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Everything posted by Proteus

  1. So we are going change up the #8 overall defense and the first thing Bills fans have had to feel good about in years?
  2. If I was disrespectful it was because he sucked. Also I didn't use hindsight. Wilson or at least another QB was the consensus pick at that time. Everyone knew the Bills needed a QB. Like I said, Chris freaking Berman said before our pick after we had traded up, something along the line of "It's gotta be Wilson right?" That is who we should have taken, or at least Foles or Cousins. I personally was more of a fan of Cousins than Foles or Wilson coming out. I had one friend who was trying to convince myself and other friends that Wilson was gonna be great. The point is everyone knew we needed a QB and that was the right time to take one. Instead Nix got cute and drafted a track star who absolutely sucks so much it makes me want to puke. Much like the Whitner over Ngata or Maybin over Orakpo. Picks where as a Bills fan you say what, and then the analysts say what too. It what Bills GM's have done for the last decade and Buddy was no different.
  3. I'm guessing you either are not knowledgeable enough to seriously dispute me, or you know I am right. Although your one sentence response, done trying to discredit my opinion without actually having to engage in a debate will probably be enough to convince many of the homers that Nix was awesome!
  4. T.J. Graham over Russell Wilson, that is Buddy's legacy. He ignored the QB position the entire time he was here although it was clearly our biggest need. His failure to be aggressive in addressing the QB position resulted on him reaching on Manuel who right now looks closer to a bust than a Star or even good QB. The guy was GM for 3 years and after that third season his only QB's were Ryan Fitzpatrick and Tyler freaking Thigpen. Let's ignore the fact that he took Aaron Williams over Colin Kaepernick when we needed a QB badly in 2011 because we did need help in a lot of areas and Williams wasn't a bad pick. In the third round of 2011 with again our only QB's Fitzy and Thigpen, there were Wilson, Foles and Cousins all sitting on the board. One of these guys was the logical pick for the Bills. Just like Ngata was instead of Whitner, or Orakpo instead of Maybin. We had a desperate need at QB it was a great time to pick a good one in a great QB draft. Hell before the pick when the Bills had just traded up, Chris Berman said something along the lines of "It's gotta be Wilson, right? And only if we had a good GM at this moment in time. A GM who realized that without a QB, you are not winning squat in the NFL, and if Fitzy and Thigpen are all you got, you might want to use a third rounder at this point to get one. And what did Nix do? Like every other Bills GM over the last fourteen !@#$ing years of misery and despair, he got cute and traded up not for a talented QB who might end the longest current playoff draught in the NFL, but a niche WR, who is more of a track athlete than a football player. T.J Grahm, who makes more disastrous plays than he does good ones and who never, ever can catch a pass with any sort of contact and struggles with the easier ones as well. Buddy had some good picks but had some seriously blunders as well. Either way I can't forgive him for taking Graham when we could of and should of had Wilson. Wilson was the consensus pick at that time and Buddy had a perfect opportunity to end this misery by simply taking a player at a position of great need, when the draft was deep at that position, instead he got cute with it. Now instead of having Wilson in Bills gear competing for Super Bowls, or even Foles playing meaningful games in December, we are staring 15 right in the face, hoping, praying that the light is gonna go on with Manuel because if it doesn't we might be staring 20 in the face in a few years. Buddy can suck my balls.
  5. You can't read 4 and a half lines without having it separated into two paragraphs?
  6. Yep if they just would have signed him last season the contract would be ok now and a bargain in the later years. Bills went on the cheap and it hurt us. We will be lucky if we don't reach a 20 year playoff draught.
  7. This Bills won't take him, or Murray, or Mettenberger or any other QB because they are too self conscience over EJ. By the mid point of next season they will realize that EJ doesn't have it and they will be kicking themselves for not taking one of them because one or two of them will already be emerging into a star and leading their team towards the playoffs. Then it will be 15 years in a row and we can reboot the QB/Coach search all over again, because when Marrone still hasn't realized that punting from the Pats 40 on 4 and 3 instead of going for it, just gives the Pats a longer TD drive and less time for us to respond, the fans will sour on him and Brandon will can him to create the illusion that the Bills know what they are doing.
