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Everything posted by Dirtbag

  1. you do know that stevie didn't actually kick that abortion of a squib, right? a professional kicker couldn't kick a football off a tee properly. this is on him.
  2. its entirely the kicker's fault. mamma pecorino could have made that kick.
  3. you at least need to hang on until the gang bang section. the stream of consciousness there makes "the sound and the fury" look like a big pile of puke.
  4. so true. most pros are either undrafted or seventh rounders.
  5. personally, i feel that there's no better place for a father to have "the talk" with his child than at a sporting event. that's how my dad did it with me and, hopefully one day, that's how i'll do it with my kids. and honestly, do you really want your daughter learning the intricacies of a dirty sanchez, cleveland steamer, rusty trombone or hairy houdini from her friends?
  6. last year's green bay team had it pretty bad.
  7. i don't like what that source has to say. can you get another source and come back with something more optimistic? it doesn't have to be a particularly deep source.
  8. yeah, and what was up with all those pom poms in the crowd? don't they already have cheerleaders on the field with pom poms? why give the fans free pom poms when you already have the buffalo jills??????
  9. of course he will. why wouldn't he want the cowboys to shut down the bills?
  10. they have every right to talk smack. they beat the bills handily. i was shocked by how uninspired the bills played today.
  11. because it's awesome and she's, like, the hottest chick ever and she's so smart and so funny and she loves football and she's just so cool and she even set up an amazon wish list so we can send her free stuff because she's so cool. and hot. and i think i might go to philly and maybe we'll just hang out and get some cheese steaks and talk football and see what happens.
  12. disagree. i think it's the third paragraph. writing doesn't get any more wawrow-esque.
  13. i just hope rex doesn't troll this forum. this is some serious bulletin board material.
  14. what's up? the white uniforms. bills fans wearing white. 50k white pom-poms. that's what's up, son. that's what's up.
  15. last i heard he was using it to test the temperature of his bath water, but that was a good five minutes ago. it might be engaged in a shampooing and/or loofahing effort at the moment.
  16. this reminds me -- i need to check out the albany times union site to get jennifer gish's take on this week's game.
  17. in my head, i hear this response in the voice of the late, great actress helen martin. damn, i miss 227.
  18. thurman played out of his mind in that game. if you make your money kicking a ball, then you need to make that one.
  19. actually, i felt he was a flawed athlete and pined for his exit for years. i'm simply pointing out that your central premise is false. he was am inferior player. still, when he bounced, his tweets were complimentary and innocuous.
  20. your understanding of literary devices is troubling. you asked what he tweeted upon his departure and i told you. i make no claims to know what a man feels in his heart. i'll leave those assertions to you. it's odd that you give kudos to tashard for his comments while bashing donte for tweeting similar sentiments. why not celebrate his graciousness like you did tashard?
  21. so if you knew what he tweeted, why'd you pose the question? regardless of his temperamental twitter behavior in the months prior to leaving, donte seemed gracious enough upon his actual departure -- at least according to his tweets. he endorsed chan and said the bills would make the playoffs. that's certainly more charitable than most of the posts here around that time. plus, there's this: http://twitter.com/#!/DonteWhitner/status/118111273497001985 he wished the bills well and moved on. following your premise, that seems exactly how a former player should use twitter.
  22. here's one from donte shortly after he left: http://twitter.com/#!/DonteWhitner/status/99656800827228160
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