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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. Please, please....don't resist as your epiglottis reaches up to strangle your brain. The pain will only last a second or two. Don't even THINK thoughts like this. Please. It's for the better of the species. "Red Rubber Ball" - Jay and the Americans
  2. They were both rough. I was in college on Long Island in 1977, and remember thinking that this was serious schit. And I was from Rochester, for Christ's sake. And then the following winter was !@#$ing unbelievable. It was so bad that some God-loving capitalist actually made a board game entitled "The Blizzard of '78". It was !@#$ing Dickensian. Schit like that is going to show up in ice cores someplace.
  3. Really. It's right up there with having to look at some goob pimping Cowboys jerseys on my Bills fan board......
  4. Bear in mind that the ONLY thing disappointing about that scenario is that it would be the Iggles against the Pats*, and not the Iggles against the Bills. If it comes down to Iggles/Pats*, I'm rooting for the Iggles like a homer. Not just because I root for McNabb in any case. Remember - there's a conditional 2010 draft pick associated with the Peters trade. The Bills either go from Fifth to Fourth, or Fourth to Third. Smarter people on this board will correct me. But as I recall, the Bills do better with a solid performance out of Peters. Go Igs. "Make Me Smile" - Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel
  5. Sounds like we're on the same page, just reading from different directions. If the interior of the Bills' offensive line holds, New England WON'T get pressure on Edwards. Oddly enough, I'm confident enough in our tackles (probably fodder for another thread in its own right). Can the Bills get pressure on Brady? If I knew that, I wouldn't be posting on an idiotic fan board. I'd be on the beach in Trinidad, and wouldn't be at all concerned that my pickup lines aren't working on the dim-witted hottie for whom I'm buying drinks this particular evening - because my grossly-enlarged wallet wouid be of greater interest to her than my grossly enlarged......oh, wait a minute. This is a family show, isn't it? Sorry, I digress. But the point is that I personally DON'T believe the Bills CAN put adequate pressure on Brady. I've never been a fan Aaron Schobel, and I'm really sceptical post-injury. Is this guy REALLY going to be able to cut it? Man, I hope so. Is Maybin going to be force for four downs per quarter? Man, I hope so. But I doubt it. Which makes me think that New England is going to put the requisite points on the board. It's going to be a track meet. Here's a broad-based question. Does the New England running attack worry you? What the hell happened to Maroney? I have to say that he really impressed me about 2 years ago. Truly. And then.....poof. Did he get injured? Or was it crack or a bad girlfriend? "Beautiful Boy" - John Lennon (and real loud, too)
  6. I'm disturbed to say that I'm obsessing on this game. It's not right to wish ones life away, but I'm living for the opening game. It's all going to come down to the interior of the offensive line for the Bills. And there's no one on this board that has any idea how that will work out. If Wood and Levitre play to the level of their financial compensation, and if Hangarnter plays like Melvin Fowler - but with a pulse - the Bills could seriously pull this one off in a high-scoring squeaker. Stop vomiting. I'm serious. The Bills' defense is NOT going to stop Brady** and the Pats*. Ain't going to happen. But our WR corps is easily one of the top 10 in the league, if not one of the top 5. If the interior of the line holds, and the no-huddle clicks, you'll watch the dawn of the latest version of the Buffalo offense. Move over K-Gun. This will be the start of "The Polar Express". Mark my words. "No Way" - David Gilmour
  7. In an effort to remain "fair and balanced"... Disclaimer. I don't live in Buffalo, but am originally from Rochester and live in Upstate New York. I could not disagree more! I've lived in SoCal, New Jersey, North Carolina, Detroit, Boston, Rhode Island, Salt Lake City. I was fortunate enough to get a good paying job (the biggest obstacle to living well in Upstate New York) 7 years ago, and remember thinking that Tom Wolfe was an idiot - you CAN go home again. If you want to consider UNY "backward", well, okay, that's one way to put it. I can see that at times when I go back to the places listed above. The opposite side of that coin, however, is to label high housing prices, smog, choked freeways, crappy underfunded schools and superficial neighbors as "progressive". I've made even MORE mistakes in 52 years, but the smartest thing I ever did was to move back here and give my family a great upbringing. They also love it, and would never move away. As for the weather...if all we ever worried about was climate, we as a species would never have made it out of Olduvai Gorge. That's what they make Polartec, Thinsulate and GoreTex for. Metzelaars, the thing you'll have to watch out for is moving someplace else, and meeting a really nice lady who has NO interest in moving from where you've met her. As you can see by a number of posts on this thread, once you do that, you'll NEVER get out of Kansas City, or Denver, or Seattle, or wherever.
  8. Really. You know, I have to imagine these writers in their private moments thinking to themselves: "Gee, I carried a C+ average in Dipschitology with a minor in Loudmoutistics, and landed this position with FoxSports.com through my frat brother, and now people are posting comments about my "expert opinion" on their fan boards. Jesus, what a country". STOP IT!!! Do you REALLY give a rat's hairy ---hole what these idiots have to say about anything except their kids' birthdays?! I'm not even sure I'd be comfortable with that. Come on. training camp.
