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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Where for the most part "everyone" is a bunch of Facebook "friends" who I've never met and who collectively don't give 2 ***** about me and vice versa. Meanwhile the 2 kids are orphaned in a horrific way for nothing. smh.
  2. Maverick took his final ride on 7/19. Doesn't that make 3?
  3. He must have mixed up his prepositions. In England you're supposed to take the piss out of WASPs. Not take a piss on WASPs.
  4. "Hmmm, I wonder which jack-shack I should patronize. Let me see... ah, this one directly across from my wife's yoga class looks promising..."
  5. We have kombucha from time to time. It's salty as all heck. I find it works better to think of it as a soup rather than as tea. My favorite way to consume kombucha is to pour it over steamed rice (which at that point makes it nearly indistinguishable from chazuke.) PS: It's cheap out here (SoCal)
  6. +1I've been assaulted by wild raccoons in 2 different states. The last one, if Ben Dreith had been there he'd have penalized it for giving me the business!
  7. No. I have only 2 basic rules: No biters/choppers/sawyers/hackers/slicers/dicers or others who make a habit of frolicking with sharp implements. No one named after a death god/goddess (i.e. Kali, Durga, etc.), a natural phenomenon (Sunshine, Rainbow, Stardust), or anything with horns (Fawn, Nyala, Arwa). This chick fails both tests. Pass.
  8. So last weekend we decided to go tent camping. The hottest, driest weekend (104 degrees F when we were leaving Friday pm) in the hottest, driest month, in the hottest, driest year so far, in the middle of a once-a-century drought. Naturally, it rained.
  9. Ohhhhh....so that's what Mr. McGuire was talking about! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsrLHP26zvk I'd aim to send her count negative. Make her forget some she'd already had with those infernal devices.
  10. She couldn't handle me...she's only used to getting 15 O's per week.
  11. SpaceX is very cool. I got a tour of their facility when they were recruiting Software Engineers last year. Their rocket assembly pipeline is just nutso.
  12. Nailed it. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/07/25/porcelain-dolls-doorsteps-california/13153709/
  13. 5/5 But I've been writing pattern recognition programs for 20 years, so that's probably cheating.
  14. The "Not fully sad, but you will be soon" chick -- most definitely.. She got that Penelope Cruz thing goin' on.
  15. At work, a bunch of us were watching the game on a big-screen TV. Someone observed that the ESPN caption box ran out of room to display all the German goals on the Germany side of the box. I suggested they could just list the additional German goals on Brazil's side of the caption box, because Brazil certainly wasn't using it.
  16. Ann Coulter is a chick? For real? I would not have guessed that.
  17. Casillas is done like dinner. Although he did get mugged on one of those goals.
  18. If I had a nickel for every time I've read that in the last decade+ of futility I'd have ... pretty much all of the nickels.
  19. Never felt the urge to get close enough to check. Guy I knew at a previous job did though.
  20. Man, you'd love Santa Monica Boulevard.
  21. Since when is throwing wiffle-balls at each other from your knees considered to be batting practice? We used to call it "!@#$ing around."
  22. Our defense sucks! Doomed! Our offense sucks! Doomed!
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