. Lucia 😞
  11. Never cared much for Springsteen, but I really like the song Rosalita.
  12. God, I loathed seeing Shaud Williams on the field. I don't know what Mularkey saw in him, but the guy ha no business being on the field.
  13. The guy didn't draft himself. He may have been a POS, but this is a stupid reason.
  14. Rated "Meh" - too cheesy. And i loves me a good monster flick.
  15. I didn't know who Leonard Tose was - so i looked him up. The Wikipedia entry has this: "In 1985, after a failed attempt to swap franchises with Ralph Wilson (whose Buffalo Bills were then under severe distress),[6] Tose was forced to sell the Eagles to Norman Braman and Ed Leibowitz, highly successful automobile dealers from Florida, for a reported $65 million to pay off his more than $25 million in gambling debts at Atlantic City casinos." Anyone ever heard of this before? I have not.
  16. My wife picks on me for my OCD, but every sunday is "grooming day" - fingernails, toenails, trim the goatee, trim the nether regions, run the cheese grater on my feet callouses, etc. So once per week for me.
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