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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. Plus teams are/were going to be bringing the pressure on Brady after that Super Bowl loss. I'm sure the tape of that was a hot commodity this summer.
  2. Stream is shut down for 24 hours. Someone around page 23 posted an audio link.
  3. Not a great throw - but catchable. Looked like the timing was off, the ball was on top of Lynch as he was turning around.
  4. They must have put the fear of God into that punter at halftime.
  5. Maybe not, but we're going to be in a lot of games this year, not hoping for some miracle in the fourth quarter.
  6. No way are they running another play anyway. All those passes took what the defense gave them, and it gave us the field goal.
  7. Relax - he's young and he doesn't want to make a mistake.
  8. At leasat they seem to be trying - you've got that going for you.
  9. Wow - kind of nice watching the offense move down the field!
  10. Maybe, but it looks like a technique thing. Almost like he throwing a javelin or something.
  11. I don't think you can find the olt as easily as the cb. Would you rather not dump the cb for nothing, sure. But you can't let peters get away for nothing and expect to stay competitive.
  12. Don't remind me. That's okay to do with a cb, not with a pro bowl OLT.
  13. Possibly. It seems Ralph was/is pretty set in these negotiations. Ever try and change a 90 year olds mind?
  14. Yea, we'll see. I guess Parker is really going to want to get it done before then. But if the numbers aren't to the Bills liking, this could play out the same way next year, etc. Unfortunately it's just business which sucks for the fans. There is a lot that needs to be resolved in the next few years in terms of the CBA though, so we'll see. I'm very concerned they haven't been able to reach a deal with Evans yet, and the last comments I saw from Evans didn't seem as upbeat as earlier ones.
  15. Yes. Why would they let him go without doing that? Paying him the average of the top 5 LT's by the year may be in Ralph's plan, assuming he's calling the shots.
  16. Parker has used this technique effectively across the league and many teams have provided a new contract to his clients. He just doesn't run into a 90 year old owner who has his mind set. This could end up playing out like Walter Jones a few years ago, with the Bills franchising him until they agree on a long term contract.
  17. When Hines Ward held out in Pittsburgh, I remember the worst case scenario for him returning being either week 8 or 10 - I'm leaning toward 8. After that, the players lose credit for the year in regards to their pension. Unfortunately I can't find a link to an article, I may have just heard it over the radio. Edit: Here is something, but it talks about if he sits the entire year it won't count toward his contract. Mr. Parker is in the middle of this as well. http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_359413.html Parker would like to avoid such a scenario, although he offered no assurances when asked if Ward would make it to camp - or if he'd even play for the Steelers this season. "Do I expect it?" he said. "I can use the term, 'Hope.' I would hope it would work out. I tend to be a positive person. ... "Parker said he never has had a client hold out an entire season in his 20 years as a players representative. If Ward turns out to be the first, it could be costly, considering he could be fined for missed games, potentially forfeit 25 percent of his signing bonus ($500,000) and remain the property of the Steelers for '06, thereby missing out on free-agency. "
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