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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yup. UPL allowed 4 goals, but those 2 Ovie shots were unreal and that Dowd one was a defensive breakdown.
  2. "Bonkie bit Garp. Garp bit Bonkie."
  3. Yeah, Schiff supports Jeffries... And apparently a proposal was made to McCarthy last night that would have gotten him the required votes. He rejected it.
  4. Unbelievable injuries have wrecked what was supposed to be a SB-winning season. If they somehow manage to win it, great, but I'm not faulting them if they don't.
  5. As long as they can stop Joke's terrible policies, it's a win for the country. Not much "governing" they can do with the Senate and Presidency controlled by Dems. Again that's democracy. The process will play itself out.
  6. It's democracy at its finest. Not merely going in lockstep with someone who can raise the most money for you...
  7. He told them "he thought the Capitol would be open"...and yet is on video telling people "we gotta break into the Capitol"? And those idiots bought that? Yeah, not suspicious at all.
  8. I think that was a joke. That’s why I laughed at it.
  9. Franchise? No one said that. More than the Giants want to pay? Very possible.
  10. No he didn't go into the Capitol. Neither did Trump. Therefore...
  11. They're already starting with the "why DeSantis could be worse than Trump." Clowns. But very telling.
  12. Yes, Hutchinson was clearly telling the truth when she claimed Trump assaulted a SSA and tried to grab the wheel of the Beast AND allowed armed men to be near him. Good thing she ditched those Trump lawyers...
  13. Yup which is why it would be in his best interest to test the market.
  14. Don't waste your time. They know all that, they just don't care. Because it destroys their feelz. In their feeble minds, Trump, despite saying "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" told them to break into the Capitol using telepathy, apparently. He also made sure security was inadequate that day.
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