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Everything posted by Ennjay

  1. And now it's back to normal. Strange. But I had exact same experience as Uncle Flap yesterday.
  2. Anybody else getting intercepted by this page when you click into twobillsdrive.com? Is this some kind of hacking? (I got to TSW via SabreSpace.)
  3. There will forever be only one Butch Byrd. Look him up, kids.
  4. Idzik used Rex in '14 the way Tim Murray is using Ted Nolan. The key difference is that Murray is putting his plan in place around Nolan -- the prospects, the draft choices -- while he bottoms the team out. Idzik had the bottoming out in place but planned on FA's and draft choices to build around Geno in the future.
  5. BN story says Urbik was #53 and Richardson #60. Not star quality, but ahead of Pears,
  6. I'm not planning to read all 19+ pages so if this has been answered, bear with me. If Pears was #76 out of 78, anybody here know what 2 NFL regulars were worse than him?
  7. You got me thinking about trading EJ for Glennon, straight up. Does anyone know Glennon's contract status?
  8. It just occurred to me that the Bills haven't lost $4M on the opt-out clause, they saved $4M. Everything coming out now, PLUS the decline in offense and the OC and QB situations, say Marrone shouldn't be a head coach. If the Pegulas had fired him (a BIGGG if) they'd owe him the last 2 years on his contract (= 2015 $4M + 2016 $4M). Since he opted out they only owe him one. And best of all he's not the coach. Meanwhile I keep praying the Jets hire him asap.
  9. The 4th game is always NE/Giants, IIRC. For same reason everyone else says: they're close and only play reg season every 4 years.
  10. OK, I'm going to try this again. I started a topic asking if anyone's heard of plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the '64 AFL Championship. The mods merged it with this similar chain because God knows we never see similar topics on TBD. Heaven help the extra electrons to be slaughtered if such a thing happened. Meanwhile this evolved into a Lou Saban history lesson with some side remarks about Lil' Donte. For the record, I loved Saban and Cookie back in the day. But I still haven't heard an answer to my original question: are there any plans? I guess the answers I got mean "no, there aren't"?
  11. This is the 50th anniversary year of the Bills' first AFL championship. Has anyone heard of any celebration or whatnot?
  12. I know a serious reply is really out of place here, but anyway: You're overlooking another design to the offense: we're collecting OL behemoths and extra RB's because we plan to run the ball, chew up clock, and keep the D off the field. You think we drafted those guys (and no TE) to pass block this year?
  13. Ever notice how many people on TBD have no sense of humor whatsoever?
  14. “That’s one of the good things about being here in Buffalo. The weather was so bad, we had plenty of time as coaches to stay together. When that snow was rolling and it was 5 degrees outside, we were holed up in the room, watching all their stuff from last year.” Yeah, that's what I want to hear. Make sure this gets out to every potential free agent, too,
  15. I'm wondering how many people on this board remember the political fights from ~45 years ago over the location of the Ralph, before it was Rich Stadium. The politicians divided predictably (Dems for the city, Reps for the 'Burbs). The then-Buffalo Evening News pushed hard for as far away from downtown as possible so Mrs. Butler's trucks wouldn't get caught in traffic jams after games. 'Course, there was a lot of talk then about a multi-purpose stadium that a baseball team could play in. Nobody does that anymore -- I think Oakland has the only shared FB/BB stadium left. We learned the first time around that a stadium on a remote island away from any other commercial development, like the one in Orchard Park, has as little secondary positive impact as you can get. So do the politicians and business people get it or, assuming there's the money to build anything, did they learn too?
  16. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. If we can trust this site, Cyrus should be just about signed.
  17. I know the Bills are down to just Sammy #1 and Cujo #2 but I'm wondering how they compare/slot against other teams, just for comparison. I also know a few other #1's have already signed but not much about #2's. Does anybody out there have anything to offer? Thanks.
  18. I think of this as the Michael Jasper Memorial Pick -- take a shot on someone who may or may not be worth it. I'd like to see them bring in that O-lineman from McGill.
  19. I was just about to post that not taking a TE so far must mean they really like what they've got in Moeaki. And I guess they like Chandler and Gragg well enough.
  20. The exact same discussion must be going on right now on the Ravens fan blog site over the 4th they gave up for Lee Evans.
  21. Didn't Mark Pike win at least one with Denver? And did Gary Anderson win with Pittsburgh?
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