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Everything posted by Ennjay

  1. Thanks but does anyone know what the PS limits are? The PR about signing him as a future/reserve says he's in his FIFTH year, which I thought put him way beyond PS eligibility.
  2. Can someone explain how or why he's eligible for the practice squad?
  3. Based on what the D looks like today, I don't think we have to worry about Pettine going anywhere.
  4. Two thoughts: 1. Pettine's not going anywhere as a DC. That's a lateral move the Bills would block. But ... 2. It's common to interview hot coordinators for HC jobs even if they're not serious candidates so the interviewing team can pick their brains. This year's Bills improved in D in a lot of statistical ways so a lot of teams may be curious. Interviewing Pettine (a) gives you ideas for your own defense and (b) gives you insights on the Bills (and currently the Jets) for the next time you play them. And before someone posts "isn't that info the new coach would want, not the owner and GM or whoever interviews?" Maybe but that's still what NFL teams do.
  5. I read an interview with him once in which he remembered enjoying going to Bills/Jets games as a kid with his dad. Sympathy to Boomer and his family and may he have plenty of pleasant memories like that.
  6. I'll tell you exactly what's wrong with this thread: There's not one reference to Tim Tebow in it.
  7. Is there a difference between in-season and preseason IR?
  8. Good head but so-so athlete with limited arm strength. He'll be a coach someday.
  9. I didn't see this posted already so I'm sharing it from http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/story/_/id/9545428/uni-watch-power-rankings-rates-nfl-uniforms-1-32: Stevens Wright, who designed the Bills' "charging buffalo" helmet logo, died earlier this year. This will mark the team's 40th season wearing his design, and it has never been part of a better uni set than it is right now. The blue pants, the striped socks, the white helmet -- it all looks great. And it will look even better this season, because that annoying neck roll collar (also known as the toilet seat collar) has been scrapped.* Such a sharp look, it's hard to believe this was arguably the worst-dressed team in pro sports just a few short years ago. * Great news!
  10. I don't disagree that he's wrong a lot. I just give him credit for putting in some research effort before he opens his mouth.
  11. Over the years I've only noticed two exceptions to my personal complaint and observation that nobody in the media REALLY follows all 32 teams and most of the national media just recycles last year or repeats what everyone else says: I don't think Jaws says anything until after he's seen game tape; and Dr. Z. He really knew his stuff and put in the work. Does anyone else miss him?
  12. I'm sitting here watching a thermometer dance around 100 and wondering, even if he is from VA and went to FSU, exactly when was this picture of EJ in a winter vest taken?
  13. The question in my mind is how loyal Whaley wants to be to Buddy's picks. (Yes, I know Whaley was here the past three years, but he wasn't in charge yet.) Marrone doesn't owe anybody anything from before he was hired, so he'll feel no need to keep an Easley around over someone a few years younger who shows just as much in training camp and maybe contributes more on special teams. Does Whaley feel like keeping an Easley here over a Kauffman? Otherwise I agree with most posters here. SJ, Woods, Graham, Goodwin are mortal locks; SJ's a no-brainer, Woods and Goodwin were just drafted, Graham was a #3-rounder just a year ago. Rogers will have to play (on field and off) his way off the final roster, given his talent. Smith? He plays special teams and I've heard he's a great lockerroom guy. Otherwise see my first paragraph.
  14. Nothing new on the front page since June 28. And the topics and posts on TSW are looking a little stale too. You mean to tell me the Buffalo News had nothing on the Bills over the weekend?
  15. Seriously: does Belichek send Tebow out to TE? Does anyone know if he can catch the ball?
  16. Agreed. And I should also learn how to spell Kool-Aid.
  17. This is the time of year I chug it by the gallon. Yesterday I was so impressed they signed Ligursky (a FA lineman comes for a visit and they sign him RIGHT THEN AND THERE!) that I had to catch myself. They did about the same thing with Lawson, and while I'd like to think the new Front Office is aggressively upgrading left and right, the truth is more that they picked up journeymen who will help but, hey, hold up a minute, c'mon, they're no better or worse than a lot of other FA's out on the street and no balance of power has shifted. So my question, on a boring Thursday when I'm itching for even preseason so there's football activity to watch: what's the most extreme buy-in you've made that forced you to catch yourself and say "hey, hold up a minute, c'mon" even before you saw a game?
  18. He might get a little more. QB's get a premium.
  19. One thing it means, just like the draft and some other signings (Rogers, Kaufman, . . .): don't get too comfortable if your last name is Smith or Easley.
  20. I know this was a highlight reel, but his QB did a nice job of putting balls where Kaufman could catch them. Do we know anything about the QB?
  21. I just hope he doesn't get cut before I learn how to pronounce his name. I it "Da-RICK"? Or "DARE-ick"? Personally I think the pronunciation thing is why he wasn't drafted -- nobody wanted to be embarrassed at the podium.
  22. Steeler fans get upset about Jerome Bettis missing the HOF like we do about Andre Reed. How many people remember what a bust he was with the Rams? Cris Carter was ordinary in Philadelphia. I'm just saying, it's worth swapping someone who doesn't fit your plans for someone who may have something to contribute.
  23. 5. EJ walks into a stable coaching situation. Marrone isn't going anywhere for three years and neither is Hackett. Smith plays for a HC the NY media says is already in his last year, with the team's third OC in three years. Add in media pressure, poise, and the comparisons with Sanchez and Eli, and you have to think EJ is coming into a perfect situation for him and Smith into the worst possible situation for him. And I think character and fortitude count hugely for a quarterback. That's why guys like Kurt Warner (not even drafted!) and Rich Gannon can have nice careers and guys like Jeff George screw up no matter how many chances they get.
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