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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Haha that's great Or maybe some of them actually aren't very good and don't put much effort into the product that they put out there. But no, I'm sure you're astute analysis here is correct.
  2. The thing is, these guys are paid to talk about the 32 NFL teams. They shouldn't be outsiders. Either get better information or shut the f*** up. I expect more from journalists and sports reporters. Not lazy crap. I understand it's a lot to get accurate info and feel for every team, but again, that's their job. They're just lazy, that's what it comes down to.
  3. Wow. Legitimately wanted to choke Trey Wingo out while watching that. What a smarmy douche. And the rest of those guys know nothing at all about the situation in Buffalo. So annoying watching anything with national/mainstream media.
  4. This bizarre need to be the ONE who correctly predicted the future is nauseating, both with the media and with people here. Reality check: No one is going to give a sh*t if you called it correctly or not.
  5. Yeah, I'm sure Rex just likes wasting critical game time just for sh*ts and giggles.
  6. But this was the only instance of this supposed Roman/Cassell thing. I'd be more inclined to take it more seriously if other credible reporters had come out with a similar scoop.
  7. It was ONE report with no real credibility. The guy may have a good reporting background/record, but still, this is rumor at best.
  8. Why did they put that in quotes then? If it's the writer of the article speaking, it makes no sense to do that. Bad journalism.
  9. I agree. I just don't know how anyone thinks this is for appearances or to be fair or something. If EJ truly had no chance, Rex wouldn't risk him lighting it up and creating a controversy. It's that simple.
  10. Exactly. Idk how anyone can think EJ doesn't have a legit chance to win the job. Rex would be allowing for a potential full blown QB controversy for no reason then.
  11. This is the NFL. They wouldn't be doing this as a 'gesture.' That's ridiculous. You're only confused because the Bills media and subsequently the national media has been spewing pure negativity about EJ for months now. And of course the genius posters here who thought that had everything all figured out.
  12. TT and his QB coach had his entire script for the Pro Day perfected, along with two Junior WRs at VTech doing the routes for him. Apparently underclassmen aren't allowed to actually run routes during Pro Days because of NCAA eligibility rules. TT's QB coach even mentioned a couple times he was surprised the underclass WRs were allowed to do it; they assured him they were told it was all set by VT administration. Someone F****ed up big time because on TT's Pro Day, with all 32 teams sending scouts, TT and his coach learn that the WR's TT had been rehearsing with could NOT do the Pro Day. So TT has to do his routes with DBs and whoever else they could find--no WR's! And also no one TT had done routes with or thrown to. The QB coach had to literally walk through what the routes were with these guys because they had never done them before! Pretty much a monstrous mistake on the most important day of TT's professional life. He still did well, but obviously not the same as with the guys he'd been preparing with and trusted and had played with on offense.
  13. Yeah I realized that after that it was very like VTech's fault. What a blunder, jeez. Seemed like he still did decent, but a major blow for something like that to happen. They even had tape of the QB instructor worrying about whether that was okay or not. Very dumb mistake. Good for us hopefully. Yeah it's incredible someone with his numbers at a big time football school and his measurables fell all the way to the 6th round.
  14. He did break most or all of Vick's VT records! What I love most about Tyrod is he seems like a winner. I want someone who will just get it done. Get the W. And he definitely has a chip on his shoulder because of being passed over so many times even though on paper he was as good a prospect as anyone in his draft class. Even though I don't like Brady, TT reminds me of him.
  15. I was actually surprised how smart Vick is. Makes what he did even worse. I found Vick complimenting the strength of Tyrod's arm interesting, as I thought Vick was well known to have a very strong arm. Some people have been disputing whether Tyrod has a big arm or not. Former teammates and coaches have said he does, but people watching this offseason seemed to think Manuel's is stronger. In the video, Tyrod throws softer than normal at the combine, trying to focus on completions and not throwing as naturally. Maybe it's a matter of him 'just letting it rip' as Manuel has said he has focused on doing. I'm pretty sure Tyrod's arm is in the 'strong' category. Later, Vick was telling him he doesn't have to throw hard all the time and a lot of the throws in the NFL are finesse ones. Interesting.
  16. Wow he got screwed on his Pro Day. That's the NCAA for you. It's about time things lined up for us in the QB department.
  17. I agree. It kind of sucks because I like both EJ and Tyrod and want to see them both succeed. But one will have to go elsewhere at some point probably. However, both guys are the type that wouldn't let their desire to be a starter affect how they are as teammates.
  18. Awesome! Thanks! EJ and Tyrod are probably the two most likable young QB prospects I've ever seen. Great guys and hard workers.
  19. His weird rant about Adrian Petersen's situation last year was hilarious. Watching how uncomfortable the rest of the Sunday morning crew were makes me laugh every time.
  20. Rivers played with a torn ACL in the playoffs, right?
  21. Wait...so maybe he's improved? I thought that was impossible?
  22. The one that gets me is 'that said' or 'that being said.' Used so often. Allows someone to skirt around taking an actual stand on a point. Just say what you're going to say and don't dip your toe in both sides of an argument/discussion.
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