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Everything posted by Dirtbag

  1. so the porous defense and uninspired offensive play are not responsible for this loss? you're being way too easy on the players that actually play the game. blaming the refs for any loss is a cop-out, particularly one in which the losing team had ample opportunity to win.
  2. i see no evidence of an agenda. he was just an idiot. plus, the bills defense had an opportunity to stop the bengals after that play. they did not.
  3. while i agree that the stevie call was atrocious, i don't see any compelling reason why the nfl would prefer a bengals' win -- especially since the bills have been one of great unexpected storylines this season. bad calls happen sometimes. that doesn't mean there's a greater conspiracy at work. i would point to the bills' lackluster offensive and defensive play as the real culprit for the loss. good teams should be overcome the occasional bad call. blaming the officials seems a bit easy in my opinion.
  4. dude, she made fun of a football team and its fans. she didn't commit genocide. try focusing that rage on a more worthy and appropriate target next time.
  5. i have a old roster from a '48 game between the bills and brooklyn dodgers, but he's not listed. actually, it looks like he played for detroit, both the cleveland rams and browns, as well as the bills during his career (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Colella). he must have had some great stories from those days.
  6. the first article depicted bills fans as delusional losers. this one makes them out to be sexist, ignorant buffoons. well played, gish. well played.
  7. this is the greatest song i've ever heard. have you considered a duet with rebecca black?
  8. i'll take a win over the pats any way it comes. i couldn't care less about their excuses.
  9. i disagree, particularly since he mentions that their contract discussions "concluded" at the end of camp. since he's being questioned about the contract (which led to this series of tweets), wouldn't he at least ask his agent if they're still talking?
  10. apparently not. at least according to stevie's tweets from about half an hour ago. http://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13/status/116635412285497345 http://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13/status/116636132724318208 http://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13/status/116636673068109824 http://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13/status/116637248514035712 http://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13/status/116637902871592960
  11. courtesy of grantland: http://www.grantland.com/blog/the-triangle/post/_/id/4469/draw-it-up-bills-breakdown i didn't see this posted anywhere. apologies if it is.
  12. they just need to do the opposite of what they normally do.
  13. let's get 'em both! mularkey and williams will be unstoppable!
  14. does this make metzelaars_lives "schopp" and me "the bulldog"? wait, shouldn't we be talking about briere?
  15. really? the mark of a good pass rusher is how quickly he scuttles through heavy bags.
  16. you must be on the pipe, right? the best part of jaws 2 was the suspense created when they're in the darkroom slowly processing film of jaws chomping away (like he do). if the best part of the film involves slowly processing film in a darkroom, it's gotta suck. to your point, however, major league 2 was painful.
  17. sorry, dude. it's just that "fitzgibbons" captured my heart long ago.
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