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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. Spiller is soft. He goes down when the first defender hits him. He rarely ever even falls forward. He's back to his happy feet dancing instead of making a cut and taking off. If only we could put CJ's speed into Fred's legs. Fred has vision, Spiller...not so much.
  2. Agreed. The Bills just aren't good enough.
  3. Christ almighty. What the hell is wrong with people?
  4. And what exactly did he sound like before? He's always been a quiet guy.
  5. Probably one of the worst in the league. Hopefully someone will start to step up and make some plays.
  6. He's already shown he's worth a big contract. See his first 4 years.
  7. There's no way we're winning this one. A practice squad QB against the Bengals? It's going to be a rough game. I anticipate lots of 3 and outs for the Bills. Cinci wins 27-13.
  8. I'm amazed that people start threads like this. How some sleep at night is beyond me.
  9. This guy has talent. He is no Lil Wayne. Anyone like Tech N9ne? I'd love to hear some opinions.
  10. Just calm down. Are they not allowed to have any fun? How do you know this video wasn't taken at the end of a 3 hour film session? You sound like a damn woman.
  11. I laughed when I saw them. They definitely look fem.
  12. Or you could just you know...not be a dick...and not comment if it doesn't interest you. To the OP, we could definitely use some help on the offensive line. It's pretty much inevitable that one of them will go down at some point.
  13. Then you would be doing so to the detriment of the Bills organization. It sounds exactly like "sour grapes."
  14. My favorite is coffee with Hershey's chocolate/caramel creamer. It's far cheaper than canned drinks and I can make it as strong as I want.
  15. If you are retarded it really doesn't matter what your opinion is. If looking at stats is your only knowledge of how good a player is then you are just a dumb ass. Byrd created 9 turnovers last year alone. He has more interceptions in the past 4 years than the entire Bills team.
  16. The 4th book in the series, "A Feast for Crows" does drag a bit...but it introduces a lot of interesting characters. The 4th season on HBO (the second half of "A Storm of Swords") is going to be epic...so much happens!
  17. Now you can get caught up by reading the books. They're all great!
  18. You must be the most mentally challenged person on this forum. The Bills' defense has sucked, so why would we want to keep our best defender? You sound like a damn fool.
  19. If you decide how valuable a player is based solely on stats, you don't know what you're talking about. He had less passes defensed because QBs aren't throwing his way as often. He's the best tackler on the team, creates the most turnovers, is good against the run, etc...You're a fool if you think any player wants the franchise tag, especially at a young age like Byrd. The Bills are stupid for even letting it get this far...they should've signed him last year and avoided the franchise tag altogether.
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