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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. I disagree. 2 years ago today we were super excited about EJ. Busts were being prepared.
  2. George Pataki was governor on 9/11 in case anyone forgot.
  3. Michael Vick was the slash guy last year. Brad Smith was the guy before TEbow. He played for the Jets from 2006 until we got him. Rex got there in 2009. Brad ran the football 18 times for 207 yards that year.
  4. In the case of an upset, the upsetter is the best team that day. It's not complicated. If they lost, they got outplayed. It's not complicated.
  5. He tried to get him to the Jets because we had Brad Smith and Tebow didn't work out. We needed Taylor to fill Rex' slash guy roster spot. He always has one and this year is no different.
  6. Kiko is soft and injury riddled. Gosh I hate that guy since we traded him to Philly.
  7. LOL The best team gets the most points. There are no style points in football. How else do you judge best team in a game if not by the one that scores the most points?
  8. Did I say that? The team that wins the SB has the best TEAM, can we agree on that? That said, coach gets the most credit and deservedly so IMHO. Who is taking the most grief for the way SB XLIX ended? The coach that called a pass instead of a run to Beast Mode, or the WR who got outmuscled for the football by a rookie?
  9. Not sure this is such a good thing. Often when learning something new you learn at least as much through the failures as successes. We'll see what he does when we play them.
  10. Ws are the only stat that count in football. Holding the other team to the fewest points possible helps win. Saying that some statistical analysis shows one team is somehow the best D even though said team gives up more points is an incredibly ridiculous statement. Just win baby.
  11. I disagree. A defense's whole job is to keep the other team from scoring points. You get ZERO points for yards or starting field position etc. If you get into all that you are just turning it into statistical shenanigans. Who cares if a 7-9 team has bad field position if they give up TDs. Maybe according to statistical analysis they're good. So what? For a good D, good starting field position doesn't always translate into points. Just because the offense turns it over doesn't mean the defense is excused for rolling over and giving up a TD. Fewest points = best defense (IMHO)
  12. While there was a lot of things that I didn't like about Coach Marrone, we did have a winning season for the first time in 10 years, so I give him credit. Just as I give credit to Bill Clinton for a good economy even thoughtthe internet boom bubble was probably really responsible. Just the way it works. Top man gets credit for success and gets skewered for failure.
  13. And why couldn't he do the same with EJ or Cassell or Taylor? Oh yeah, I forgot, they suck. Never mind.
  14. How can Bills fans possibly not know that a strong D with a good run/ball control offense with an average QB can win a Super Bowl? Even if the other team has a "franchise QB" (HOF).
  15. I know I'm in the minority but I'm not worried. I think EJ is better than most of yall do evidently. And, Greg Roman is known for running an offense that maximizes the talent he has on hand. And when he went to San Fransisco they had big QB problems with Alex Smith as the starter. He sucked. Under Roman he turned out be pretty darn good. Then Alex gets hurt and he goes with Colin and does different stuff than he did with Alex. While we are watching (or at least reading tweets about) how our QBs are "struggling" during camp and think DOOOOOOOOOOMED, Greg Roman is watching and formulating a plan (probably with a lot of running and getting the football in Harvin and Clay and Sammies' hands). I watched an NFL Classic Game of the 85 Bears vs the Cheese. McMahon was horrible. Bears won because they got a safety and then the ball on the 50 on the ensuing free kick and Sweetness broke a couple of good runs including a 27 yard TD. That's our blue print. I expect it will work. Relax. Training Camp is the time for optimism.
  16. St. Louis and Philadelphia did it (Foles for Bradford). Chicago and Denver did a few years back (Orton for Cutler).
  17. Except the article says: "The tone of the call was informal and Clinton never urged Trump to run, the four people said. Rather, they said, Clinton sounded curious about Trump’s moves toward a presidential bid and told Trump that he was striking a chord with frustrated conservatives and was a rising force on the right."
  18. Boobie can also block punts. He blocked at least one last year, maybe two.
  19. Rex likes Tyrod and wanted him before etc. But it's not necessarily to be the starting QB IMHO. Every Rex team has 2 things, 1. A great Defense and 2. a slash QB. Tyrod was acquired to carry on the tradition of Brad Smith, Tim Tebow, and Michael Vick. If he wins the starting job, cool. But he's got the slash spot locked up.
  20. Which would take the shine off more, cutting him and looking bad (by someone, not sure who) or keeping a fumbler who perhaps could cost us another game?
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