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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. It's been a REAL long time, and I actually don't want to go back down this road, but - through the haze of Cabernet - I recall the Bills being up something like 12-2, and Lofton dropping/missing/just-not-making-a-catch on a long bomb. I remember thinking this because if the Bills had made this play, they would have been up 19-2, and the entire Giants game plan of possession football makes one last swirl around the bowl, leaving skid marks and corn as it goes. And Bruce Smith goes to town on Hostetler and a team that was just not designed to score points in a catch-up track meet. But it didn't happen. So my point (through the tears and frustration) is that the Giants offensive game plan was fuggin' offensive, and was within one play of proving Parcells and Belicheat to be not so goddamn perfect as everyone makes them out to be. This all having been said, I repeat my point. If anyone's going to find a way to drop sand into the gears, it's going to be Belicheat. The question SHOULD be.......how do the Bills counter HIS plan? That Pats* offense is built to score points (sorry for the cliche, but you get the point). The Pats*defense ASIDE from the D-Line............. Meh. My guess is that the only way the Bills are going to stand a chance is to turn it into a track meet. I don't think the Pats* have the tools to stop the Bills receivers. I don't think the Pats* linebackers match up well against the slot receivers or Freddo coming out of the backfield. Too much speed. The Pats* D-Line has to be neutralized, and if THAT can happen, well, my guess is that there's a fighting chance that the Bills walk away with one. I said "walk away". I didn't say "squeak it out". I mean, they outplay the Pats* mano-a-mano, and walk off with a "W". The shots of the crowd hurling insults and beer onto the sidelines will make my year.
  2. Praise you for making the most important post on the thread. Damn you for getting there before I did. Anything beyond your point is idiotic. If anyone can stop the no-huddle, it's the AntiChrist, cheating or not cheating. Get real, people. Two words: "Wide Right"
  3. John, THAT was funny. (Except I had to stand on my head and wear 3-D glasses to read it). Thanks for playing here. WB
  4. Lori, Typically stellar report. Thanks as always. Two questions for you: 1) While I wouldn't expect them to be in the same league, could you possibly direct me to someone analogous to yourself on a a Bears website? I mean, if you even know of someone, that is. It would be interesting to see the view from the dark side. Always interesting to see what the other team/media/fan base is thinking of the Bills. 2) Who is this Wawrow of whom you speak? The writer who has yet to master the use of the shift key? Glad he nailed down the story early. One can only express hope on the syntax. In seriousness, having Messrs. Wawrow and Graham on this forum is an honor and a privilege. Thanks to both of you. "I. Don Quixote" - Brian Stokes Mitchell/Ernie Sabella
  5. Dunno, Dean. I'm recalling shots of Parcells on the sidelines in Dallas during his last stint, and he just looked whipped. Fed up. Sick of it. Frustrated. Perhaps he's had a chance to clear the decks, as it were. But there didn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm towards donning the big stadium jacket and standing in the flurries......
  6. What the hell kind of post is this? Did you take a kick at the dog and miss? What a waste of bandwidth. Jesus. "People's Parties" - Joni Mitchell
  7. I remember the name, but nothing more. Any idea of what position he'd be playing?
  8. I'm not disputing that our back up quarterbacks suck....although Hamdan (IMHO) clearly outperformed Fitz. The FO is going to re-evaluate the contract they inked with the young man from Harvard. The point is whether you're looking to bring in the next Frank Reich as the back up quarterback, or Jeff George. Think about that for which you wish. Do you REALLY want this place to have the next Romo/TO/Jessica Simpson/Jerry Jones drama? You bring Vick into this place with Terrell Owens, and the soap opera extends far beyond Buffalo/Rochester/Western New York. It gets plastered onto ESPN, and blathered about by the nose-picking vacuum-heads who know NOTHING about the team. But it shows up on ESPN, and your team gets attention, so that's FUGGIN' great, right? Please spare me. THINK about it. "London Town" - Louis Armstrong/Ella Fitzgerald
  9. Link? I haven't seen the article in its entirety, so it's a safe assumption that there is more to the story than "The Bills are committed to Winning". But, if not.... Jesus, what a moron. "The Bills are committed to Winning". Really? Show me ONE franchise that isn't?!?! Before you start with the usual "Ralph Sucks", "Al Davis Sucks", "Matt Millen was fired for sucking so bad" garbage, think for a moment. What owner/GM goes into the season NOT wanting a championship....if only for the money (publicity, ticket sales, stadium revenue, etc.)? Imagine the headline "Giants Committed to Losing". Aside from being the Pats* full-time love tool, how do people like Peter King make a living by chundering this crap?
  10. I've read this entire thread, and it's mind-boggling. The joys of a web-based forum. This having been said, PTR, your point referenced above is the one that strikes a chord. As in "Horseradish Enema". The LAST thing this franchise needs is another: Flutie/Johnson Losman/Holcomb Edwards/Losman nightmare. I'm sure there are others, and I'd imagine that they'll be posted within minutes. But seriously - does ANYONE want THAT crap again? Mike Vick - run far, far, far away. We have enough headaches.
