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Everything posted by Fixxxer

  1. the guy is an ass but I found myself laughing when he said "see, statues can run" on that long run by Bledsoe.
  2. I will believe when we play solid football on the ROAD. I like how we're playing right now but we have to win on the road.
  3. we also have a guy named George Wilson from Arkansas http://www.buffalobills.com/team/player.jsp?player_id=122576
  4. I hope that because the Phins are plagued with injuries, the FO feels sorry for Wannstedt and keep him for say, the next 5 years. that'd be sweet.
  5. Moorman, Losman, Spikes or McGee, those would be my choices.
  6. he wouldn't make any difference, Drew locks on Moulds 90% of the time.
  7. I would be thrilled by this stat if he could do in on constant basis, but since he takes sabattical years in between good days, these kind of stats are an anomaly.
  8. tudo bem!!! Brahma is also good beer, Antartica runs like water down there, same with the Guaraná (non alcohol beverage) Camaráo palito, rice up your gut, heck I think they have rice with the breakfast. Altough I'm from Argentina, I love Brazil as a place for vacation.
  9. Caipirinha galore, garotas everywhere, and the most easy going people in the world. I'm jealous, in a good way.
  10. http://www.billsdaily.com/frontoffice/#contracts
  11. I'd put Moorman there. he belongs there
  12. Wrong, I just reviewed the tape and it was a poorly thrown ball by Bledose, the defender never had a chance on that play, he raised his arms allright seconds after the ball was thrown, it should have been 6 on the board but Bledsoe, as usual, couldn't deliver.
  13. I remember Reed had a couple of long returns in preseason.
  14. Let me see: Rookie year: played nickel back and did well, got playing time from Thomas. Amazing game against one of the best WR in the game, Marvin Harrison 2nd year: burned a couple of times but adjusted everytime and if I'm not mistaken he's leading the team in balls defended. I'd like to quote Bill Bellichick, who is a film room whore: "That kid is a football player" Is he making mistakes? yes he is, does he hang his head after a negative play? no señor, he has a short memory and will make a positive play the next play. He's learning on the fly and to me he's a bright future ahead of him Plus he's a tremendous ST player.
  15. nah, he would show all "liquored" up and start harassing all the Jills-
  16. Mark (Clifton Park, NY): How can you justify keeping Drew Bledsoe in as the Bills QB when he has such a terrible win/loss record since he's been here? Is it time to attempt to see if the offense can move with another QB in there? Our coaches currently feel that our best chance to win is with Drew Bledsoe and even though our entire offense struggled in the Baltimore game, Drew has played good football for us this year up until yesterday's game. Some of the problems we had in the red zone were not strictly Drew. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=2852 note that he said exactly the same thing you're mentioning, it's OUR coaches who feel that way.
  17. bench the Drewster put TD behind center and kill two birds with one shot.
  18. yes, kind of disappointing, I was expecting more from him
  19. Hey KOKBILLS, great post, I agree with everything you said.
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