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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Meanwhile if Santos had been a Dem, considering he's Brazilian, the right would have been accused of racism.
  2. Why? Like I said, people elected a demented guy to be President, a dead guy to the PA state legislature and a stroke victim to the US Senate. We have no standards anymore.
  3. And the arena is packed. No wonder tix were so expensive.
  4. Was he raised in a Puerto Rican community, go to law school on a full scholarship, finish in the top half of his class and graduate with 3 degrees, have cancer, get arrested in South Africa, get shot at in Iraq, have his helicopter shot down in Afghanistan, have his house burn down with his wife in it, award his uncle with the Purple Heart and have his son die in Afghanistan?
  5. My boy blue. Cheese. Bates it the future C for the Bills. Need to find new OGs next year.
  6. Everything they're against is a "threat to democracy" or "racist." It's projection.
  7. That's what happens when you're told what to think based on headlines.
  8. Proving yet again that the left can't meme.
  9. Joke has Trump beat when it comes to lies, just by the fact that he's been in office for 50+ years. So that dog won't hunt. And yes, trying to overthrow the government without weapons is a brilliant plan. The "poorly educated" indeed. Tell me about "ten percent for the big guy."
  10. Adam can certainly give her pointers in bombing one's own career... And blue states have far more overall deaths per capita.
  11. Your party does no such thing. And they lost the House and any chance to keep pushing through their socialist agenda. He can say he identifies with all the stuff he lied about. Works for libs.
  12. No biggee. Despite having Adams, Waller, Jacobs, Renfrow and a real OC, he sucked.
  13. The Dems have done more for the authoritarian regimes than they could ever have done themselves. Congrats on being their useful idiots!
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