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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. What is an extremely strong indicator of a successful team? Turnovers. Byrd is by far the best on the team at creating them. He plays safety. How in your right mind can you say he plays a "lower impact position"? The defensive gameplan last year was atrocious every single week. I'm hoping they sign Byrd long term and build off of him.
  2. So your opinion is based on what sportswriters think?
  3. Spoken like someone who only looks at stats and doesn't actually watch the games. Anyone with half a brain and access to actually watch the games knows Byrd is better now than he was as a rookie, despite not having as many interceptions.
  4. The books are 10x better. If you haven't read them, you should.
  5. To all you fools who don't think Byrd makes a difference...you are wrong. He creates turnovers. Creating turnovers is the ultimate goal on defense. He's the one player the Bills have that is really good at doing so. Jason Peters was traded for Eric Wood, Danny Batten, and Shaun Nelson. When you have a known commodity, you don't risk giving it away for an unknown.
  6. I agree! Leodis is going to have a career year in my opinion.
  7. F-----g great post. Byrd is a badass. He deserves better...but I still hope they can somehow get him under contract for another 5 years.
  8. With how crappy Buddy Nix is at drafting, why the hell would anyone want a draft pick or two instead of Byrd? That makes no sense to me.
  9. I hope we take an offensive lineman in the 1st, and I hope to God we don't take Nassib in the 2nd...he looks very average. I don't care if Marrone knows him well. I don't see him going until round 3...I think people are crazy wanting to trade back into the first or even spend a 2nd on him.
  10. Good lord. He wasn't even a stand out player on Oregon's defense! He's Aaron Maybin 2.0.
  11. If you're worried that Byrd hasn't signed his tag by mid April, you should try getting a life. It's like a big room of whining women in here, save for a few. Byrd has created more turnovers than Ed Reed did in his first 4 years. But that's not good enough for some.
  12. What a bunch of fickle fans some of you are. I guess some people don't appreciate a good player when they see one.
  13. Yet they are in the playoff hunt year in and year out.
  14. The players make more than a fair amount. They should consider themselves lucky.
  15. Great post. The Bills sit on their hands yet again, while Miami and NE make moves to strengthen their teams. Prices are way down this year, and yet the Bills are still stuck at the gate, while others are off and running.
  16. Good riddance! Yeah, yeah, he's a nice guy...great. This is the NFL though, you can't suck like he did and expect to collect 10 million a year. He wasn't going to lead the Bills to anywhere but 4-12 or 6-10.
  17. I just shaved my beard of 4 months last week for a job interview. I can't wait to grow it back to full strength.
  18. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000146298/article/buffalo-bills-receiver-stevie-johnson-hits-the-recruiting-trail Let's hope it helps.
  19. Do you mean it's a mistake to put the tag on Byrd instead of Levitre? I'm really hoping by way of miracle he'll want to sign long term.
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