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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. I was thinking the same thing last night while watching the Eagles-Falcons game. Jones had like 10 catches for 100 something yards and 2 tds. Clearly, the Eagles would have focused on stopping him. Sammy is just as talented as Julio--he should be getting his catches no matter who the opponent or CB covering him. Last year the All 22 revealed even Revis had trouble staying with him. I understand this week using him to draw away coverage worked well, but I still want him to get the ball somehow. Then again, we have so many playmakers it's ridiculous. But I for sure don't want Sammy to be a decoy. He will NOT be happy with this happening frequently, despite what he says about if the team is winning, he is all good. That's what my initial thought was. I've rewatched the Texans and Chargers game from last year and they seemed much much worse than this past Sunday. A few times guys came in free on Tyrod and he out maneuvered them, but those two games last year EJ was bombarded from everywhere constantly.
  2. Was it really that bad? Damn, that's not good. Well, hopefully we will be in a position this offseason to really be able to focus almost solely on OLine through draft and maybe FA, but probably higher draft picks. Although I want to see how the line improves throughout the season.
  3. The Cheats with their borderline illegal pick plays piss me off. That's their bread and butter and I hope Rex and Thurman can combat that, because the refs are lax on calling offensive PI on them. Probably because they do it literally every play. Like how the Seahawks would grab and hold every play knowing the refs simply wouldn't call it every time.
  4. And I absolutely loved Kiko. But I'm not judging a trade after 1 game by our team and 1 quarter by the team Kiko went to.
  5. I can't stand when people complain and set their minds after ONE play. Yes, an AWESOME awesome play by Kiko. But f****** relax, and McCoy will wow this year and have plays like that.
  6. Haha I love people like this. Please remember to say this again when McCoy rips off a ridiculously sick TD that only a few players in the league are even capable of.
  7. I don't know much about how these ratings/rankings are created, but...how is this possible considering we essentially controlled the whole game and held Luck to a 63 passer rating? Tyrod had a 123 I believe, and in basically every category we came out on top. I'm honestly just curious. Is there a formula or something, or is this people reviewing tape and making ratings on each individual?
  8. Their 'reporting' is infused unprofessionally with their opinions. It's rampant throughout all sports journalism now. I totally disagree with what you're going for here. I think their reporting, if you truly think it is separate from their opinions, is at an all time low.
  9. My thinking could obviously be changed after week 1, but I think the Colts are.
  10. I also think we will hammer them good. Similar to the 41-7 throttling of the Chiefs a few years ago. Everyone is talking about the Colts as a Super Bowl contender but I just don't see it. I think they will have a solid regular season but will get squashed in the playoffs like last year. We'll see I guess.
  11. They seemed to do this constantly. It was as if (cough) they had found all the answers during the 1st half and applied them to the second.
  12. Relax. We are in a better situation than last year. The Colts' starters except for one guy are apparently all looking like backups. And they're being touted as potentially having one of the best offenses ever this year. I doubt it, as the guys in the trenches are way more important than a lot of people seem to realize.
  13. Honestly, who says they're even leaks? I wouldn't put it past these sports 'journalists' and 'reporters' to make this sh*t up. Screw ethics, they just want clicks. 'Sources.' Ok.
  14. I have a funny feeling about Tyrod. My prediction for this year is 13-3
  15. Haha, I know. Maybe because there's really nothing to actually dislike about EJ as a person. He's as likable a guy as we've ever had on the roster. Says all the right things, does all the right things. Clearly well-raised with good values and morals. Close to his family. A great teammate regardless of the situation. A relentless worker. Heck, he's even a good looking guy. Because of all this, the only thing you can really do is nitpick at his play on the football field. It'd be easier if he were lazy and arrogant, had a mean mug like Geno or got into bar fights. The thing for me is, I've followed the Bills my entire life and been on this board for a long time. Not a big poster, but I go to TSW every day probably for double digit visits, as I love all of the articles and like hearing others' thoughts on all things Bills related. But I'm a little surprised there's not more optimism regarding EJ. Out of all the prospects we've had at the QB position since Kelly, to me EJ is the only one to show that spark/'it factor' right away. Yeah, has he had some stinkers and thrown quite a few head scratchers and made bad decisions? YES! But there's a huge learning curve from college to the NFL and x100 for the QB position. We all hoped for Losman, but he seemed more lost than EJ ever has. Even though he did put together a solid season. He was actually starting to show real promise (gasp!) going into year 4 but injury ruined his shot. Even Trent looked decisive. I'm firmly in the camp that Trent could have been something had Adrian Wilson not destroyed him. Seriously. But EJ has that something, imo. I'm super excited for Tyrod though. Everything I just said about EJ as a person can apply to TT. Two awesome guys who want to be franchise QB's. I don't think there's anything wrong with EJ sitting again this year. I have no doubt he will continue to work to improve.
  16. This is what gets me on this board and with the media. It's just bizarre. Haven't any of these people improved at their own jobs/careers or a skill/hobby/passion? I played golf in college and some professional (didn't have any money to do the mini touring route) and I can tell you I sure wasn't as good at the sport when I was in high school as college as post college. That's what a nugget of talent and 8-12 hours a day of practice and working out can do over a long period. I'm not even a good example of that. I have friends and former teammates who have done the mini touring for a few years now and it's incredible how much they've improved. Why couldn't an awesome athlete like EJ improve from where he was a year earlier? Two years? The hardest thing for most people to accept when trying to improve at something is that time/experience is often the most critical factor. And there's no substitute. Fans and media alike seem to have fallen into this mindset with EJ. They just won't accept he needed time or won't give it to him.
  17. Haha why would you feel this way? Seriously? You think there's no chance he improves with time and experience?
  18. You consistently make the most absolute statements on this board with nothing to back them up but your opinion. Maybe tone it down a little? Not everything is so black and white.
  19. Why don't you try playing in the NFL and see how long you last.
  20. Also, there's often no substitution for time and experience.
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