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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. Real stupid question, but are you doing this on a charcoal or a gas grill? I'm a charcoal guy, so I can't help you on the gas grill side of the world. If you're using charcoal, start with a cheap-o charcoal chimney - best $10.00 you'll ever spend from WalMart. Sink a few while you're waiting for the coals to reach "maturity". Dump 'em on the base, put the grate on the grill, and toss in a 1 cm x 1 cm x 5 cm piece of hickory. Now comes the tricky part. Make sure you put the chicken to the edge of the grill. In the periphery. In other words, don't put the chicken right on top of the heat. Let it take the "shock" of the heat indirectly. Cover it, for God's sake, and stand by with a glass of water if things start to scream. Give it one glass of wine, and then flip it. Give it another glass of wine. At that point, you can determine whether more cooking is required. More wine is always good, but all bets are off after three glasses. Don't call me if you "F" it up. But the upshot is that if you drop the chicken right into the middle of the coals...well, it's like an afternoon in Hiroshima, if you catch my drift. Plan accordingly.
  2. I don't understand the concept of going to church ANY week. But from my perspective, I REALLY don't understand going to church during football season. The Bills need all the support and good vibes that I can give them. Church would be a harmful distraction. Maybe if they start winning again, they wouldn't need my focus on Sunday mornings...
  3. What kind of post is this? Idiot. The Bills suck, suck, suck. Thought I'd throw in my obligatory self-demeaning post. One has to keep one's head down around here, you know. Look, TC, I'll say it here and now. This could be one of the better offenses in the AFC East. I'm not prepared to say the Bills will outrun the Pats*. However, it's starting to look like the Bills can lay a few points on good teams (last I checked, Indy went to the Super Bowl). My greatest concern is that the linebacking corps performs worse than some of the posters on this forum. And THAT, my friend, is saying something. The Bills look to have the capability to put some points on the board against the rest of the AFC East. Bubble screens into the short zone against the Bills? Ugly, as usual.
  4. Hey Scott. Thanks...but what a PITA. How do I change my font? Or does it permanently default to "that which looks like Times New Roman? I hate Times New Roman. But the site looks nice, and will take some working around therein. "How Does the Wine Taste?" - Barbara Streisand
  5. I've just re-read early Hemingway. I'm at home with Gabriel's article. I have nothing else to say.
  6. Has Levi Brown shown so much that he'd be picked up by another team if the Bills put him on the PS? I'm not saying he hasn't, because heaven knows there are far more observant people out there than myself. I guess I don't understand the angst.
  7. Oh, God. An ESPN commentator said something bad about my team. Seriously? Grow something.
  8. Right on target. Thanks for making my point. To your statement: "Look it up..."
  9. A good article. A touching, almost sad, read. "Almost sad" when I realize that he'll make more as a #3 than I'll make in the next several years, if ever. Good Luck, JP. I was always one of your boosters here on The Wall.
  10. Jesus. "A 2008 Obviously Sauvignon Blanc". A real tragedy - I've done it myself hundreds of times, but get sucked in over and over. I know. I feel so cheap and used, but godammit, here I am again. The sauce? With a Malbec? I'd "hot" it up just to blast through the buzz, especially this early in the evening. Cilantro always works. Eagles/Bengals are on up here on the border in about 15. I have a GREAT one for tomorrow. Got some people coming up here tomorrow, and I'm uncorking a Charles Melton 1999 Barossa Valley Shiraz. Grab a flight if you're interested.
  11. Iverson led the 76ers to the Finals in 2001, and came damn close to...er...wrong forum... "Don't Worry Baby" - The Ronettes
  12. That actually cracked me up. How's the Sauvignon Blanc and shrimp? And what's the vintage?
  13. Thanks, John. I believe the Wall can breathe a collective sigh of relief that the Bills have been mentioned in a national forum in a positive manner. I can almost hear strains of "Koom-bye-yah". "Take Another Piece of My Heart" - Janis Joplin/Big Brother and the Holding Company
  14. Look, mate, that's pretty damn lazy on your part. "Look it up". No, YOU look it up before you post this sort of yap. I know this will draw some sort of scintillatingly erudite response from you, and that's fine. Sometimes I like playing with fingerpaint, so go ahead. But just as a matter of board etiquette, don't do crap like that, okay? It's just as easy, or difficult, for you to engage in keystrokes PRIOR to your argument as it is for those who respond to your idiocy.
  15. Oh, Lord. Here we are. The back up quarterback is always the most popular man in town. Until he $#!+s the bed next week. This is a faint, irritating glimmer of Flutie-Johnson. Get over it.
  16. You're right, that's the comparison knocking around in my mind. But I thought Sanders was a tad bigger. Regardless, he wasn't a guy that would senselessly pound it up the gut. It's amazing what can happen when you make the first guy (and maybe the second guy) whiff on an arm tackle.
  17. I was going to post something similar today. I see a note here on my table on which I scribbled a particular play. It was at 2:18 remaining in the half, Brohm completes to Roosevelt near the 50 yard line. It probably wasn't a game breaking play; in fact, it probably wasn't even notable. What I remember being impressed by at this moment, however, is that the offense: a) Looked like it was intent on drawing blood, and; b) DIDN'T look like it couldn't get out of its own way. The Bills will have a bad day on the field soon, and the Haters will be back on this forum whining as usual. But for a brief and shining moment, let me congratulate the coaching staff. This is like recovering from a bad relationship. You don't realize how truly awful it was until you make a change. My God, the former coaching staff was just abysmal. Go, Gailey, Go!
  18. Well, I've not tried it, but I'll start looking. Malbecs are a blending wine (again, nothing you don't know). If you're drinking a Bordeaux - guess what - you're drinking a significant portion of Malbec. So those damn Argentinians have found a way to offer me a Bordeaux that is purchased with U.S. dollars against the Argentine peso, and have given me the same wine at 30% less. Damn them!
  19. Ah, yes. He CAN be taught. Remember, I'm just looking out for ya. Palates only come around once in a lifetime. Screw 'em up once, and all you're drinking is Genny Cream Ale. Just sayin'.
  20. You see, HE would understand a good Sauvignon Blanc. AND a decent Pinot.
  21. But we suck! But we suck! But we suck! Oh, my world is falling apart!
  22. Good planning. Save the Kiwi for the fresh shrimp. Fuggin' perfect. Open the Malbec very soon. The ribeye is going to be screaming for it in about 30 minutes. You know this. I know this. Succumb.
  23. Geez, Dean, tough call. A Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc? That's their signature grape (I'm not telling you anything you don't know). But, with poor culinary accompaniment, it's probably not what I'd suggest for a Bills game, unless it's something like a champion Schuster 1998 (and there ain't a lot of those kicking around anymore). Open the Malbec and let it breath a little bit. Start with the whiskey if you wish. But roll towards the Malbec by the second quarter to avoid getting totally hammered and incoherent by the third quarter. Any Malbec you DON'T finish tonight is going to go GREAT with the ribeye you're going to have tomorrow night. Just looking out for ya. You know that.
  24. 150 over 96? THAT'S a Bills fan, I tell ya. Salmon coming off the grill in 20. Check. Malbec aerating. Check. Four Tops cranking. Check. CTV dialed in. Check. Just need the Bills to do their part.
  25. An new optimist! I feel like Wall-E finding the seedling amongst the garbage. Better get your flameproof shorts on, kid. Let's see what tonight brings us. Demetrius Bell is playing, as is Wood. I just want these two to get through the carnage in one piece. If we get injuries there...watch out. And being up here on the border - oh boy! I get CTV! Let's see if this works! "New Mother Nature" - Guess Who
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