  11. I've somehow been able to learn to deal with it better over the years. No professional help, just general inurement from loss after loss after loss. I mean, they ALL suck, but I bounce back from most of them by Tuesday. Not to be too critical, but I've found that I have to stay away from Two Bills Drive until about Thursday or Friday following a Bills loss. This place becomes a collective suicide watch, and I just can't deal with the negativity. The only losses that stand out now are the REAL fuggin' heartbreakers, like: 1) The Super Bowls 2) Music City Miracle cheat-fest 3) The Dallas Monday Night debacle One that pissed me off royally last year was the Jets game. I was watching it at a trade show, and I'd hooked up my small HDTV to the aluminum booth frame to get reception in the Marriott Marquis in NYC (the show venue). I can assure you that - being in the belly of the beast - mine was the most popular booth at the show. And the Bills HAD it. Goddamn it, they HAD it. And I was actually starting to have a little spring in my step, and the glum looks on the faces of the Jets fans cheered me almost as much as the fact that the Bills HAD it. Fuggin' finally they were going to step up and win a big game. And then Losman.......oh, what's the use......now I'm pissed off again........ I was so bummed out that I turned down an invite to dinner with a bunch of colleagues at one of those really nice Brazilian barbecue places. I couldn't deal with being social or sociable.
  12. Probably not. But I believe you'll be looking at Wood as your Pro Bowl Center before too long. If I'm not mistaken, most of the posts that I see around here referencing the great line during the Super Bowl run (sadly) almost 20 years ago mention one name more than all others. Kent Hull. I, for one, would be happy with seeing Wood as our next Kent Hull for the coming decade.
  13. I would guess that they would want to spend the effort to show up.....you know.....and all that.....
  14. Let's hope St. John Fisher charges the Bills for damage to the goal post. It's anecdotes like this that make me excited to watch the run game to the right side this year. I'm having a hard time with the constant use of the term "Nasty" around here to describe the attitude of the new-look O-Line. "Nasty" is for pre-schoolers. "Nasty" is the kid that put tacks on the teacher's chair. "Nasty" is for limp-wristed nancy-boy wimps. Eric Wood is not "Nasty". Eric Wood seems capable of much more than "Nasty". Eric Wood seems capable of "Manslaughter". Lynch and Jackson have to be reviewing their contracts vis-a-vis performance incentives. It's going to be a good year on the right side.
  15. I've been criticized for my opinion on Rhodes in the past, but....well, let's put it this way. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't even on the roster by the end of the season. If Jackson and Lynch are both up to their past standards of performance, it wouldn't shock me if the FO decides to make room for another position that might be getting hammered by the injury bug (a la 2007). That could happen as soon as Lynch comes back, but that might be pushing it. That, however, also wouldn't surprise me.
  16. I've been so focused on the O-line I'd actually forgotten about him.
  17. Thank you so much. Reports like this balance out all the "You suck"/"No, you suck"/Stop calling me names. You really suck" posts that seem to have grown more common over the years. I guess I'll take the positive view on Hangartner. While I'm not hearing any overwhelming reports about him a la Eric Wood, I'm also not hearing that he's getting "Fowlered" or "Prestoned". Also good news on Walker. On the other side of the line, did you catch anything significant on McCargo? Did he do anything to make an impression on you (good or bad)?
  18. Unfortunately, Grasshopper, I can't help you on that one. I've never tried. I just logged on to the games at about 7:00 P.M. local European time and turned it off after the game was done. Very convenient, not as expensive as trying to find a place in a bar in Berlin or Athens, and I could go out to buy beer at the local store and stow it in my mini-fridge in the hotel room and not pay 5 euros per can. I'll be hitting the road a lot in mid- to late-September, so I'll be logging on frequently (for all you NFL trolls that scour these boards).
  19. More than likely it's a muscle spasm, or not enough fluids, blah, blah, blah. See the inane thread regarding Jason Peters' quad pull. But, I'll tell you what...if he herniated a disc, you can fuggin' fergit it. I mean, like, permanently. Football's done. And THEN the Front Office has some tap-dancing to do vis-a-vis Mr. Walker and Mr. Bell.
  20. I can't remember the actual service name, but it's something like "Game Pass". It's not on "NFL Network". You have to go to "NFL.com". I used it a few times while on the road in Europe last fall, and it was pretty good. It costs about $25 per game, and they know it's fairly priced. You need high-speed or cable - preferably cable.
  21. Oh, my. Sorry. I read your post having not logged in, and didn't see the signature. I logged on, replied, and logged off.
  22. I guessed it correctly, but Googled it to make sure. T.R. Read "Theodore Rex". Great biography. But what the hell does that have to do with inane posts from Pats* fans? No one is criticizing the President in this thread. On the Fox News Network, on the other hand, they have people calling him a racist.
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