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Everything posted by ConradDobler

  1. I'll just keep saying it: Cribbs jumped to the USFL because his agent was a silent partner in a USFL team. He did the same thing to Detroit, as he was also Billy Sims' agent. Jerry Argovitz went to jail due to this conflict of interest, among other crimes.
  2. I happened to run into a beef & cheese burrito from Mighty where the ingredients in the beef hadn't been adequately mixed. I tasted cinnamon powder.
  3. You can order your wings at Duff's any way you like them...more saucy, dry with sauce on the side, etc. My last two times at Anchor Bar, the wings were served about half cooked, still pink on the inside. I'll never eat there again, and to anyone considering going there, you have been warned!
  4. WNIA 1230AM, IIRC - "Be big, be a builder." Jerry and Mike were not specific people, just the handle of whoever was behind the mike on that shift. Bob Allen of WBUF/WZIR/WUWU fame(?) appeared as both in his long and storied career. AFAIK Shane tried to resurrect his career in the '80s and admitted in a Buffalo News (or maybe even Courier Express) article that he had been away for awhile on a "toot". Nothing much came from that though.
  5. Scarface? "Fifty bucks never killed anybody"
  6. My God, can't people spell any more? Drueling? Hippocrit?
  7. Michael Chiklis played a pretty decent Curly in this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0214698/ Here's a link to the 2000 TV movie, produced by Mel Gibson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRqfxdX36NU...player_embedded
  8. Edited for being drunk. Great response predicated on total misunderstanding of previous post. Selah.
  9. I'll vote for: Captain Beyond (S/T) Former members of Deep Purple and Iron Butterfly lay down some heavy guitar rock back when all the best albums seemed like they only had 1 song per side... so perfect were the segues. They shuffled their lineup for their next two releases and neither were as good as their freshman effort.
  10. I'm not sure I'll stick around in this thread.
  11. I certainly wouldn't be excited, more like interested in a train wreck sort of way. Seeing that Owens has a completely different skill set than the offense (if you can call it that) the Bills run, it would be like throwing sand into the gears of a well oiled (yet obsolete and inefficient) machine. I think it would hasten both Jaurons' and Edwards' departure from this team, which would enthuse me just about more than anything else. Edited to add: Actually, I don't want to see Trent leave. I just think we can do way better for a starting QB. He'd be fine in the #2 role.
  12. I remember my namesake having a fake cemetery headstone on "Little House on the Prairie" when Merlin Olsen was a cast member. "Conrad Dobler Gone - But Not Forgiven"
  13. Come to think of it, maybe I am a victim of: MY OWN SELECTIVE AMNESIA/ Was that Chadwick Pennington that faked Eddie (Eugene) Robinson out of his shoes on that TD scramble? Why did this team ever hire the Houston/Tennessee/Pittsburgh cast offs? Everyone here gripes about the last ten years, what does the above group tell you? Marv was a cast off, brought into a new management scheme. All the rest are recycled old ideas. Gilbride got lucky with the NYG. Lebeau knows how to tailor a defense with available personnel. Otherwise we follow trends, and don't set them since the K-Gun. Thats another good question - why didn't more NFL teams adopt the hurry up after seeing the Bills tear it up offensively for four years? People here lately (defensively speaking) are saying that 3/4 is the flavor of the week, so many teams are trying to adopt it; because it works. Where were all the teams that tried to go with the K-Gun? Not too many I think - that was a special group.
  14. Absolutely correct, JO. I was typing "Eugene" thinking that it wasn't quite right. Then again, neither am I.
  15. Good point, TC. In hindsight, the Talley/Givens thing looks a bit shaky to me, like DT was losing coverage, and just "sort of" fell onto Givens' legs. Givens then ran upfield, away from Moon's pass. Beebe's foot was out of bounds, but was there replay then? Not unlike what the Pats* get today, but that was only ONE GAME AND NOT MULTIPLE SEASONS.
  16. And even that it was such a great game, it spelled doom for the Bills. Eugene Robinson. Jerry Gray. Kevin Gilbride. I feel sorry for Warren Moon, but this collection of losers became the Tennessee Titans, which then gifted us with Gregggggggggggggggg Williams, in addition to the above idiots. I knew it was wrong then, and we haven't yet recovered. Let's see what stupid position Greggo puts Jabari Greer into this season when NO plays the Bills. Don't forget, he was the DC last year in Jacksonville (for just 1 year) when Florence had his fall from grace. And oh yeah, how many times have the Bills beaten Greggo coached defenses since he left Buffalo? I'm thinking 2-0 (Redskins & Jags).
  17. The more and more common use of "womEn" when writing in the singular form is driving me absolutemente crackernoodles.
  18. Would the Culver City police pay back a Buffalo police grudge? Communication is very fast now.
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