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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. Just went to NFL.com. Never mind. Don't bother telling me what's going on. Charging people full fare for this game is highway robbery.
  2. I can't get the feed anywhere on the net, and from what I see on the associated chat boards, it seems to be a particularly difficult time to do so tonight. As such, speaking for those of us on the outside looking in.... ...COULD SOMEONE TELL US WHAT IS GOING ON INSTEAD OF JUST BITCHING ABOUT JAURON? Thanks.
  3. Let me start by saying I'm not initiating another DJ hate-fest. What piqued my interest was the fact that DJ came right out and said "Yeah, we're worried". Okay, kudos for the honesty. That's not coming from the Chicken Littles on this board, but from the Head Coach. Everyone ought to sit up and listen when THAT happens. The question is HOW worried? Bills Nation is 15 days away from playing The AntiChrists*, and the offense can't get into the end zone. Here's my request to those who review the replay ad nauseum. How good/bad has Butler REALLY played? My thinking is that Monday MAY mark the beginning of the Demetrius Bell experiment. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen tomorrow morning. I mean, if you're going to blow it up, you'd better blow it up Monday morning and give yourself over two weeks to try to pull it together. (One can say that it should have happened last week, but perhaps the coaching staff wanted to see if the Packers debacle was a unique event. It wasn't.). If the Bills start Bell at LT, move Walker to RT, and Butler back to RG, does the team improve? I'm beginning to think it's going to be a wash with Bell or Walker at LT, because you're going to have to suture (or weld) a tight end on the left side all season in any event. What do you think is the upgrade by reconstituting last year's right side? And if you do that, who goes to Left Guard? Wood? Two rookies on the left side might be worrisome, but if Wood's the stud that everyone makes him out to be, and you have the tight end on the left side (friggin' permanently), that might be a decent wall on the left. Apologies for rambling. I'd really like to hear from those who watch the tape over-and-over-and-over, because I don't have the capability. I think we do have some decent pieces up front, but I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that they're not in the right place. Where is the most glaring weakness on the offensive line?
  4. This is giving me flash backs to 2001 again. At least they beat the hope out of you early around here.
  5. Matter, It's irritating as hell that I'm even writing this. Please tell me...no, please tell ALL of us...what the !@#$ does "WAR" mean in your signature line? You're allowed hundreds of characters. Could you PLEASE illuminate?
  6. This post is probably heading for PPP. Zazie, I'm one of the first on this board to tell the super-patriots where to get off, but I have to side with those that express incredulity at Sellers' action. (Having said that, I'm a moron for commenting when I haven't seen the film clip, but I suppose that puts me in the same boat as a lot of folks). Not dropping your colors to the ground is a concept as old as statehood itself. I can't imagine ANYONE doing it, regardless of their service to the country. And for all of those that toss the derogatory "French" and "Canadian" barbs, I know a number of French and Canadians who would bust you in the teeth for dropping the Tricolor or Maple Leaf to the turf. You just don't do that. Ever. I just hope someone pulls Sellers aside and explains that to him.
  7. Well, let's make sure THAT doesn't happen again. Sheesh. Oh! I made 500! Woo hoo! No longer a rookie. And such an auspicious post, too. "Just Friends" - Oscar Peterson
  8. Agreed. This is just a re-tread. Mods, you might want to condolidate.
  9. Maybe it's all part of some massive hush-hush campaign. Perhaps the Bills really ARE going to roll to a 3-4. Do you think any of US would be told? Someone - Russ Brandon? - has already made the determination that this is the future, and pushed for the pick, assuming that Maybin would be a MONSTER at OLB. What's standing in the way? Jauron and Fewell. Think about it.......
  10. Perhaps looking at this off-topic topic from yet ANOTHER angle, it perhaps would also make sense to game plan a particular player if you're considering putting that individual into either a different role, or into multiple roles. All this talk about Maybin being ideal at LB comes to mind. One would know that....how? Similarly, I guess, would be the case of Byrd and Harris, both of whom are trying out new positions. It might be better to test the hypothesis when the scores don't count (I recognize that we're already doing that to an extent with Byrd and Harris, and Harris looks like he's taking to the new position very well).
  11. Bummer about the loss of the "Billdo" threads. That was a Sketch Soland Smackdown Extraordinaire. Glad I wasn't on the receiving end of THAT! Speaking of which, where is Sketch? I still remember that idiotic pony avatar. Amazing what sticks with you... I don't suppose we get credit for our post count from back then, do we?
  12. Maybe bedtime will be 8:45 P.M. after all. It's a long drive to Quebec. One more drive, boys.
  13. This is great. I needed an excuse to get to bed early, because I have to drive to Montreal tomorrow morning. I'm out of here by 9:00 P.M. at this rate.
  14. Fine. So I'm envious! I'm trying to catch Syracuse Channel 5 on really crappy reception up here, but I can just get color. It's like 1977 again.
  15. Do you need a life? Oh, wait a minute. We have one this time of season, and it's right here...
  16. THAT was a funny post. Not quite as funny as the "draining fluid from my testicles all the time" from a few weeks ago, but pretty good nonetheless. Personally, I hope and pray that His Holiness stays on the squad. I want him to fall to the level of Eddie Robinson, getting juked out of his socks. Keep him there, rub his nose in it, waste a roster spot, feed him Geritol.
  17. I have this visual of Jack Haley in "The Wizard of Oz" mumbling....."Oil Can....Oil Can". "Don't take me alive" - Steely Dan
  18. Steely, Good luck with the results. Yes, I have read the entire thread, as I believe we're in the same demographic. It's going to be fine. For the rest of you - talk to me when you've had a few prostate biopsies. THEN try to bust my balls. Too late. It's been done. You just can't imagine it until you've walked down the road... "Heroes and Villians" - Brian Wilson
  19. Wait...WAIT!!!!! There's a late-breaking announcement from Jets HQ!!!!!! "Veronica" - Elvis Costello
  20. Really. In the grand scheme of things, I'd just as soon Owens spend his time on the TV show over the next three weeks. And by that time, the toe - and ego - will be just fine for Monday Night Football.
  21. Dean, I'm guessing he only cares about looking good on October 5th and November 1st. Sadly, I bet he can pull it off for two games. Like a friggin' tiger. And then we get to go through the drama NEXT summer......
  22. How far we've come. When I first moved back to upstate New York in 2003, I used to shop at a Tops in my town. I remember seeing a Tops promotion for bobblehead dolls on the same poster: Travis Henry Drew Bledsoe Coy Wire Tops is now replaced by Hannaford's Bledsoe is a bazillionaire with bad knees Henry's in jail Wire's.....honestly, I didn't read the link. Last I heard, he was in Atlanta. I'm still on this board. No, I didn't get any of the goddamn bobblehead dolls. "Destination Moon" - Dinah Washington
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