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Everything posted by Proteus

  1. I said it then I will say it now, a bigger upgrade than Chris Williams was needed in free agency.
  2. Got anymore excuses? Everyone knew the offensive line needed to be addressed in the off-season. What did Whaley do? Signed a guard who was a 1st round bust at tackle and had not previously played well at guard. A lot of fans including myself questioned it when he was signed and I question it now. If we were going to try a power running game this season, we needed at least one more good - very good lineman to add to Wood and Glenn. What we got was a below average guard.
  3. Whaley was handed one of the best offensive lines in the league. Now he has turned it into an average line, and he wants to run a power running game? Of the three headed monster running the Bills, I trust Whaley the most but this is definitely makes you scratch your head.
  4. How many games before we can stop pretending EJ doesn't suck?
  5. Really wish I hadn't looked at the computer one last time before bed.
  6. Yea, I am in this club. The coaching staff and especially EJ proved me wrong yesterday. I have pretty much been a giant !@#$ over the last few weeks on this board, so I will own up to it. I just love this team with all my heart and the last decade has been rough. There is still a long way to go but I believe this division is up for grabs and I believe we have more talent on our roster than the other teams in our division. Let's get it done this year and shock the football world. GO BILLS!!!
  7. The play call on the Williams INT was just great. Definitely deserves some kudos for that.
  8. Soft as baby ****. That is what is wrong with so many people in this country. Everything has to be prefaced with imo or imho or some self righteous jerk is going to tell you that you are an arrogant !@#$. This is a message board bud. People come here to express their opinions and one of my opinions happens to be that, people who are blindly just going to give half or a whole season to EJ, no matter what, are homers and they probably don't know anything about football. We have a good team and if you give Orton time he will get the ball to the weapons we have and this offense could put up some points. If our defense is strong then I could easily see us contend for the division this year with Orton. Sorry Pal but it is my opinion that 14 straight years of losing is enough for me. It is my opinion that another year of no passing attack and an offense that struggles to score will make it 15 straight years. I it is my opinion that if we give a another season to a young QB that just isn't good enough, that is just another year on the body for Kyle Williams, Mario, Eric Wood and others. I am of the opinion that sooner or later we have to just make the God damn playoffs! This is year 15 and I want it to be a winner. If we stick we EJ all the way and he fails, this thing could easily hit 20. Orton I think is good enough to get a very good supporting cast into the playoffs. That is what I think we have here, and I think it is better than the one he had in Denver. So I am absolutely not willing to just give him the year. It is time for EJ to put on his big boy pants and show us if he can do it or not. None of this "the coaches told me I played well so I'm happy." If he is struggling at halftime of this game in Chicago, against a weak defense, in a league that practically gives the offense every break they can, then EJ can sit his ass on the bench. This is all my opinion of course. I will make sure to preface it next time.
  9. You mean all of them? Wildly inaccurate on the long ball, struggles to hit intermediate routes and even makes WR's work hard to catch short passes and screens which means the WR's can't catch the ball in stride and have no time to accelerate before the defenders are on them.
  10. I give him until about 2:30 on Sunday. It is painfully obvious to anyone who isn't a homer that EJ just doesn't have it. Good QB's do not come into the league anymore and struggle for years. College offenses have become more like the pros and NFL offenses have adapted to be more like college. Plus these guys are much more well groomed than they were 20 years ago. Bortles, Carr, Bridgewater, and even Garoppolo have looked much further along in their development during the preseason than EJ. They consistently made throws that EJ is still struggling to make. EJ is hesitant and just doesn't have the instincts to be a great QB. If he is struggling to score by halftime against the horrible Bears defense, I probably give him one drive in the 3rd to see if he can get it going before I pull him for Orton. Trust me I hope I am wrong about EJ and that will be the tastiest piece of crow I ever choked down, but as of right now, I have very little faith in him.
  11. It was the 12 pick in the 3rd round so let's stop trying to skew it to make the BIlls look better. Seattle went hard to find a QB. Something that Buddy never did despite saying it was the most important position to him. He drafted one QB high in a bad QB draft after letting 2 great QB drafts pass right by him. That is not taking care of the most important position in the game. We had freaking Fitz and Thigpen as 1 and 2 and he felt no need to sign anyone else or draft anyone until he had a foot out the door and he had to.
  12. Give me a freaking break! Seattle went all out for a QB. They signed every guy they could who showed promise and still used a high pick on a QB. If Wilson had not panned out they would have probably taken a QB high the next season. It is what you are supposed to do when you don't have a QB. Keep drafting and signing guys until you find one.
  13. When I was a kid and saw this skit I nearly died laughing. I think it is funnier if you consider the time in which it aired.
  14. I hate this argument. We needed a QB as bad as anyone that year, actually worse than anyone. There were several good prospects, Wilson, Cousins, Foles were all sitting on the board. The consensus pick their for the Bills was to take one of those QB's. A lot of people thought that when the Bills traded up there, they were taking Wilson. But no Buddy Nix decided to get cute like so many Bills GM's in the past (Whitner over Ngata) and draft a niche WR who was more of a track star than a football player. That is his legacy.
  15. The Bills should be drafting a QB in the first 3 rounds every year until they get one. If they end up with 2 or 3 good ones, that is a good problem to have.
  16. Anyone who says no, should stop watching football right now because you obviously don't understand what you are seeing when you watch a game.
  17. Yea ok. Watch this.http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AGDaOJAYHfo
  18. Well it shouldn't be that hard to find someone better but you know are GM was happy with our QB's coming into training camp.
  19. These guys who say you shouldn't punt are idiots! Except it has been mathematically proven that they are right. http://eml.berkeley.edu/~dromer/papers/PAPER_NFL_JULY05_FORWEB_CORRECTED.pdf http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stat-analysis/2006/never-punting
  20. Call me crazy but something tells me Chase Daniel is going to make an impact in this league at some point. Also he would easily be the number 1 on the Bills.
  21. I almost want to cry. The pick we gave up to Cleveland will be the one that could have given us our franchise QB.
  22. The guy never ever goes against what the Bills are doing. He is obviously angling for John Murphy's job in the future. Remember when people like myself were saying the Bills needed to grab a viable back up QB in free agency or at least pick up some talent at QB in the mid rounds of the draft? He towed Te company line that the Bills were fine at QB and back up QB. He is a hack just like Marrone and Whaley. Also I know Sal used to post on this board and others, someone should make sure he didn't start this thread.
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