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Everything posted by Clemfield2622

  1. A waiver claim this late in the year is literally as low risk as it gets. All the dead money has been eaten by the Cardinals. Whomever claims him would only owe him his prorated salary for 3 games. No contending team could pass on him. IMO
  2. If the Bills let him get to New England, KC or Baltimore, they're goddamned fools.
  3. So, I never get to watch these shows because I'm usually at work. But of course the show starts with the Patriots loss. And the angle they went with was it was all because of officiating. It was doubly strange seeing that Greenberg is obviously a huge Jets homer, so I'm guessing he is being told to push this angle. Well, Rex responded with the same thought that I know we all have, "oh, boo hoo, some calls went against the Patriots. I guess we should change the whole system because calls were missed against them. Me? I love seeing it" It was great. Thanks for the laugh, Rexy
  4. Haha for real? Do you recognize your own head or are you an STH and those are your seats? No apologies necessary for that day, that was Allen's preseason start vs the Bengals. They looked like dog**** that day.
  5. Dude, part of the reason I am such a jaded Bills fan is because of him. I always said everybody should have had the chance to watch a game with him. Goddamn was he grumpy, but he loved the team...
  6. Stosh, dude, I am totally fine with the "Cheers mugs" I'm fact, the 1st thing after I did when I got home from Strong on Tuesday was crack open an ice cold Blue in his honor! Cheers!!!
  7. On Tuesday the Bills lost a huge fan in my dad, he was 66. He was going to games before I was around and as recently as last year with my son and I. He will be missed
  8. Did it last night sans pencil. Got a 41. I'm as smart as Calvin Johnson!
  9. The map isn't great at showing it. I copied the text from the Big Fox facebook page and they confirmed to me via messenger
  10. For those in the Souther Tier. From Big Fox TNF on FOX, this week! Washington @ Minnesota NFL on FOX, this Sunday! It was supposed to be NY Giants @ Detroit -- IS NOW SWITCHED TO ... Philadelphia @ Buffalo ... Thanks for watching!!!!
  11. I'm paying attention this week. My guide is saying we're getting the Giants game....
  12. so, turns out when i called to OK the deal THEY offered, they basically told me to F off and hung up. Back to Spectrum and their "new subscriber" rates
  13. i tweeted several different Bills media people asking about this. it seems most people didnt notice.
  14. I like his rah rah stuff But he's a terrible game day coach. I said it in the grade thread.
  15. Pat's got called for more penalties than expected....and still got away with a ton. The drive before half was huge again. A blatant facemask is missed which would gave been a 1st down. Then a LB leaped over the OL on the field goal...wasn't that banned? And they had multiple penalties nullified by offsetters including KO'ing Allen Grrrrr
  16. I got my most recent DTV bill and my promo ran out. I called and threatened to cancel unless they restored my promo pricing. They refused, so I quit. Not even 12 hours later they called me and offered $200 Visa gift card, my old rate back, and Sunday ticket for the balance of the season. I'm gonna see how much more I can squeeze.
  17. He's good at the team building, rah rah stuff But he is atrocious at game day management
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