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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. Kidding about the break-up, but it really was a concert they should have kept to themselves. Going in, I knew I absolutely admired the way they covered Sweet Jane... and I almost never think of a cover rivaling the original, or in this case very much rivaling such a huge song. They opened with Don't Let it Bring You Down- an ungodly amazing Neil Young song, and did it ok enough, but the sound was off. Next up, Sweet Jane... WTF, opening with 2 covers, and both with ***** sound. The song I was most looking forward to was song 2, and the mixer was AWOL. The sound finally got less flabby after they played a few songs, but then they decided to play a few tracks from their brilliantly depressing new album that no one had heard... and I'm certainly not going to buy. very nice Bowie cover break bunch of forgettable ***** something rousing enough to get obligatory encore applause and hoots. (This is where I realized how desperate old people are for anything entertaining which gets them out of the house) forgettable encore wrote my congressman to request a couple extra nukes aimed at Canada Neil Young in a couple nights, yes both of us. Open to revising congressional request following the show.
  2. Chick got us tix to Cowboy Junkies a couple nights ago. 1/2 depressing, mostly generic - good cover of 5 Years and disappointing cover of Sweet Jane. Highly do not recommend, unless you want to get into a fight with your now ex-girlfriend about why the hell she did this to you. Going to Neil Young in a couple nights with hottie I met at Cowboy Junkies show.
  3. There's a lot if great players on that list. Surprised a lot of them are not already in, especially with so many recent hall of very good entrants.
  4. Back when I was younger and better looking, I got invited to a TC concert by an... absolutely stunning girl. I couldn't make the show, feigning work and deadlines, but really it was because she was huge into soccer. Granted we could have had a lovely evening and who knows what from there, but I ran into her too often in life, and just the thought that I might end up having to go to soccer matches eeked me out more than the potential pluses. Adding that to the list, and for a multitude of reasons, I absolutely despise soccer. I think I missed a good concert, though
  5. Three versions of Dead Flowers in one post... pulling out the CPR equipment. )
  6. I've got tickets to Mudhoney in September.- hope that counts:
  7. Rex sucked. Kiko sucked. Byrd sucked. Fred Jackson absolutely rocked- this isn't very difficult. Fitz and Stevie absolutely rocked for us, The Poz was pretty much a linebacker who should've gotten laid a bunch. How hard is this?
  8. Wade Phillips was not Bum Phillips much the way Rex Ryan is no Buddy Ryan. What the ***** is your point?
  9. Is it the Communism, the Oligarch Pluralism, or Totalitarianism? poll coming after bread line
  10. God bless the explorers of the world- they're going to make it In forgotten Titanic news, this was a great movie scene:
  11. Does anyone know how to make Hot and Sour soup? Sorry if this is a derail, and I do hope Einstein's wife can make it. Please, no doggam carrots, peas, sugar, red pepper flakes or honey... just the brilliant soup, with maybe some scallions on top. Willing to trade actual fuggin awesome Michoacan salsa recipe, or the keys to eternal beauty and happiness.
  12. Jairus Byrd's Buffalo Bills career was bolstered by being in the wrong place at the right time. Doesn't belong in the top 50.
  13. While we're passing through the Italian portion of the thread- had this in Florence... it was sooooo good I looked it up and make it from time to time. Brutally simple, just make sure to use wine you'd actually enjoy drinking: https://www.insidetherustickitchen.com/peposo/
  14. This band... nobody else would do this kind of *****... The Stones and Zep were just too 'manly'. But these guys just weren't afraid to show anything. The Kinks too I love this duo of songs- the dog racing scene, but then the actual race from the Dog perspective... Who ***** does this *****, brilliant haha:
  15. You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.
  16. Don't care- this is one of the funniest damn things I've ever seen. I was living in SF at the time, these were some of our trusted local news anchors, and IIRC everyone came out OK, just a bit of a watery landing. God bless the writer and Chyron operator:
  17. I see a 28% chance of scoring, with possible tearshowers developing as the number goes higher.
  18. 'And you, sir. Do you take this despicable creature, who cheers against Meadowlark Lemon, the Glorious Globetrotters, Rocky Balboa, apple pie à la mode, Suzie Chapstick, John, Ponch, Tattoo and Captain Steubing... and for whom my lust has no bounds, to be your lawfully wedded wife?' Something like that??
  19. hcibabybbob hcibabybbob hcibabybbob Boo!
  20. Ross Tucker could teach Tim Burton a thing or two about turning a nightmare into a career.
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