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Everything posted by ConradDobler

  1. Use the multiple item excuse: Oh no! What did I send to the farmer in Oklahoma then!!?? Insist he pay for the goat, as it is already asleep and packed.
  2. Notice they didn't mention the Camera Lens (hell of a Valentines gift, BTW) in their email to you. I'd reply with something like: Dear ----, I will have the goat you wish to buy sedated before its long journey to Nigeria. I need to be assured that a team of veterinarians will be standing by upon his arrival in order to safely revive him. Yours truly, JJ
  3. From the '60s: Little Girl - Syndicate of Sound We Ain't Got Nothing Yet - Blues Magoos Talk Talk - The Music Machine
  4. For the moment: Never been any reason - Head East I got you - Split Enz
  5. In 1974 Skynyrd opened up for the James Gang and ELP was the headliner. Windowpane $2 a hit.
  6. Thanks for the thread. I'm watching Ch. 4 on OTA HD (roof antenna) and it's happening here, too. Probably Mary Beth Wrobel farting.
  7. Field of Dreams: "If you build it, they will come" Buffalo: "If you build it, they will *laugh" Case closed, sorry. (* feel free to substitute *vomit, *faint, or *sue.)
  8. And many of those mono cheapies are what the collectors are paying the big $$$ for today. http://cgi.ebay.com/BEATLES-WHITE-ALBUM-UK...Z260342828566QQ
  9. The '80s were the CD decade, so I agree! Still like some of the music, though - but on shiny black vinyl!
  10. But please still check the tracking force! That is the #1 factor (along with cartridge alignment) that will determine the performance of your turntable, whether it's a $149.99 Circuit City special or a $100,000.00 custom rig with stylii made from petrified squid penis. http://www.continuumaudiolabs.com/caliburn.html
  11. Hey Gringo - when you get your new cartridge (don't just replace the stylus, and DO get the elliptical) don't forget to set the tracking force (the weight that the tonearm applies to the LP). If you have any questions, just ask! Another nice cartridge to check out is the Grado line. An elliptical "P" mount version can be had for around $30. Not taking anything away from the Ortofons, though - they're great, too. This is a nice one: http://www.needledoctor.com/Ortofon-Ortofo...mp;category=969
  12. Got home tonight at 10 PM and checked TSW. First three threads perused: 1) Age & outlook 2) KO Arrested 3) This one. So many heartfelt, honest, TRULY FUNNY posts from great people. I guess I'm one of us. In honor of that I'd like to send Mead a bottle of dry red. Mead, please PM me with your address.
  13. Please, let's get this straight. Jackson had just completed his catch & run, and was winded, not ready to go for the next play. Marshawn was already out of the game with his shoulder injury. Only Omon or McIntyre to carry the ball. Maybe they could have called the fade to Johnson on 1st down, but I'm happy it worked on third.
  14. I'm one of the ones that sits in the corner and doesn't say much, but I'm thankful for this little community, and wish all a happy, healthy Christmas & New Year. Special thanks to SDS and all others who keep this board afloat.
  15. Scene: A crowd of suitably dressed folk are engaged in typically brilliant conversation, laughing affectedly and drinking champagne. Prince: My congratulations, Wilde. Your latest play is a great success. The whole of London's talking about you. Oscar : There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. There follows fifteen seconds of restrained and sycophantic laughter. Prince: Very very witty ... very very witty. Whistler: There is only one thing in the world worse than being witty, and that is not being witty. Fifteeen more seconds of the same. Oscar : I wish I had said that. Whistler: You will, Oscar, you will. (more laughter) Oscar : Your Majesty, have you met James McNeill Whistler? Prince: Yes, we've played squash together. Oscar : There is only one thing worse than playing squash together, and that is playing it by yourself. (silence) I wish I hadn't said that. Whistler: You did, Oscar, you did. (a little laughter) Prince: I've got to get back up the Palace. Oscar : Your Majesty is like a big jam doughnut with cream on the top. Prince: I beg your pardon? Oscar : Um ... It was one of Whistler's. Whistler: I never said that. Oscar : You did, James, you did. The Prince of Wales stares expectantly at Whistler. Whistler: ... Well, Your Highness, what I meant was that, like a doughnut, um, your arrival gives us pleasure and your departure only makes us hungry for more. (laughter) Your Highness, you are also like a stream of bat's piss. Prince: What!? Whistler: It was one of Wilde's! One of Wilde's. Oscar : It sodding was not! It was Shaw! Shaw : I ... I merely meant, Your Majesty, that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark. Prince: (accepting the compliment) Oh. Oscar: (to Whistler) Right. Right? (to Prince) Your Majesty is like a dose of clap. Whistler: Before you arrive - before you arrive is pleasure, and after is a pain in the dong. Prince: What? Oscar and Whistler: One of Shaw's, one of Shaw's. Shaw: You bastards. Um ... what I meant, Your Majesty, what I meant ... Oscar: We've got him, Jim. Whistler: Come on, Shaw-y. Oscar: Come on, Shaw-y. Shaw: I merely meant ... Oscar: Come on, Shaw-y. Whistler: Let's have a bit of wit, then, man. Oscar: Come on, Shaw-y. Shaw : Oh THBBBBBHHHHTT! The Prince shakes Shaw's hand. Laughter all round.
  16. No, but the steady decline from '93 - 2000 rests in his lap.
  17. Did someone else own it after Rootie? I was there a few times, and right before they closed the guy behind the bar seemed nervous and had a post-nasal drip problem. Another great one for wings (long gone) was the Woodshed in NT. Sunday night special - pitcher of Molson + 20 wings for $4.28. Too bad you don't live up here, I'd split that gallon of Kens with you!
  18. That was me and I didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings, I just haven't heard of that one. Where did Jayden come from? Jay + Hayden? Only wonderin'...
  19. I just love the trend for kre8tive names, too. Jayden! LOL.
  20. Count me in on not liking Marie's either (too rich). Anyone in WNY should be buying Rootie's (sold right next to Marie's at Tops, Wegmans, etc.) It's the closest to the real deal for those that don't want to buy a gallon of Ken's at Sysco or Latinas. And WTF is it with local joints serving their wings with prepackaged bleu cheese? That stuff sucks! Just as bad is places that take decent BC and cut it with milk or mayo or some such to save a few pennies.
  21. My votes were for a TE, coaches (OL) and QB. First two are self explanatory, and I'm beginning to think that Edwards would be excellent in a Frank Reich role. He's too fragile, and lacks the fire to be a week-in, week-out starter for the Bills.
  22. Until Edwards has a few convincing wins using his arm in adverse/cold weather I remain skeptical.
  23. This is what I don't understand. The Bills always seem to get head coaches/ O&D coordinators that subscribe to the square peg/round hole school of thought. The idea of adapting their schemes to the strengths of the players they actually have never seems to occur to them.
  24. Seeing that the NHL season is thirteen months long with six hundred games, there is not so much waiting.
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