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Everything posted by ConradDobler

  1. Jack Burton: Terrific, a six-demon bag. Sensational. What's in it, Egg? Egg Shen: Wind, fire, all that kind of thing! ... Jack Burton: Feel pretty good. I'm not, uh, I'm not scared at all. I just feel kind of... feel kind of invincible. Wang Chi: Me, too. I've got a very positive attitude about this. Jack Burton: Good, me too. Wang Chi: Yeah! [pause] Jack Burton: Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
  2. How about the winner of the SB gets to host the following year? An extra reward, if you will.
  3. A true Buffalo team uses weather to its' advantage. Darryl Talley recalled seeing the Raiders during warmups in the playoff game of 1990, dressed in light uni's. His remark to Marv? "They've already lost"
  4. Tutan Reyes along with Josh Scobee and Pierson Prioleau. Greggo adds failure everywhere he goes. See ya Jax!
  5. Yeah. And Mary Beth !@#$ing Wrobel said on FRIDAY that the Bills game would be 73 degrees and sunny. Couldn't get a local forecast right 24 hours in advance. This just in: Solomon Wilcots still says Beoooowws; Tricia Cruz's sinus still plugged.
  6. "The Execution" - Paul Kelly and the Messengers The entire English Settlement album by XTC.
  7. Where did I say that they don't know what they're talking about? Now that you bring it up, Sandy's Bills knowledge is a bit suspect, producer or not. I know his poop boy does play by play for a local team. My point is that Entercom has an anti-Bills agenda, and their on-air hosts are informed of that in no uncertain terms.
  8. It's not just WGR, it's an Entercom thing. Occasionally over at WBEN Sandy Beach and his lickspittle toady sidekick will do an anti-Bills show. The last time was the day of the Pittsburgh game. It was funny flipping back and forth between the two stations and hearing the same talking points and faux outrage over the Bills playing in Toronto. Blatantly obvious. I also get a good chuckle when a caller has the nerve to point out to Sandy that it's easy to tell that his topics and viewpoints are dictated by management. Sandy will then dump the call and act insulted and incredulous. Sorry, Entercom - you're as transparent a a piece of Saran Wrap, and worth even less.
  9. (In a Beavis voice): Are you threatening me? Nice quick fix.
  10. Not to nitpick Lori, but you have the date of the last meeting wrong. It was October 15, 2006. Two days after the October surprise storm. Thanks for all you do!
  11. I knew this thread would be here! My pet peeve: Listening to Sharpe talk about the Indianapolis "Coats" for over two and one half hours.
  12. I take crayonz to task for his choice of Bentley over Maybach, but here he has hit one out of Lamade Stadium. The kids on this team are treating their hair with oxidizing chemicals. Bleach? Bleech.
  13. I recall after last season a player saying something along the lines of "We'd practice a play all week and then not use it in the game."
  14. Hungarian: I will not buy this record, it is scratched. Clerk: Sorry? Hungarian: I will not buy this record, it is scratched. Clerk: Uh, no, no, no. This is a tobacconist's. Hungarian: Ah! I will not buy this *tobacconist's*, it is scratched. Clerk: No, no, no, no. Tobacco...um...cigarettes (holds up a pack). Hungarian: Ya! See-gar-ets! Ya! Uh...My hovercraft is full of eels. Clerk: Sorry? Hungarian: My hovercraft (pantomimes puffing a cigarette)...is full of eels (pretends to strike a match). Clerk: Ahh, matches! Hungarian: Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Do you waaaaant...do you waaaaaant...to come back to my place, bouncy bouncy? Clerk (Referring to Hungarian to English phrasebook): Here, I don't think you're using that thing right. Hungarian: You great poof. Clerk: That'll be six and six, please. Hungarian: If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I...I am no longer infected. Clerk: Uh, may I, uh...(takes phrase book, flips through it)...Costs six and six...ah, here we are. (speaks weird Hungarian-sounding words) Hungarian punches the clerk. Meanwhile, a policeman on a quiet street cups his ear as if hearing a cry of distress. He sprints for many blocks and finally enters the tobacconist's. Cop: What's going on here then? Hungarian: Ah. You have beautiful thighs. Cop: (looks down at himself) WHAT?!? Clerk: He hit me! Hungarian: Drop your panties, Sir William; I cannot wait 'til lunchtime. (points at clerk) Cop: RIGHT!!! (drags Hungarian away by the arm) Hungarian: (indignantly) My nipples explode with delight!
  15. Thanks for the confirmation, UCJ! At least I know it's not just me.
  16. The Bills feed wasn't much better. Entire plays were missed by the camera, and Ch 7's score banner was one third of the way down the screen and blocked the top of the field. Whoever was sitting next to Tasker knew few of the player's names, thought Fast Freddie was still on the team, and generally sucked out loud.
  17. Thanks for the kind thought! HD finally came back in the 4th quarter. I just don't get it though, it's not just channel 7, I'll be watching OTA HD and the signal meter on the TV will just drop to nothing and no go for a couple of hours, no matter what I do with the rotary antenna. The next day everything will be back, with a strong signal, like there was never a problem. When Channel 7 went down last night, the only digital signal I could get was Ch. 23. Today I'm getting 2-1 2-2 4-1 7-1 17-1 17-2 17-3 23-1 29-1 49-1 With NO changes done by me. Tonight it will be different again.
  18. I don't know where you are DHF, but my OTA HD (Ch. 7) here in WNY went out totally early in the 2nd Q. Fortunately I can still tune VHF. My question is: Is this what I can expect 24/7 come next February? Strong signal one minute, and nada the next?
  19. Not to worry. There's plenty of tape* available to overcome their opponents.
  20. I will give the Bills and coaching staff a pass if they sweep the AFC East this year, and finish at 6-10. Yet if they exhibit the <200 yard offense games that they've had in the past two years, I'll be calling for Jauron's head. Maybe he'd be a better defensive co-ordinator. No OFFENSE to Hank Bullogh.
  21. WHAT? Where the HELL are your parents? You are nothing else on this MB BUT adversarial. If my son (forgive me but I'm ASSuming you're a boy) got this worked up about anything not directly related to his success in life, I'd make sure he'd be distracted from the issue, even if it took a good spanking to get the point across. Keep your childish opinions in the schoolyard, and stop pestering the adults. Try the Disney boards. They may appreciate your pithy reviews of the latest Hannah Montana movie.
  22. Pogey, anyone? I remember a school bus driver so fed up with the pogeyers, that he put the bus in reverse and backed up a couple of feet, to discourage the practice. No one was killed, and we learned the lesson. Today that bus driver would be hoisted by the short hairs.
  23. If it was my car, I'd leave the bum tire on it and send it and the wife to Germany to drive on the autobahn. But seriously, do you get any wobble from that tire? I've had some tires with sidewall undulations that never gave any problems. Note that I'm not talking about an obvious bubble. I realize that's an unusual size, but have you checked for used ones anywhere?
  24. Corner of Eggert & Sheridan. After it closed, there was a Bonanza Steak House there. Now it's a cosmetology school.
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