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Everything posted by ConradDobler

  1. I do remember that game. 24 - 0. The Bills deliberately laid down cause they were PO'ed at Chuck Knox for benching my namesake a week earlier at Dallas.
  2. Why don't Muslim players bow toward Mecca after touchdowns? What about Druids? Thank your Deity in your heart and mind. If you shove it in everyones face, I don't like your actions even if we are on the same side. It's just legalized showboating IMO. To quote Marv: "Act like you've been there before." Didn't someone in football (not necessarily NFL) get pictured giving gang signs after a touchdown?
  3. Well I don't know. To me, these guys are being paid big $$$$ to speak English during a football game on TV and Solomon (less the biblical wisdom) is screwing up about 25% of the 26 letter alphabet. If he sounds stupid, he IS stupid in my book. Tren Etwarts my ass.
  4. Would you please shut up already about friggin hockey? You've stated this in two posts already and IMO it does not belong on a football board. Hockey goes on for 64 weeks out of a year; the last season doesn't end before the next one begins, please give me a friggin break from HOCKEY, will ya? Football season is too short to be distracted with 13 months of friggin hockey.
  5. Ken "Baby" Johnson. I hope Lori will back me up on this...
  6. Hmm. Identical post in three different threads. Sounds like a crusade to me.
  7. What play are you thinking of? The one I'm talking about is the Raiders pass interference call that was reversed because the Bills DIDN'T SNAP THE DAMN BALL IN TIME. We gave the Kiffin the time TO THROW HIS RED FLAG, WHICH WAS NOT IN OUR FAVOR. WE HAD IT FIRST AND TEN IF WE HAD SNAPPED THE BALL. WE WAITED - HESITATED. THE PENALTY WAS OVERTURNED AND WE HAD IT THIRD AND SEVEN. IF THE BILLS DIDN'T CONVERT THAT THIRD AND SEVEN, WE WOULD HAVE TO PUNT. Sorry for yelling, but this sticks in my craw. A truly sharp team (can you hear me, Mr April?) should be on this like white on rice.
  8. Well, 2nd year QB. It is on him, but it's not like he's #12 in 1991. Someone on the sidelines (or talking into his helmet) should have given him the "Firedrill" code to get the team up to the line pronto and SNAP THE DAMN BALL.
  9. This is being discussed in other threads but not as a primary topic. What the hell was anyone thinking on the Bills sideline... (Bobby April? YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should have known) Take that PI call and get up to the line of scrimmage and SNAP THE DAMNED BALL... JUST FALL ON IT FOR FU(KS SAKE!. You would have eliminated that challenge. CHUCK KNOX GRASPED THIS CONCEPT. QUESTIONABLE CALL THAT GOES YOUR WAY? SNAP THE BALL! The Bills milled around for 30+ seconds, like they were waiting for Kiffin to throw the red flag. Stupid! We are lucky that setback didn't cost us the game. Did I say stupid? Did I say that Chuck Friggen' Knox knew better than this? Did I say that Bobby April should have been humping Jaurons leg like a poodle to encourage the snap of the ball? Did I? Bad form from the boys in charge.
  10. It seemed they laid down. I mentioned it to my creepy friends "Is this Kiffins F*You to Davis?" "We had the game but you are such a dick we lost it!"
  11. And as a backup to #34 don't forget #30, Don Smith. He of the direct snap fame. Unfortunately it didn't work so well in the Superbowl, but it sure helped us get there. Lost in FA (AFAIR) to the Poorpisses, he seemed to be another ex-Bill that suffered from the Curse. Anyone want to talk about Chas Romes?
  12. I never heard his name mentioned, and he was not listed as an OL on CBS. Was he a MacGuffin?
  13. Exactly. That was Greggo, Bledsoe and Jerry Gray, right? For the second consecutive year we have beaten a Greggo defense. I hereby proclaim him overrated, and no longer relevant.
  14. +1. Gives a great interview, too. Smart guy, lets his on field play speak for itself. By far worth the $$$$ And big props to #26, Youboty. This guy has come to play ever since the first preseason game. It's been a long time since so many threads HAD to be started in order to honor all the players that contributed to a win!
  15. The Big Dirty* with their trademark food, The Dirtyburger* Ricky, Bubbles and Julian had them pegged from the get-go. The schitt clock is ticking for that bunch.
  16. And please feel free to draw as many conclusions from that game as you deem necessary. If you are the wagering sort, I may have a proposition or two for you.
  17. Judge me as you will. I'm not CD, but I admire the mans' competitive spirit. As far as Robb Riddick goes, he was a first down/touchdown machine. See his 4 TD game against Miami in 1987. Kenny Davis was good, but he was no Robb. Mr. Riddick deserved better than that shot in the knee in a friggen preseason game...
  18. #40 Robb Riddick, you knuckle draggers. He was the prototype number two back. Career ruined by a Seattle cheap shot in a pre season game. Seattle sucks.
  19. Sorry for this, but I just hope they don't tell the Chargers "We'll make it up to you in the Bills' game..."
  20. If the court decides that global warming is caused by man, it should allow mandate any & everyone to be killed, period. Last executioner has to off him/herself.
  21. Two more albums: Molkie Cole (Cleveland band) Hungry Chuck (... Amos Garrett, Ben Keith, ND Smart)
  22. Drink heavily (just don't show it). Alcohol kills germs.
  23. I never got to see PK, but I was one of the lucky ones to see XTC blow the Police off the stage @ UB's Clark Gym back in '78 - '79 or so... they were touring for the Drums and Wires LP. Captain Beefheart @ UB (Buff State?) Hallowe'en '77 was great, too. +1 to PTR for Gentle Giant; +1 to Taterhill for SOTW; +1 to BBinATL for Icicle Works.
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