  8. Or if you are the Bills, happens all the time, like pretty much every time.
  9. I would love chud as the offensive coordinator. I am sorry but Hackett is inexperienced and it shows. Bland, predictable play calling and not really knowing how to use his personnel. If these clowns are serious like they say they are about making the playoffs, then both Hackett and Crossman need to follow Hilliard out the door.
  10. Hope all you want, I am done with that. This organization is an embarrassment and will remain that way until they make the playoffs.
  11. Bills should sign a vet and draft someone like Murray or Mettenberger in the 2nd or 3rd. Take Manziel if he is there for you in the 1st, he has elite accuracy and is going to be a star. Bills training camp QB's should be EJ, Vet, draft pick and Lewis. If they don't do something like this then they are inept.
  12. Actually I am a fan I have watched pretty much every game since I was 6 years old. So that is 26 years I have consistently been watching and forgive me if I don't get excited about a meaningless win in December when the team has missed the playoffs 14 freaking years in a row. I used to be Mr. positive and always thinking this team was on the rise. That started to end around year 11 or 12. Now I don't give a **** about moral victories or finishing the year strong. When this team makes the freaking playoffs I will be happy. Hell I would be happy with a game in week 16 that had playoff implications that didn't mean spoiling the playoffs chances of someone else. So call me whatever the hell you want but 14 years of this pathetic **** has made me cynical and I am not going to cheer lead for moral victories in December every year.
  13. Woo hoo we are playing great during yet another meaningless game in December! Call me when this team actually is in playoff contention at this time of the year. Not only have they missed the playoffs 14 years in a row, they haven't had a meaningful game in December in 10 years. It is pathetic and fans have the right to be cynical at this point. Getting excited over beating the Dolphins to go to 6 and freaking 9 is supposed to be some sort of consolation? That is laughable! Get in the !@#$ing playoffs !@#$s!
  14. You mean how about Jay Cutler? Because despite McCown having two beast recievers, which everyone wants to use to discredit him, he is still doing more than Cutler ever has with them. McCown is going to be the starter in Chicago going forward. I would expect at least a 4-5 year deal coming soon. Cutler is a free agent and the Bears will let him test the waters.
  15. Manziel haters in here are hilarious. He is a play maker with swagger and has the accuracy scouts drool over. Whoever gets him is going to be really happy. If the Bills pass on him they will regret as much as Grahm over Wilson, who by the way was too short.
  16. There is a rumor on another board saying the Bills have been sold to a group including Bon Jovi and Jim Kelly and the news will break later today.
  17. Hamilton is the biggest hack in Buffalo sports media, and that is saying a lot with what we have in this town. He isn't very good at covering hockey either.
  18. Actually that is not correct. Houston and Mathis currently have 9.5.
  19. Yes I want the drama. Seriously this team is on the verge of missing the playoffs 14 years in a row and we have no QB to backup Manuel. Manuel hasn't looked that great himself and Freeman has acutally had some pretty good success in this league. Over 4000 yards 27 TD's and 17 INT's last year with a coach who hates him. This team is good QB away from being a playoff team. Get a !@#$ing QB and don't worry about the drama, for !@#$ing serious.
  20. Wait, is there seriously any debate as to whether this front office is inept?
  21. Spiller is an elite back and Nathaniel Hackett has no idea how to use him. Almost every run the try with him comes out of the read option and Manuel may be athletic but he is terrible at making that read. Manuel makes the wrong read and the defense is right there almost every time, plus Spiller has to take the ball at a stand still out of the read option and the defense is already at full stride. Hackett is in waaaaaaaaay over his head and it is going to be a brutal year with him as the offensive coordinator, but he will be gone next year.
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