  9. Sorry to reiterate, but screw it. It's the offseason. Everything is reiteration. 1) Gregg Williams bit the big green weenie as a coach. He bit it in Buffalo, he bit it as the assistant head coach in Washington, and he's out of football. At least I think he's out of football. I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong. But he got his ass handed to him leaving Buffalo, and even Danny Dot-Com Snyder wouldn't promote him once Gibbs retired (again). Barking at millionaires is a waste of breath. They'll outlast you, and you'll be in the broadcast booth or opening a pizza parlor within months. 2) I knew a kid from BYU that played (briefly) for Coughlin in Jacksonville. Said he was a bahhstaahhhd. This guy was MF-ing huge, terrifyingly huge, and red meat. I didn't think he'd be fearful or contemptuous of ANYTHING. He simply couldn't STAND Coughlin. Real f-ing motivational. What's the point? Like so many things in life, the answer lies in the middle of the road. Cream puffs like Al Saunders in San Diego 20 years ago can be excellent offensive coordinators, but not the best head coaches. Hard ass "richards" like Gregg Williams get the same result. Off season's getting old, isn't it? Any update on Wendell Bryant?
  10. I'm in Belgium on business, and just got on a news webite for the first time in two days. Oh my God. I really, really, really miss my wife and kids. All those children now without parents. I'm not looking forward to the ride home.
  11. Skoob, I try hard not to be a dick, but fail miserably on a daily basis. I must, however, agree with Mr. Erynthered. Please just f-off with questions regarding Wide F-ing Right. If you'd like to raise questions about Wide F-ing Right, go to a Pats* board. Or try farting in a spacesuit. The effect will be about the same. After you've recovered from the anoxic blackout, log back into the Board, and look for a moment at the number of posts you've started within the last 5 minutes. Reach shakily for the Ritalin. Back away from the keyboard. I'll give you some credit. I throw a post out here from time to time, and expect to get flamed. And usually do. You do this #%@! every goddamn day. And you keep doing it. Like five goddamn posts a day. There are birds and trees and sky outside. Experience them.
  12. Boy, I hope so, because that's the one position that scares me on this team. We're as thin as last week's gruel at DT. Stroud goes down and we're toast. I was wondering/hoping about Wendell Bryant; I don't know if anyone's heard any update on that situation. If we were to sign him, and/or McCargo blossoms, it would go a long way to getting the guys off the field. I have horrible visions of the Pats* just chewing up the clock in the fourth quarter, watching 3rd-and-4s and 3rd-and-6s being converted and converted and converted....God, it's painful just replaying it in my mind. Talk about a buzz-kill at the end of a game. I really hope McCargo steps up, for his sake and for the Bills' sake.
  13. I wouldn't close the door on changes yet. I'd love to see Pisa (wish I could spell his last name), but I'm not so certain that Ellison will outperform Harris. Stupid question - flame away. Where's Bowen slated to be positioned - assuming he makes the team?
  14. A 36-year-old linebacker? When I hear requests for veteran linebackers like this, I think of Eddie Robinson....still wandering the wilds of Ralph Wilson Stadium looking for his jock after the juke Pennington put on him. No thanks.
  15. Christ, you're boring. Pray God your friends find you more interesting. I'm done here.
  16. THAT'S pretty good. "They make great portable toilets." Good job. Almost geyered the Molson.
  17. I have a great sense of humor! And you really know how to slay 'em with your witty responses! Wowza, kiddo!
  18. Hey Dev. Yes, it was a joke. But it was stupid. You've been around here a long time as well. Do better. It was just so goddamn stupid - not funny stupid, but fourth-grade-held-back-a-grade-oh-here-comes-my-short-bus stupid. Jesus.
  19. #10 definitely works. What a concept. Start a touch-football league comprised of Jersey Girl show ponies. I feel so inadequate for not having come up with this one first. Maybe it would work in Orange County or Fort Lauderdale.
  20. Ted Washington would be a good example of an exception, but I generally agree with you. Taylor at this point in his career is more "Name" than "Game". I doubt he lays a hand on Edwards this year. Might talk some smack, might hurry him a little, but with Edwards' release....nah, doesn't lay a glove on the kid.
  21. Boy, THAT'S an easy one. Defensive Tackle. Defensive Tackle. Defensive Tackle. I'm SO hoping we sign Bryant for the minimum (with a #)$%load of incentives) and see what he can do. I'm already practicing my beer-can-toss-at-the-TV for all the unsuccessful "3rd-and-5" stops. Sorry, I mean "non-stops". Get Stroud a partner, collapse the pocket. "Kill Them!!!! Destroy Them!!! Oh-BLUE-terate them......" (Anyone recognize that line?)
  22. Yeah, I read that. But he "goes against [his] formula". He's sticking his chicken-neck out for the Bills? What does he know that I don't know?
  23. I'll hold my breath until I see them run-block. I'm just hoping that they can hold back Jenkins and Wilfork in the pass rush. I hear you on the DTs. Stroud - A. Williams - B McCargo - Incomplete Ronald McDonald - Our next star "Bargain" - The Who
  24. Don't worry. Oneonta Buffalo took a lot of grief for awhile as well. But that Levi Jones thing kind of pissed me off. "On the street where you live" - Nat King Cole
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