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Philly McButterpants

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Everything posted by Philly McButterpants

  1. Living near Philly, his schlock is on the radio ALL the time. Have not listened to more than 2 seconds of a Bon Jovi song since 2014. Spin it however you want to now, Jon... Your $$$ was in Toronto - as would have been our football team.
  2. I want to put on the record that the author of that piece really, really needs to go back on his ADHD meds. Woof.
  3. Oh, this bugged me for a good 10 minutes... Lost in the Supermarket - Th Clash Here's one that tortured my for almost a full day once: My eyes dilate; my lips go green...
  4. Can we all just be thankful that this coaching staff and front office know a thing or two about player development? they're doing a great job with JA17, Tre White and Matt Milano among others. Now if only Edmunds would take a serious leap.
  5. Every, and I mean EVERY year, some d***head is bullish on the Phins. Remember the year they went 1-15?? Someone predicted them in the SB that year. Paraphrasing: "Gee, the Phins have no talent on either side of the ball. But Flores is on the Belicheat coaching tree, so 9-7." 😡🤬 This is the usual "I don't know about Josh Allen" BS that we get from national writers. Also, what roster are the Pat*s using to go 10-6? Idiot . . . Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, it makes me PO'd. Go out, ROLF-Stomp the division and the league and laugh all the way the to the AFC Championship game. That's the only way to shut up these morons. . .
  6. Ah the Rickenbacker 4001 - Dreams of Geddy Lee and Chris Squire. sigh . . .
  7. Prefer flats, will eat both - agree with Dean-O. Crispy is a must, the hotter the better. Locally, there is a place a called The Peanut Bar - wings are "ranked" #6 n the USA. The sauce is FOAMY!!! WTF is that?!?! They do serve them crispy, but the sauce was a real letdown. Local bar called Brewer's has the best wings around - usually crispy and their Death Sauce is tasty and quite spicy - i can order an extra to ensure full coating/finger lickin'.
  8. the usual BS from these jerks. POints have all been made Ancient QB's; cap issues; 20th in drafting? A deep run into the playoffs will cure all of this. BTW, aren't these all the same guys who said Lamar Jackson should be a wide receiver? Now he's the "superstar" QB?
  9. I saw it in the morning skies last weekend and finally;y spotted it in the evening last nite with binoculars.
  10. that;s one heckuva camel toe she's sporting . . . ?
  11. A very close relative of mine has gone from acid-dropping hippie at Altamont to the staunchest Trump supporter i know.
  12. The resort we were originally booked for isn't reopening 'til November - we were rebooked for the same dates at a different, larger Sandlas. We did lose out on the private pool ?though.
  13. Ha! Neil in a Red Barchetta. Nice touch.
  14. Still on for St. Lucia in September - my main concern is American Airlines going out of business ?
  15. Stacey Englehart I can't believe we're 30 pages into this and no one has mentioned the Brand Power Spokesperson . . .
  16. Yes! Exactly. Amazing how some how some superstar "falls" to the Pat*s in every one of PK's mocks.
  17. I hate this revisionist crap - the guy literally broke his back. it's not his fault that he got drafted. he didn't "fail" at anything other than remaining healthy enough to play.
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